Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2362: Mission 42

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Chapter 2362: Mission 42


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

“Just take a well-deserved break and attend the banquet in Baizhou Land. After the banquet concludes, we’ll return to Jinwei Land, and then we’ll have some matters to attend to.” Gu Chaoyan rose from her seat, placed her hands on the nanny’s shoulders, and gently guided her into a comfortable sitting position, encouraging her to rest.

For some inexplicable reason, ever since entering the paG.o.da, she had regarded the nanny as her mentor. In the nanny’s presence, she naturally displayed obedience and refrained from sitting casually or indifferently, a habit she was determined to change.

Gu Chaoyan disliked this formality.

The nanny acquiesced and took her seat.


She remained deep in thought, pondering the implications of their conversation, as if she was meticulously examining the matter. In her contemplation, she began to realize something.

Her thought process was straightforward, and she believed that addressing issues directly and explaining them clearly would yield the best results. Little did she know that certain matters would naturally resolve themselves due to underlying pressures.

This marked a fundamental difference between her and the Lady. The Lady possessed exceptional intelligence, which explained her ability to accomplish grand feats in such a short time.

After her introspection, the nanny smiled. Her expression held a mix of emotions, encompa.s.sing relief and admiration.

“Very well, I will heed your counsel, My Lady,” the nanny said, smiling kindly as she patted Gu Chaoyan’s hands, a.s.suming the role of a nurturing elder guiding a junior.


The matter remained unsettled.

The nanny felt compelled to address something more, “My Lady, please don’t fault me for my verbosity. In the future, as you pursue your cultivation, I’ll have to handle various responsibilities within the paG.o.da, both major and minor. So, I’d like to be privy to your thoughts, to better understand what needs to be managed.”

“Judging from the Third Prince’s recent demeanor, it seems he’s inclined to seek your favor. He might be considering surrendering. My Lady, what is your perspective on this?”

At the mention of the Third Prince, Gu Chaoyan took a moment to ponder.

Then, she replied, “Regarding the Third Prince, he is inherently frail and s.h.i.+es away from taking on responsibilities. Furthermore, he lacks interpersonal skills, making his position in Jinwei Land rather precarious. His eagerness to gain our favor is likely a move to secure some form of protection in the future.”

“Though he may not possess the ideal qualities, he remains a prince. We can make use of him, but it would be unwise to entrust him with significant responsibilities.”

“Nanny, do you comprehend my intentions?” Gu Chaoyan inquired, looking at Dao Seeking.

“Perfectly understood.” The nanny grasped the message immediately.

Indeed, they currently faced a shortage of allies.

No matter how formidable the paG.o.da was or how powerful the Lady’s cultivation had become, Jinwei Land’s age-old traditions had ingrained a deep-rooted aversion to their presence, prompting people to instinctively distance themselves and hope for their swift departure.

The Third Prince’s willingness to extend goodwill marked a promising beginning.

Accepting his overtures was a practical step.

But they could not become overly entangled with him.

The nanny swiftly grasped the intricacies of this situation.

The journey to Baizhou Land had been lengthy and taxing, and having addressed two significant matters, the nanny decided not to linger. After advising Gu Chaoyan to rest, she departed.

Gu Chaoyan reclined on her bed, contemplating the challenges that lay ahead once she ascended to the status of a Paragon Martial G.o.d.

Achieving the cultivation level of a Paragon Martial G.o.d would not make the subsequent transition to the half-step Golden Immortal realm a simple or straightforward endeavor.

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Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2362: Mission 42 summary

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