Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3271 The Crucible of the Beyonder! I

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Chapter 3271  The Crucible of the Beyonder! I

A Great One.

Such a being vibrated with a baleful intent of excitement at this moment as his booming voice echoed out.

|The Instrument has arrived at our Megalos Pantheon of Umbra…let us embrace him and lead him towards the Crucible of the Beyonder!|


The words were resonant as they spread out all around.

In the surroundings, thousands of powerful Outerversal Morphons gathered under the banner of the Great Wheel as wondrously, their forms were similar to his.

Tentacles s.h.i.+ning with radiant obsidian l.u.s.ter- some with wings or other features as undoubtedly, they mimicked the Great Wheel himself.

All of these were under the banner of the Great Wheel as within this Pantheon of Umbra, he was not just a Great One.

He was also one of the hegemons that controlled the weavings of this Pantheon.

An Outerversal Eldritch Emperor.

Those under his banner forcibly changed their bodies to look like him, but not all.

He had many followers.

And he himself was a follower of the Great Beyonder.

Such a being arrived to welcome the supposed Instrument mentioned eons ago!

Within the Megalos Pantheon of Umbra were many beings.

And it just so happened that in a corner of Umbra, the ma.s.sive visage of a skeleton with thousands of limbs floated with pulses of anger above an obsidian stretch of land.

|The Sign? The Instrument? Such an obscene thing makes itself clear just when one of my bodies dies?|


The words of Savitar were silent, to himself, and filled with coldness as he was among those who never favored the coming of the Instrument.

Why place his livelihood on someone else just because of the words of the Great Beyonder?

Did he have to treat this being that had long since disappeared with such fanaticism as others?!


The visage of Outerversal Morphon Savitar disappeared, only to reappear on the top of an exceedingly tall mountain- the tallest one in this vast Pantheon.

Here, another Outerversal Eldritch Emperor held his base of operations- this tall mountain being covered by stellar obsidian mist as there were countless holes poked across it filled with unique crimson twisting structures and buildings.

Savitar pa.s.sed through many intricate structures of this mountain, only to arrive at an area where the black earth was turned into obsidian waves of plasma.

In these waves of plasma, a figure was submerged- only a single purple eye being discerned of its ma.s.sive stature.

Savitar appeared near this s.p.a.ce as he voiced out.

|The so-called Instrument has arrived at your Pantheon, with your rival even personally taking him towards the Crucible of the Beyonder. Will you just sit still while this occurs? He is currently a weak little chick. Even after these Crucibles and even in this next cycle, he will still be weak enough for any Great One to kill.|

Savitar voiced out to the other Great One under the wide stretches of obsidian plasma.

Within, a sonorous voice emanated out.

|The Decree of no Morphon peris.h.i.+ng within the sacred lands of any Pantheon is what keeps the order of our Megalos Beyond. I will not be one to break this order. As for the Crucible…who knows if he even survives it. If he does, he will need to leave this Pantheon to go to others to overcome their Crucibles too before his standing can be cemented. You are right in that he is currently weak. We can always make a move then, O One Who Walks.|


Towards the end, the words showed their annoyance and distaste as Savitar only harrumphed, staying here briefly before he disappeared.

Within the Megalos Pantheon of Umbra.

More and more Outerversal Morphons were aroused from obscurity as in the obsidian s.p.a.ce painted by a stellar crimson hue, clouds of ma.s.sive Morphons surrounded similarly formed Ent.i.ties whose bodies looked like the ringed coalescence of countless tendrils.

The followers of the Great Wheel.

They pa.s.sed over ma.s.sive colosseum-like structures that rose up like towers and skysc.r.a.pers, with some areas being covered by leafless trees making up forests stretching for light years!

The Dark Forests of the Pantheon of Umbra.

Over 50% of this entire Pantheon, which was ten times larger than any common Omniverse, was covered by ancient leafless trees they now crossed over.

And as they did, drops of rain followed the Instrument as many Morphons watched on in awe!

Aspasia followed closely near the Instrument that followed the lead of the Great Wheel, his mere presence there causing the drops of rain to fall on the leafless trees as…


The obsidian trees brimmed with life thereafter, tiny, inconspicuous leaves beginning to rise!

All of this was privy to the eyes of the watching Morphons as whether they favored the Instrument or they were on the side of Heretical Morphons, they could not help but admit what they were seeing was the real deal!

They were crossing over all these lands to head towards the center of the Pantheon of Umbra.

Where the Crucible of the Beyonder lay- as this was another place to cement the standing of the Instrument!

It was said.

The Crucibles of the Beyonder would be the trials that would forge an Instrument to aid in the flouris.h.i.+ng or destruction of the Megalos Beyond, or destroy this instrument entirely!

The Crucible of the Beyonder…

It was a terrifying region of s.p.a.ce taking over a small portion of a few major Megalos Pantheons, with many Outerversal Morphons not even knowing how the Great Beyonder constructed them and made them the way they were.

Each Crucible was different, but the Great Beyonder had left behind words that stated anybody else who pa.s.sed the trials of the Crucibles he laid out…were destined to be Morphons whose names would ring out across the Megalos Beyond and even outside of it!

And over the cycles, some had managed to pa.s.s any few portions of the Crucibles as they gained partial rewards.

Millions of Outerversal Morphons who were most astounding in the Megalos Beyond had their power attributed to those who partially cleared a Crucible, or multiple of them.

In history, the number of beings who fully cleared a Crucible numbered no more than 10!

Regardless of power, no more than 10!

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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse Chapter 3271 The Crucible of the Beyonder! I summary

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