ANASTASIA 1 A Tiny Fragment Of Childhood


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"mommy what should I name it" said the little girl jumping from happiness holding in her hands a little porcelain doll who's feature looked strangely similar to the little girl so realistic it was mind blowing , "anastasia be careful ur gonna break her your dad had put great effort into making it for you ".
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At the mention of her dad anastasia went still as if tormented by something awful, her mother witnessed the sudden change of mood

"What's wrong sweetie do you miss daddy? ".

Anastasia's little eyes started tearing up out of fear, letting go of the porcelain doll her little feets kept running away in the maze of the huge mansion as if the big bad wolf was chasing after her, leaving behind cracked tiny little pieces of porcelain who belonged not so long ago to a mesmerizing beautiful doll

"Anaaaaa ! .. Anastasia! daddy will come soon don't worry" shouted her mommy,

"he will come for us someday i know it" she whispered to herself " and then I'll kill him for us darling" with a psychopatic smile she kept looking at the little porcelain pieces.

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