Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3226 Odessos, the Grave of the Great Beyonder! II

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Chapter 3226  Odessos, the Grave of the Great Beyonder! II

[Megalos Regnum]:: A comprehensive quantification relating to the influence, reign, and achievements within the bounds of the Megalos Beyond. It is broken into numerical levels to distinguish how far one has advanced their Megalos Regnum, and how much further they have to go until the next demarcation of Regnum.

[Outerversal Physiology]:: A comprehensive quantification closely related to the number of Delegatus a Morphon has bound, along with a relation to the influence, reign, and achievements outside the bounds of the Megalos Beyond. It is broken down into numerical levels to distinguish how far one has advanced their Outerversal Physiology, and how much further they have to go until they elevate to the next level and undergo Outerversal Evolvere.

These were the two aspects that showed the power of an Outerversal Morphon, and Noah was currently just starting out as a newly born Morphon.

His will gazed at the quantification of this strength that could be displayed in his mind whenever he wished.

[Megalos Regnum Echelon 1 (10/100)]

[Outerversal Physiology Echelon 1 (95/100)]

A visualization of where he was currently at.

Of the two sources of power that made an Outerversal Morphon, Ozymandias was much more advanced with his Outerversal Physiology- nearly reaching the next Echelon of power due to the sheer number of Delegatus he bound, along with other factors he was still getting clarification on!

The Source of power of Megalos Regnum was much lower, with him just entering the Megalos Beyond as he didn't truly have any sort of reign or influence.

The only reason for the increased value of 10 was due to how events had unfolded with Outerversal Morphon Phulax and Tabatha- with him gaining their favor as they looked at what he was able to do as a Sign.

But, he now quantified and clearly knew the distinction of power of Outerversal Morphons. He now knew how to elevate it.

All that was left was for him to do what he did best- ascend past these levels of power with speed that would make others question their own Existence!

"We are here. And we luckily did not have any unforeseen forces stop us along the way."

Up front, the voice of Outerversal Morphon Phulax echoed out as the obsidian disk they were on that was rapidly distorting s.p.a.ce slowed down, eventually coming to a stop near an area that shone with a distinct brilliance

Unlike the stellar obsidian hue covering the vast stretches of the Megalos Beyond, the area ahead of them had a translucent crimson barrier stretching out in all directions.

The barrier felt impenetrable even by the strongest Outerversal Morphon, or at the very least- Ozymandias felt that his current self could not pierce through this barrier freely if he wished!

Nothing could be seen beyond it, but the moment they came near, The Observer of Old and Young radiated his aura outwards.

An instant later, a portion of the barrier fluctuated as a circular singularity bloomed into an opening, and a t.i.tanic figure of an Ent.i.ty with an elongated body and a stellar obsidian crimson head sticking out at the very top appeared.

On the head, no facial characteristics apart from two eyes that blazed with white light could be seen, this elongated being showing two limbs that closely resembled arms, with their lower body extending out and almost melding with the glory of the Megalos Beyond around them.

On one of the limbs resembling a hand, this Ent.i.ty grasped a glowing crystal ball that seemed to be swirling with unfathomable waves of Existence within.

Their weavings came out in the form of an intent.

|O Great Phulax, this is a most welcomed surprise. Please, come in…|

The Observer of Old and Young seemed to hold a great status as they were invited into the opening of the stellar crimson translucent barrier.

Phulax gave a light nod as the disk they were on moved once more, with Ozymandias gazing at everything with sharp eyes as it was all under observation and a.n.a.lysis.

He had quantified and broken down the power of Outerversal Morphons into two aspects as he knew them about himself.

But now, he was a.n.a.lyzing and seeking to break down this quantification for the Outerversal Morphons around him!

Outerversal Morphon Phulax and Tabatha were far too powerful for him to get an accurate grasp, but the Young Light Morphon behind him was already nearing the last stages of a.n.a.lysis as he would see her progression within the first Echelon of Outerversal Physiology and Megalos Regnum soon enough.

And now, they arrived at a place where even more samples revealed themselves for him!

He was bound to greatly increase his knowledge of Outerversal Morphons and the Megalos Beyond as after pa.s.sing through the translucent crimson barrier, it felt like a brand new reality unfolded before his eyes.

|We welcome you back to Odessos, the Grave of the Great Beyonder, O Great Phulax.|


Waves of radiance unfolded.

The translucent barrier behind them closed as ahead, the fantastical brilliance of ma.s.sive stellar crimson Pillars floating in s.p.a.ce could be seen stretching out for light years.

Actually, even this was false as they weren't simply floating, with Ozymandias noticing a small incremental movement of these ma.s.sive Pillars that seemed to be following the pull of an endlessly humongous organ that held many openings!

On top of the rotating Pillars, the aura of Outerversal Morphons similar to the one who had invited them in could be felt.

Each shone with differing stellar hues for their bodies, with their round heads only burning with two singularities for eyes as many of them turned towards their newly arriving figures.

But what was more astonis.h.i.+ng was that Ozymandias could feel even more auras of Outerversal Morphons within the depths of the obsidian crimson organ surrounded by these ma.s.sive Pillars of brilliance.

They had arrived in Odessos, the Grave of the Great Beyonder!

|Please, if you will follow me into the Heart of Misery. The Lady has heard of your arrival and welcomes you in.|

Into the Heart of Misery.

With steady steps, Ozymandias plunged into a Domain he knew very little about as a fantastical new reality unfolded around him!

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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3226 Odessos, the Grave of the Great Beyonder! II summary

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