Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3231 Echelons! II

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Chapter 3231  Echelons! II

From the brilliant Infinite Omniverse.

Within the Omniverse of the Protectors.

After crossing the rainy isolated domain where the s.h.i.+eld of the Commonwealth resided, Noah's traversal across the portal let him him into a far bigger domain.

A Domain with endless blue skies and verdant gra.s.slands that extended all around for light years, with the concentration of Existence being extremely profound as a single thing stood in the midst of all this while surrounded by floating vessels filled with powerful auras.

A tower.

Stretching out towards the skies and s.h.i.+ning with white and green brilliance, it seemed to be a few light years in stature!

"The Obelisk of the Protectors."

Beside him, the voice of one of the two Autarchical Existences rang out.

Turning to gaze at them, Noah's piercing eyes finally made a breakthrough in a.n.a.lysis after this whole time as…

[Protector Rigalis]

[Unknown System of Existence Echelon 3 (755,835/1,000,000)]---[@&%^#]---[@&#^#]

The Apogee Autarch that had spoken beside him had such an array of quantifications rise up above him only for Noah to see, the other Protector beside him showing similar values as Noah became more adept at a.n.a.lyzing and grasping the weavings of those around him.

If they weren't too far advanced that is!

The two Protectors beside him introduced the ma.s.sive tower ahead of them as they walked on a white path constructed from crystals pulsing with existence, the serene reality of undulating verdant landscapes all around them pa.s.sing by.

The focus was only on the pristine white and green tower rising up to the skies.

"This is the Obelisk of the Protectors. A living, breathing, construct with 1,000 Floors that are filled with Miniature Existential Domains. There are 1,000,000 Restaurants stretched throughout some lower and upper floors, entire Miniature Existential Domains dedicated to various professions of Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Formations, Runeworkings, and more. An Existential Library with Records of all known Omniverses and Odditties, an Arena where you can sign up for friendly matches with other Protectors, Lounges, and Amus.e.m.e.nt Areas to rest your Existence and partake on the various Nectars of Existence from the myriad Omniverses…"


Noah whistled at the number of things being introduced within this single ma.s.sive tower, the Protector introducing it seeming to take great pride as they neared one of its many entrances in a few steps!

Powerful auras of Ent.i.ties at the Teracosm, Paracosm, and Autarchical Stage moved in the surroundings busily, some going towards the vessels floating in the skies as others left the Vessels to enter the Obelisk of the Protectors.

A majority of the ent.i.ties seen were Royal Existential Omniversal Simians, with others ranging in terms of races and forms as the next in line were those with pure human forms.

But undoubtedly, any weaker Ent.i.ties or even weaker Autarchs all bowed their heads respectfully whenever an Apogee Autarch appeared or pa.s.sed by- such a being bearing the distinction of a Protector!

As they neared the Obelisk, an entrance that was a ma.s.sive pulsing white portal stretching out for over a thousand miles stood before them.

"In addition to all that, the Obelisk of the Protectors is also equipped with Suites for lodging cl.u.s.tered in the Miniature Existential Domains in the middle and top floors."

"You can use this card to lead you towards your own designated personal Miniature Existential Domain that n.o.body else has access to and other unrestricted areas inside the Obelisk, and this one will take you directly to the Miniature Existential Domain where your team is currently stationed."

One purple card and one gold card were given to him, Noah nodding with a smile as he went towards the ma.s.sive tower s.h.i.+ning with verdant and white brilliance.

"Thanks for the tour." He waved his hands towards the two Protectors behind him as his body buzzed and split into two, one taking the purple card and the other taking the gold card as they both disappeared into the blinding white portal.

The two Protectors looked at each other and shook their heads at this eccentric new addition to their forces as the one who had been speaking this whole time continued.

"I give him a week. Paired with those guys and the possible ability to sniff out Agents of Anti-Life…a lot of unknowns will be gunning for him."


A heavy prediction.

The other Simian only smiled and shook his head as he took a golden card of his own and disappeared into the Obelisk of the Protectors!

Inside the Obelisk of the Protectors.

There were many Miniature Existential Domains connected all around it, but one could only go where they were given access to!

Noah's body, holding a golden card, was wrapped up in a light of teleportation that took him to a specific Miniature Existential Domain that would hold the team of Protectors he was to work with- the Equestris Protectors.

His other body went to see what intricacies this Obelisk of the Protectors held- one of its first stops being the aforementioned Existential Library.

Holding the gold card that pulsed with a unique signature of Existence, Noah warped inside of a Miniature Existential Domain that seemed to be among many overlapping networks of Domains within the Obelisk, the new s.p.a.ce unfolding before his eyes with wonder.

All around, sparkling white dwarf stars rotated in the skies above and below. At the center of this s.p.a.ce, multiple auras honed in on Noah the moment he arrived.

All of these auras were anch.o.r.ed around thrones with gorgeous purple-gold galaxies rotating below them, and they were currently surrounding a ma.s.sive illusory image of an Outerversal Morphon along with lines of words that talked about its weaknesses, strengths, and abilities!

They seemed to be in the middle of a meeting as the auras were five in number, four blazing with a similar brilliance while the fifth…seemed like an object everything gravitated against.

Hair dazzling red. Adorned in a multicolored robe that shone with the same brilliance of an Omniversal Armament like the Sword that Noah currently held in his hands.

Fair skin that pulsed with life and valor, it was an Ent.i.ty at the Omniversal Stage who turned towards Noah's direction among many others, her voice echoing out at this moment.

"The newest member of this little group that Old Man Eudemus mentioned has arrived early. Osmont, is it? Come on over, and let's have an introduction."


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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3231 Echelons! II summary

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