Second Chance In The Apocalyptic World 66 The Heaven Defying Luck

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"From where did you learn that?" asked Mike

"Read in some book about the benifits of a horde and Pack" replied Matt, "Now let me finish"

"Yeah! Third, they were lucky that I and Ethan had cleared the hotel lobby otherwise they would have been dead before even reaching the kitchen and finally fourth and the most heaven defying luck, the cooling system of the cold storage broke otherwise they would have frozen to death. It's like heaven wanted them to survive, hence they helped them" Matt stated as he looked at the two actresses in front of him.

When the others heard Matt's explaination they understood how lucky the girls were to survive the night.

In his head Matt was thinking about the luck of the two girls, with such great luck if Matt was sure that they won't have any problem surviving in the apocalypse for sometime after that everything depends on hardwork but Matt knew that these two were much hardened then the others staying with Matt as they by themselves had surivived the apocalypse. He could have never thought that they would survive like they did but it doesn't change the fact that they did their best to survive, no matter how they did in the end.

Matt walked forward and took out the heel embeded in the eye of the zombie and walked back pa.s.sing it to Chloe Grace Moretz.

"You should wear it for now, Miss Moretz as there isn't any zombie on this floor and neither on the floor we are going" said Matt as he pa.s.sed the high heel sandle to Chloe Grace Moretz.

"ThThank You!" said Chloe Grace Moretz as she took the high heel sandle from Matt and wore them once again.

"umm... could we please borrow your phones, we need to call our family and check if they are safe, we left ours in the car when we ran away" asked Chloe Bennet.

"Sure! Why not?" said the excited Mike as he took out his phone from his pocket and pa.s.sing it on to Chloe Bennet, Ethan didn't said much and pa.s.sed his cell phone to Chloe Grace Moretz as well.

"You can talk while walking, our friends and family are waiting for us!" Matt said as he started to walk towards the kitchen door. Both the girls didn't have any problem and followed Matt while they made calls to chek on their families.

Chloe Grace Moretz called her mother to ask her about her and her familyies well being but even after rigning for a long time no one pickedher heart dropped and she thought about the worst possible scenario, thankfully though before the last ring the phone was picked up.

"H-h.e.l.lo! Who is this?" asked the person from the other side of the phone.

"Mo-Mom it's me!" Chloe Grace Moretz chocked as she replied to her mother who was thankfully alright.

"Chloe!! Oh my G.o.d! You are Ok! I thought that I lost you. We were so devastated that we couldn't stop crying for the whole night!" stated Teri Duke Moretz.

"Mom! I am fine don't worry about me. I just lost my phone so I culdn't call you. What about the others? Is everyone else OK?" asked Chloe Grace Moretz.

"Yes, yes everyone else is fine! Don't worry everyone of your sibling stayed here yesterday so we are all together" stated Teri Duke Moretz

"Oh! Thank G.o.d! I was worried something may have happened to them" Chloe Grace Moretz

"Don't worry ev- y*ne #*#*#" as Teri started to speak her voice started to brak making it hard for Chloe Grace Moretz to understand.

"h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo mom" called out Grace but the line had disconnected by then same thing happened with Chloe Bennete who was talking with her parents while asking about her 7 brothers.

"What happened?" asked Chloe Bennet

"Who knows? The signals must be jumping! A zombie or some zombies may have somehow doone to the network tower by cras.h.i.+ng on to them or something like that and since there is no one to check on them and correct them, it would become more hard to stay in contact with others" Matt stated as he pushed the elevator b.u.t.ton opening it's doors.

"So we won't be able to call our family at all?" asked Grace Moretz

"Maybe! Maybe not it depends if the signals are temprory gone or permanently!" Matt replied as he entered the elevator followed by the others after which Mike pushed the b.u.t.ton for the 10th floor.

"But how will we contact with our family?" asked Grace Moretz worrying about them, as she was much younger then Chloe Bennet she wanted to talk to them so that she could calm down.

"You know that they are safe for know so that should be enough! You are lucky that you haven't seen what people in these suituations do otherwise you would't be behaving like this." Matt stated not wanting to entertain the two hollywood stars any longer.

"You! Is there a need to behave like this! She is just worried about them that's all!" said Chloe Bennet standing up from Grace but Matt didn't replied to her anymore and just kept his mouth shut.

As the Elevator reached the 10th floor, Matt was the first one to get out of it, followed by Mike and Ethan then the two actresses.

"Aaahhhhh!" Aaaaahhhhhh"! shouted the two actresses the moment the got out of the elevator and their eyes roamed the Hallway.

"What? What happened?" asked Mike as he turned around to look at them and so did the other two only to see that they were terrified by Matt's Girzzly bear who was sleeping at the end of the hallway near the emergency exit.

"W-W-What is that?" asked Chloe Bennet

"That! That is Matt's pet, don't worry it won't the two of you." said Mike

""WHAT!?"" exclaimed the two actresses at once.

"How is this possible? How did he even brought him here?" questioned Grace Moretz

"Well you see..." Mike didn't know whether he should tell them about Matt's ability so he looked at Matt to know what to do in this situation.

"Let's first go inside we will talk once we are in the room. Everyone else must be worried after hearing the shouts of these two"

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Second Chance In The Apocalyptic World 66 The Heaven Defying Luck summary

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