Madam's Identities Shocks The Entire City Again Chapter 2947 Everything Was Planned

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Chapter 2947  Everything Was Planned

A bright red liquid flowed down from the man's body and quickly gathered into a pool on the ground.

The scene looked exactly the same as the incident a few days ago!

Lei Ting recovered from the initial pain as he clutched his chest, took off his jacket, dug out a bullet from his bulletproof vest, and handed it to him. His expression was ferocious and smiling. "She really dares to come!"

The tall and thin man had prepared a bulletproof vest for him yesterday. Seeing that he was not injured, he heaved a sigh of relief and collapsed. "It's good that you're fine. It's good that you're fine…"

Lei Ting grabbed his shoulder, pulled him up, lowered his voice, and said, "Don't move. Try to block me.

"The bullet came through the vent. She might see what's going on here. You have to block me so she doesn't realize something's wrong."

The tall and thin man hurriedly propped himself up and nervously blocked most of the view from the vent.

Qiao Nian ignored them and made a call. "Did she run away?"

The man's lazy and frivolous voice came from the other end of the call. "She's preparing to. Do we stop her?"

Qiao Nian smiled and casually said, "Don't stop her. Let her run."

Ye w.a.n.gchuan chuckled, and his voice turned bewitching. "Aren't you afraid she will run away?"

Qiao Nian felt his feather-like voice brush past her ear gently and pursed her lips.

She turned to Lei Ting. "She's gone. There's no need to pretend anymore."

Then, she retracted her gaze and said to Ye w.a.n.gchuan, "She won't run."

The corners of Qiao Nian's eyes raised slightly. She was calm and indifferent as if everything was under her control. "She hasn't enjoyed 'victory' yet. How can she bear to run away?"

Ji Ziyin had no idea Lei Ting's 'blood' was fake. Why would she run?

"Let her be happy for now. Otherwise, how boring would it be?" Qiao Nian looked at Lei Ting and concisely said, "I still have some things to deal with later. I'll go look for her after I'm done."

Ye w.a.n.gchuan instantly understood what she meant without needing Qiao Nian to explain. "I'll tell Mo Dong to follow her."

"Okay." Qiao Nian smiled. She was in a good mood.

She hung up.

Qiao Nian put her phone into her pocket and turned to Lei Ting. "Have you recovered? If you have, prepare to catch the perpetrator."

Lei Ting was already standing, his chest pain where the bullet hit had also gradually reduced.

He stared straight at the girl and hoa.r.s.ely said, "How can you be sure she would come?"

Qiao Nian casually raised her baseball cap and looked at him with her dark eyes. "I was not 100% sure. But I was lucky. I guessed correctly."

Lei Ting felt like dying from anger every time he spoke with her.

He really did not understand how Qiao Nian could openly say she was trying her luck.

However, this time, he was not so indignant. He coldly said, "I just want to catch Elder Leo's murderer. Since it was not you, our family won't make things difficult for you in the future!"

He thought that Qiao Nian would be happy to hear this.

Unexpectedly, the girl only lazily put her hands in her pockets and impatiently asked, "Are you leaving?"

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Madam's Identities Shocks The Entire City Again Chapter 2947 Everything Was Planned summary

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