Second Chance In The Apocalyptic World 52 Clearing The Lobby

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"We are here!" said Matt as the two of them exited the elevator.

The hotel lobby had become a paradise for zombies. Dozen of zombies surrounded a couch to the side. Judging from their heads, which rose and fell continuously, they were clearly eating. Their bellies had sellwed up like pregnent women.

Zombies wondered through the big hotel lobby. The cracking sound of their fangs clamping on the bones of people made the whole place terrifying.

Ethan watched the zombies that were eating and couldn't help but s.h.i.+ver, but Matt looked like he was walking in the backyard of his house. He easily came up behind a zombie. The man in the armani suit walked while stumbling, but the next moemnt before he could even growl, his entire head was seperated from his body.

Ethan looked at Matt with repect. Their next targets were the two attendents pus.h.i.+ng the luggage cart.

Before they reached them Matt went close to Ethan and whispered in his ears "Use your full strength when you swing that axe, it may look easy but cutting someones head off isn't easy"'

Ethan nodded his head and tightly grabbed onto the fire axe. The attendants were now four meters away... three meters.. two meters... one meter..

The sharp American Black Eagle and fire axe streaked through the air one after another, slicing the rotten atmosphere like lightning. The two zombies let out a "gage" noise from their throats at the same time, and they subconsciously reached for Matt and Ethan's throats with dark claws. Before their claws could even reach Matt and Ethan's throats, the zombie's heads slowly fell, followed by a light thump, and rolled onto the smooth marble floor. Dark red blood spewed two meters up from the wounds in their necks.

As Ethan was smiling due to successfuly killing the zombie for the first time, Matt came beside him. His eyes cautiously looking around, he said in a low voice, "We must be alert from now on!"

Although the zombies didn't have consciousness, the death of their companions and the heavy scent of blood in the air made all the zombies look in their direction. Even though they didn't made any commotion, the scent of the blood was enough for them to gather every zombies attention. A dark ma.s.s of zombies walked their way with the stench of putrefaction. Twenty-some zombies rushed toward them with waving arms. The scene gave Ethan gooseb.u.mps while Matt's expression became serious, he knew he would be able to handle them but he had Ethan with him.

"We need to hide behind the counter" Matt said. Hearing Matt's words Ethan regained his composure and followed behind Matt. The two them raced side ways Killing some blind zombies on their way and after circling around the ma.s.s of zombies reached the receptionist counter.

Only three zombies were trapped behind the recpetion counter.

Matt yanked the door and kicked the zombie on the floor, then he violently cut two zombies down. Ethan hel his own too. His giant fire axe threw a zombie to the ground.

After the two of them finished off the zombies throwing themselves onto the counter with bared fangs and open claws. Fortunately, the zombies were idiots, hence they didn't know how to climb the counter. Right now, they could only stay blocked by the counter with their huge pungent mouths open, waving their arms, trying to grab either Matt or Ethan. It was like they were delivering their heads to the door to be chopped off. With an advantage of their location, American Black Eagle and the axe slashed through the crowd of zombies. Each cut knocked down a zombie down. The zombies outside the counter weren't the match of the two.

If Ethan cuts down 1 zombie, Matt was already done with 3 zombies and he also used his inventory fully. Taking out Utility knife one after another, throwing them at the zombies in a distance killing them one after another.

Within next 10 minutes the two of them had cleared the zombies in the lobby and the dozen of zombies had formed a pile of corpses.

Ethan sat on the counter, panting. He was covered in sweat in the middle of the air conditioned lobby. Matt took out a bottle from his inventory and tossed it from behind him. "Restore your strength."

Ethan drank the water and couldn't help saying, "You! I haven't seen someone as fast and agile as you even in the commandos. You are really powerful"

He only killed around 6 or 7 zombies. Matt killed the rest of them. Which meant Matt killed at least a dozen of zombies on his own! Was this guy still a college student? h.e.l.l he didn't even looked tired to him.

Matt on the other hand wasn't paying attention to him, as his survival system just sent a notification to him.

[Mission - Kill 10 zombies of Level 0 (Mission accomplished)]

[Reward - 1 survival point]

[Mission - Kill 100 zombies of level 0 (23/100)]

'Tch... it's still quite far away. I should have killed the zombies on 6th floor as well instead of letting my bear do it' thought Matt after looking at Mission of killing 100 zombies.

"Matt! I found the Master card" Ethan said showing a card to Matt.

"Huh... That was easy! Where did you find it?" asked Matt.

"It was in one of the drawers of the counter" replied Ethan.

"Well than help me open up these zombies heads, I want to find what's inside the head of these zombies" Matt said.

"But isn't your friend mike doing that already?" asked Ethan.

"Yeah, but I am thinking of collecting every bit of whatever it is that's fueling them" Matt said.

"Fine then let's do it fast. I am not getting used to this smell ugh..." Ethan said.

"Yeah let's do it!" Matt said as he started to split open the head of the zombies.

Every zombie had a light green coloured gel which was of the size of the nail of the little finger or pinky finger.

"What are these thing?" asked Ethan

"Don't know? But whatever they are I am gonna find it!"

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Second Chance In The Apocalyptic World 52 Clearing The Lobby summary

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