Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2339: Mission 19

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Chapter 2339: Mission 19


Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

He shot an angry glance at the individual.

As he prepared to address the matter, the Emperor of Jinwei Land’s patience wore thin. He swiftly waved his hand, unwilling to witness further evasion of responsibility. Pus.h.i.+ng blame onto one another was a futile exercise.

“Leave the court. Ministers Xu, Zhang, and w.a.n.g, remain behind and accompany me to the imperial study, ” the Emperor of Jinwei Land declared. With that, he promptly rose and exited.

The individual who had earlier s.h.i.+fted blame onto Xu Yuanlong wore a visibly awkward expression. Initially, he had hoped to gain the emperor’s approval regarding this issue, but instead, the emperor had dismissed him without a hearing. In an instant, it felt as if they had lost significant ground.

After the court session concluded, the ministers’ countenances bore a touch of gloom. The atmosphere was decidedly somber.

He felt deeply disheartened.

The emperor, for his part, seemed enigmatic in his response. Not only did he not reprimand Xu Yuanlong for his daughter’s transgressions, but he had also summoned him and the others to the imperial study for discussions. This left many perplexed.

In ordinary circ.u.mstances, Xu Yuanlong’s family should have faced severe consequences for his daughter’s actions. It wouldn’t have been an exaggeration to employ intimidation by means of executing the entire family.

“Lord Lin, are you still troubled by what occurred earlier?” someone approached Dao Seeking with a smile and inquired.

“I’m just finding it hard to comprehend.”

“This Xu Yuanlong is now untouchable. Do you honestly think the emperor would have allowed him into the court today if he were otherwise?”

“Consider this: With Jinwei Land in turmoil, it’s true that his daughter bears responsibility. If we attempt to lay the blame solely on Xu Yuanlong, we face several issues. Firstly, we risk alienating these loyal supporters. Secondly, we’ll incur the Xu family’s enmity. Thirdly, it will only deepen the matter’s freeze.

We’re trapped.’

“That’s why we cannot touch Xu Yuanlong.”

“These days, the cunning figures in the imperial court comprehend the intricacies. They won’t speak rashly and are simply awaiting others to make the first move.

“Let’s bide our time quietly for the next few days.”

As their conversation unfolded, they gradually grasped the dynamics in Jinwei


His voice receded in the distance.

Inside the imperial study, Xu Yuanlong, Zhang Cailiang, the prince, the king, and the monarch, Yuan Kui, stood in readiness before the Emperor of Jinwei


With the court adjourned and them left alone, the emperor clearly had matters of importance to discuss with them.

Zhang Cailiang served as the Left Prime Minister. The prince, the king, and the monarch, Yuan Kui, held the t.i.tle of general in Jinwei Land.

As for Xu Yuanlong, he had been a relatively inconspicuous figure in the royal court and had not consistently held a prominent position. The reason for his summons was undeniably connected to his daughter’s actions.

The three of them exchanged glances, and silence enveloped them. Given the tense state of affairs in Tinwei Land. apprehension weighed heavily upon everyone.

“Please, take your seats.”

“These individuals have performed poorly in handling the tasks I a.s.signed them earlier. None have executed them effectively.”

“Minister Zhang, Minister w.a.n.g are my closest advisors, and Minister Xu is directly implicated in the events of today. The three of you must contemplate our next course of action.’

“Currently, there’s growing discontent among the people of Jinwei Land.”

“Unfortunately, my hands are tied.”

“If this situation persists, Jinwei Land may descend into chaos. Such uncertainty is detrimental, no matter who the player.”

“What are your thoughts on this?”

Xu Yuanlong let out a weary sigh. Zhang Cailiang and w.a.n.g Yuankui, being his trusted advisors, had likely conceived a plan.

The two of them nodded in unison..

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Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2339: Mission 19 summary

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