Secret Love Of The Ceo 105 Mrs Zinu Smith

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Charlie left the hall and sat in a chair which was kept on the corridor. He can not leave the place, It was his duty to be here and help his boss. He only can cries alone. He could felt the tears flew from his cheeks.

      He is Charlie, who always does his duty with a smile. But, n.o.body could able to understand his feelings. His Dolly was the only person, who understood him in all situations. But he himself threw away her from his life. Now she is going to start a new life with a suitable person. He should be happy for her.

       Henry Davidson is the sole heir of a big company. He knew he could not give her everything which this Henry could give. No, he can not be selfish. Earlier he thought that he would clear the misunderstanding between them, but now he is thinking the opposite. If he tries to clear the misunderstanding between them, Dolly would not able to go ahead in her life. She would regret her new life.

'No, I should not try to talk to her. Although she is saying to me that she hates me but I know her well. She loves me till now. I can see it in her eyes. But I should let her go. If she was the same Dolly as I know during college time, then I would try hard to bring her back to my life anyhow. But, now She is Dolly Smith, the only sister of the richest man in the country. A pauper like me is not even eligible to go near her."He thought and got up and went inside the hall.

        Inside the hall, he saw John and Mrs Smith were on the stage. John was addressing the gathering. Mrs Smith was also there to support him and to start the most important and enjoyable part of the party.

         Every year Mrs Smith prepare some games for the employees and partners of Smith Enterprise. This year also she was there for a game.

"Ladies and gentlemen, As you know like every year, this year also I am here with a game. Hope you will like the game. The name of the game is a 'couple of game'. The rule is, All the males present here have to stand in a line. All the females would be blindfolded and let them choose a male partner by touching. She could choose one male among three males. After choosing the partner, they have to do some activities. We would select one pair as the best pair and they would be given 'The best couple of the year' award. There are no age limitations. Anyone can take part in the game. So ladies get ready to choose your partner."

        Everyone yelled at joy. They always waited for this game time. Even a married person is eager to take part in the game. 

       John was sitting on a chair and enjoying the game. He tried to speak with Zinu, but couldn't get any chance. He signalled her to see the mobile and sent a message. 


        Zinu opened the received message and a mischievous smile flashed on her face. She nodded and left the room. John too got up and followed her. He took the lift and reached the eleventh floor of the hotel.

         After reaching there he opened the presidential suite. On the drawing-room of the suite, Zinu was waiting for him. She gave him a flirtatious smile and asked. 

"Mr John Smith. Why did you call me? Do you have to discuss something with me? "

John smiled and reached near her and suddenly pulled her towards him. She b.u.mped into his hard chest. 

"Yes, Mrs Zinu Smith. I have a very important thing to discuss with you."

"What's ... " Zinu couldn't complete her sentence. Her mouth was already glued to John's. John started to lick her cherry lips. She wanted to protest, but couldn't. John attacked inside of her mouth with his tongue. Zinu couldn't help but licked him back. Their kiss lasts for almost six minutes. When they broke up the kiss, they both were panting. 

"Hubby are you mad? You have destroyed all my makeup. Now how can I go to the party Hall? What would everyone think about me? "

"Wifey you don't worry. Let's do the thing first, I have arranged everything. "

"No.we can not. They will search for us. "

"n.o.body will search for us. Everyone is busy with the game. "

"But I too want to play the game."

"You wouldn't dare. Do you think that I will let you touch even one man? "

"You stand there. I will choose you. "

"Never. I would not take a chance. What you have Mistakenly selected anyone else and has to dance with that man? "

"Ok. I will not play. But please let's go. "

"Who told you that you would not play the game? You must play, but only with me. You don't worry. I have arranged a spare dress for you and hired a makeup girl for quick makeup. It will not take long. Now don't make excuses." John told and picked her up. Within two minutes the two lovey-dovey couple forgot the outer world. 

       Inside the conference room, the game was started with twenty girls in the first batch. After they choose their partners, the second batch started with another twenty girls. Among the girls, Dolly was also present. She did not want to take part, but all her colleagues pulled her to the line. So she shrugged her shoulder and blindfolded herself. She even did not look at the three men standing there for selection. 

       When Mrs Smith saw Dolly on the line, she pushed Henry towards the standing men. He could not get the chance to deny, because Dolly was already in front of him. He stunned when he felt her hands on his chest. She chose him. She didn't go to the other two men. It even didn't matter to her that with whom she was playing the game. She opened her blindfold and looked at him. 

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Secret Love Of The Ceo 105 Mrs Zinu Smith summary

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