Madam's Identities Shocks The Entire City Again Chapter 2944 Sister Nian Hung Up

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Chapter 2944  Sister Nian Hung Up

No one expected her to attack a second time.

Qiao Nian might not have thought of this either!

The hacker whispered, "I'll definitely get rid of the magnetic card in three minutes."

"That'll do." Ji Ziyin said softly, "I'm hanging up."

She switched off the Bluetooth headset, took it out, and stepped on the accelerator. The car shot out like an arrow released from a bow and quickly disappeared on the road.

"Master w.a.n.g, she's setting off."

At an inconspicuous intersection outside Ji Ziyin's residence, a silver Volkswagen was quietly parked by the roadside. It looked like a temporary stop.

The people in the car did not move until they saw Ji Ziyin's car speeding away.

Mo Xi adjusted his gold-rimmed and reported to the man on the phone.

Coincidentally, Ji Ziyin was still pa.s.sing by his car. Mo Xi quickly took a photo and enlarged it. Then, he sneered.

"It's just as Miss Qiao expected. There's a bag in her car. It's quite big. It looks like it can hide a lot of things."

* * *

At the same time.

Outside the hospital.

An inconspicuous car was at the intersection. The windows were tightly shut, and it looked like no one was inside.

In fact, the person in the car was on the phone.

He finished answering Mo Xi's call.

Gu San called next.

"Master w.a.n.g, she's driving towards the hospital."

"She parked at the second intersection and walked the rest of the way."

"Got it," Ye w.a.n.gchuan replied lazily.

He hung up and sent a WeChat message to the girl.

[Y: She's here.]

After sending the message, he logged out of WeChat.

Then, he called Mo Dong. His voice was bewitching and low. "Have you prepared what I asked you to do?"

Mo Dong's voice was full of energy as he patted his chest. "Don't worry, Master w.a.n.g. I've already settled it. I definitely won't be discovered."


Ye w.a.n.gchuan hung up. He found the white profile picture at the top of WeChat again and opened it. He sent another message to that person.

[Y: Be careful.]

Qiao Nian walked to the hospital alone. The cell phone in her pocket kept buzzing.

She took it out and unlocked it to see two new messages on WeChat.

She smiled.

A number from Continent M called at this moment.

Qiao Nian accepted the call. "h.e.l.lo."

"You're here, aren't you?"

The person was clearly Lei Ting.

As Qiao Nian walked towards the agreed place, she casually replied, "On the way. I'll be there soon."

"That's good." Lei Ting's tone was stiff. "I hope what you said is true. Otherwise…"

Qiao Nian ignored his threat and asked, "Have you prepared what I asked?"

Lei Ting seemed unaccustomed to her natural oppressive aura, but he could not help but answer her, "I've done what I should. If it's really as you said, I won't risk myself."

"That's good." Qiao Nian's tone was casual.

Lei Ting was agitated and said in a heavier tone, "I hope you're not lying to me. Otherwise, I won't let you off!"

Qiao Nian could not even be bothered to answer him and hung up.

On the other end.

Lei Ting's expression turned livid when he heard the busy tone. He felt suffocated, and he had nowhere to release the stress.

At this moment, the tall and thin man walked over and asked, "It's time. Should we go down?"

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Madam's Identities Shocks The Entire City Again Chapter 2944 Sister Nian Hung Up summary

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