Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 3076 - Whoever Takes His Head Will Host

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Chapter 3076 - Whoever Takes His Head Will Host

The agreement between Huang Daolie and Lan Yun quickly spread throughout Myriadpath Valley.

In Grandblue Palace, the fifth brother, Gongsun Yan, heard the news as well.

"Fortuna disciple? Huang Daoxiong was over two hundred years old, but already a seventh-level cosmic cartographer. As I recall, there’s twelfth-level cosmic cartographers under the age of five hundred in House Huang itself," said the seventh senior brother, Dao Yan.

"Yes! They have several eleventh-level cosmic cartographers who are stronger than Zhao Ge and Tao Ying. They're in the top three hundred on the Fortuna Ranking, like me." Gongsun Yan bit his lips, his expression gloomy.

"It’ll be easy for them to kill our ninth brother if they have so many disciples at your level. And there’s the two of us.... There’s no way this kid survives.” Dao Yan nodded.

"Master says she isn’t going to stop us. I’ve already asked our four senior brothers. Two of them are foundationeers, and the other two are twelfth-level cosmic cartographers. They won’t tolerate someone who kills his senior brother. It’s a violation of our rules! Master will look down on all of us if we don't kill Li Tianming, understand?" Gongsun Yan said.

"Of course I do! We shouldn't mess with the hierarchy, even though we‘re black ring disciples. We can’t have a lawless man like him in Grandblue Palace. He’s caused so much trouble out there. He’ll make us enemies. Master is already at odds with other reverends because of him. We might be implicated if we let that lunatic continue," Dao Yan agreed.

"The scourge must be killed, either by us or House Huang," Gongsun Yan coldly said.

"House Huang aren’t the only ones after him. Li Tianming killed more than a dozen gold ring holders on the astrals.h.i.+p. His actions provoked every gold ring disciple in Myriadpath Valley. I heard that Huang Daosheng is already speaking to his friends."

"This incident has made quite an impact on the gold ring holders. They’re very proud and don’t want their elders to solve their problems. It seems that about a hundred of them are working together and taking turns to wait for Li Tianming at the entrance of Myriadpath Valley," Dao Yan sighed, shaking his head.

"He’s provoked so many gold ring disciples. Is he stupid or crazy? Or perhaps he doesn’t understand Myriadath Valley at all," Gongsun Yan said, his voice hoa.r.s.e.

"He doesn’t think that all the black ring disciples will stand on his side and band together against a common enemy, does he? Oh, please, we worked hard to enter Myriadpath Valley. Our greatest desire is to put down roots so our descendants will have a better status. Who would dare challenge the upper-cla.s.s gold ring holders?" Dao Yan laughed.

"He’s a fool that knows nothing. Everyone a.s.sumes he knows the rules, but the fact is, he doesn’t. And that’s why he’s caused so much trouble. It won’t be our turn to make a move. I’ll write my name backward if he even survives a day after returning," Gongsun Yan declared.

"Me too!" Dao Yan shrugged.


After sending Li Fan back to the Sun, Tianming, who had fully recovered, returned to the Myriadpath Celestial Formation once more. There weren’t many Yin Chens in Myriadpath Valley; most of them were located in Grandblue Palace.

On the other side, Yin Chen had just awakened when it overheard the conversation between Gongsun Yan and Dao Yan.

"Those two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds want me dead?” Tianming chuckled. "It wasn’t easy to find a master. If they didn’t try to suppress me in the beginning and acted like real senior brothers, our relations.h.i.+p might’ve improved. But this is how it is, so they shouldn’t blame anyone for whatever happens in the future."

He’d never had much hope for the seven black ring senior brothers who took advantage of their seniority. Although he liked making friends wherever he went, he didn’t care to make any in Myriadpath Valley. Li Fan’s life was in danger because of him, and any friends he made would most likely be killed.

Myriadpath Valley was indeed different from other places. Although it looked like a paradise, it was in fact the most dangerous, b.l.o.o.d.y, chaotic, and ruthless place in the astralscape of order. Everyone was only concerned with their own interests, power, and compet.i.tion. Those gathered there were top geniuses.

"I didn't think Lan Yun was so powerful!"

Tianming stopped in the Myriadpath Celestial Formation for three days. During that time, Yin Chen had determined the events that occurred as a result of his actions.

"She has a group of senior sisters? No wonder she’s so arrogant... Maybe those who practice the Sky Starvore Fiendart are part of an organization or school. If those women are at least reverends, they’re a force to be reckoned with. I must be more careful!”

He understood that Lan Yun was a double-edged sword. She wasn’t one to be trifled with! "She fought for me so that I’ll only have to face fortuna disciples under the age of five hundred. That’s great news!"

He was afraid that experts with the t.i.tle “reverend” and beyond would attack him as Huang Daolie had done before.

"Don’t even think of touching a hair on my head if you’re less than six times my age."

Myriadpath Valley’s att.i.tude toward Tianming determined whether or not he would immediately return. And after three days of investigating, he finally made a decision. The situation was better than he had expected because of Lan Yun’s interference.

"I’ll return to Grandblue Palace first. No matter how dangerous Lan Yun is, she’s now my protector. I have to cling to her, or at least pretend to," he muttered to himself.

"Do you want to cling to her or cling to her?" Ying Huo asked.

"Is there a difference?" Tianming retorted.

"There can be if you want there to be!" Ying Huo chuckled.

"You filthy chicken!"

Tianming boarded the astrals.h.i.+p bound for Myriadpath Valley. It was indeed easier for him to act without Li Fan dragging him down. Although some on the s.h.i.+p recognized him, not all gold ring holders cared to get involved; most of them were returning home and didn't know him.

A while later, Tianming arrived at the Midsky Myriadpath Stele. There was a white platform there, which was the entrance to Mryiadpath Valley. As soon as he landed, he saw more than thirty dressed magnificently gold ring disciples, eagerly eyeing each astrals.h.i.+p. Among them were specters from House Huang.

"h.e.l.lo, friends!" Tianming smiled and waved at them.

"It's him!"

In an instant, over thirty gold ring disciples turned to stare at him. This group of people were experts ranging from eighth- to twelfth-level cosmic cartographers. Most of them were stronger than Zhao Ge and Tao Ying.

They didn't think Tianming would just saunter up to them. His playful smile made them speechless.

"Whoever takes his head will host a trip to the Avissia Mundus!" someone from the crowd roared.

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Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 3076 - Whoever Takes His Head Will Host summary

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