Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2898 - Starshatter Formation

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Chapter 2898 - Starshatter Formation

"Yes. It’s an extension of the Sun’s fusion formation, a type of barrier. It has no killing power, but it’s extremely st.u.r.dy. It’s probably more robust than an ordinary ether-cla.s.s guardian formation. Tens of trillions of people on the Sun are all hiding within it. Once we break the formation and threaten their lives, whether it's Li Tianming or Lin Xiaodao, they can only surrender or die," declared Shenxi Xingtian.

"Surrender or die?" Demoness Yin raised an eyebrow. She licked her lips and asked, "Are you saying that they’re both righteous individuals who value the lives of the people more than their own?"

"Isn't that normal?" Shenxi Xingtian asked with a bitter smile.

"Are you such a person?" Demoness Yin retorted.

Shenxi Xingtian stiffened for a moment, then awkwardly smiled and said, "Naturally, the heritage of my ebons has lasted for millions of years. If the entire race perishes, my survival would be meaningless."

Demoness Yin applauded and chuckled, saying, "n.o.ble, admirable."

However, Mister Taihe paid little attention to the details. He squinted his eyes and said, "In other words, as long as we break this Sky Palace Formation, it's equivalent to winning most of the battle. The rest is just dealing with Yi Daiyan's matter?"

"Yes! Although she’s stronger, she still has people dragging her down. Moreover, the guardian formations of her clan and subordinates are more fragile. My Ebonfiend can break through them. Then we just need to force her to appear, and with Mister Taihe's incredible strength, we can easily take her down," Shenxi Xingtian flatteringly said. Although he and Demoness Yin were considered equals, in front of Mister Taihe, they both had to lower their heads.

"I heard she isn’t simple. She’s still young and has experienced a rapid surge in cultivation, and has what seems to be a maniverse-cla.s.s artifact. She's absolutely not to be underestimated. When the time comes, we might need everyone to join forces against her," Mister Taihe said.

Shenxi Xingtian and Demoness Yin could only smile and say, "Mister Taihe is modest."

They didn't delve further into Yi Daiyan and instead focused on discussing how to completely defeat their opponents.

"We still have five hundred thousand wonderians on the Sun that can create some marker points. At the very least, for us, directly entering the Sun won’t be a problem. But... without astrals.h.i.+ps, we probably can't break through the Sky Palace Formation, right?" Meng Ying asked. His eyes were somewhat red, and he looked at the Sun with a chilly gaze.

"To break through an ether-cla.s.s barrier, infinitum-cla.s.s astrals.h.i.+ps are the most effective solution. I have a fortuna-cla.s.s artifact, but it would be quite challenging to do it alone." Demoness Yin shook her head. Barrier-type formations like the Sky Palace Formation were different from ordinary guardian formations, like the Flameyellow Guard Formation or the various guardian formations within Ebonia. They all had methods like the flameyellow fiends to be used for offense.

The Sky Palace Formation, though, being a pure barrier, wouldn't resist. It was nothing more than an extremely hard wall.

Yi Daiyan, with the Infinitum Stele, could fight her way into the Shuntian Guard Formation, but Demoness Yin, relying on a fortuna-cla.s.s artifact, might not necessarily be able to break the Sky Palace Formation.

Normal guardian formations, if breached, still retained their structure. The Sky Palace Formation, once breached, would likely shatter like gla.s.s. It was all or nothing, an extreme form of defense. Thus, a foundationeer like Demoness Yin could easily breach the Flameyellow Guard Formation, but wouldn’t be able to pa.s.s the Sky Palace Formation.

"It seems that we'll need your astrals.h.i.+p to break the Sky Palace Formation. The two enemy infinitum-cla.s.s astrals.h.i.+ps seem to have turtled up. If they dare to come out to block you, we'll directly break their," Demoness Yin suggested.

Shenxi Xingtian looked troubled and said, "The problem is, my Ebonfiend is currently inside Ebonia, and Ebonia's astralguard formation’s been activated. Yi Daiyan won't let me take it out."

Now he suspected that the reason he’d smoothly returned earlier was that Yi Daiyan had allowed him in! The Ebonfiend wouldn't work, so what about the Dreamchild?

Meng Ying could only shake his head because bringing the Dreamchild to the Sun would take decades. The four-party alliance couldn't wait that long.

"d.a.m.n, doesn't that mean we came here in vain? A dead end?" Demoness Yin sighed, her eyes full of frustration.

"This...." Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian hadn't discussed the internal arrangement of the Sun with them in detail, so when that point was brought up, they also realized the problem. The Sky Palace Formation was too vast and thick! Compared to the defenses of the Sun as a whole, it was much stronger. If there were enough ether-cla.s.s s.h.i.+ps, they could actually pose a threat to it, but the issue was that the ebons’ s.h.i.+ps were all sealed within Ebonia.

Not to mention ether-cla.s.s, even their sanctuary-cla.s.s s.h.i.+ps couldn't come out!

The cosmic impulses of cosmic artifacts were suitable for dealing with small targets. For colossal, heavy structures like the Sky Palace Formation, it required the power of nova source. The only exceptions were suspected maniverse-cla.s.s artifacts like the Infinitum Stele!

Demoness Yin’s frustrated words made Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian feel extremely awkward.

"Well...." Shenxi Xingtian was speechless.

"Let's think of a solution. For example, let's start with Yi Daiyan and try to take her Infinitum Stele?" Meng Ying suggested.

"It doesn’t have to be the Infinitum Stele. If Yi Daiyan dies, Ebonia will be under my control. By then, both the Ebonfiend and many ether-cla.s.s astrals.h.i.+ps can fly out," Shenxi Xingtian said.

The two of them discussed it, when suddenly, Demoness Yin coquettishly laughed, drawing everyone’s attention to her.

Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian were stunned.

Demoness Yin laughed for a while before saying, "I was just teasing you." ????????????.???

She pointed to Mister Taihe and said, "I'm not joking about this. The renowned formation grandmaster, Mister Taihe, from Myriadpath Valley is here. A mere ether-cla.s.s formation is nothing. He doesn't need astrals.h.i.+ps to solve it."

Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian brightened. To be honest, they both leaned toward dealing with Li Tianming first. One reason was that he had many treasures, and the other was that he had infinitum-cla.s.s s.h.i.+ps that would make it easy for him to escape.

Meng Ying, especially, wanted Weisheng Moran, who was with Li Tianming.

"Please enlighten us, Mister Taihe," Meng Ying said.

Mister Taihe, with his hands behind his back, slightly nodded and said, "Give me ten days. I’ll set up a Starshatter Formation and the problem will be solved."

"What’s a Starshatter Formation?" Shenxi Xingtian asked, puzzled.

"It's a type of variant one-time use formation specifically designed to destroy barrier-type formation structures. It hyper-focuses on one point to break its target. Although its structure is complex, it isn’t difficult to set up because it only needs to erupt once," explained Mister Taihe.

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Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2898 - Starshatter Formation summary

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