Madam's Identities Shocks The Entire City Again Chapter 2963 You Don't Know If You're Picky

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Chapter 2963  You Don't Know If You're Picky

He slept in worse conditions when he went to Continent F and the independent continent alone in the past. He did not need a suite.

However, ever since meeting Qiao Nian, he seemed particular about the quality of life. Hence, she gave him a look that said "You don't know?" and did not continue.

Ye w.a.n.gchuan was even more helpless. He could not remind her of his unrestrained glory days, so he could only compromise. "There's no need to change places. I'll go with you. If you can stay there, I can too."

"Alright." Qiao Nian did not want to argue with him about this. She nodded, looking like she believed him.

Ye w.a.n.gchuan saw that she had reluctantly believed him. His chest felt like it had been silently hammered. It was not heavy, but he felt even more depressed.

However, Qiao Nian had already let go of this matter. She leaned back lazily and started playing with her cell phone…

He could only swallow his anger and get over himself.

* * *

The car quickly stopped at the entrance of the five-star hotel.

The chauffeur opened the door for them.

Ye w.a.n.gchuan got out of the car first. Qiao Nian immediately took her bag and followed him out.

Country M was bustling at night, and the Kevlar Hotel was even more dazzling.

Their car was an ordinary one arranged by Feng Yu.

It was inconspicuous compared to the row of luxury cars outside.

The chauffeur helped to put down Mo Xi's luggage and closed the trunk. Then, he walked to Qiao Nian and respectfully handed her a card. "Miss Qiao, you can go in and check-in."

Qiao Nian awkwardly took the card from him but politely said, "Sorry to trouble you."

The chauffeur suddenly looked at her and quickly waved his hand. "No, this is all part of my job. Miss Qiao, you don't have to be polite. The dean has already arranged everything."

"Okay." Qiao Nian nodded and closed the door. "Then we'll go in first."

The chauffeur hurriedly said, "Alright, alright. Please go in."

Qiao Nian turned to the man beside her and said, "Let's go and check-in."

Ye w.a.n.gchuan helped her with the suitcase and entered the lobby at her side.

Mo Xi did not go with them.

This place was too eye-catching.

With Mo Xi's ident.i.ty, it was inconvenient for him to stay there.

He and the chauffeur watched Qiao Nian and Ye w.a.n.gchuan enter the hotel before walking to the side to make a call.

He informed those on the independent continent that they had arrived smoothly.

Mo Dong sent an address shortly after.

Mo Xi saw Ji Lin's address and phone number. He pursed his lips and went to meet with him.

At the lobby.

The girl walked to the front desk and handed the card. "h.e.l.lo, two people, checking in."

"All right."

The front desk person took the card and scanned it, confirming it belonged to the First Research Inst.i.tute.

Smiling, she raised her head and said to the girl, "Wait a moment, I'll immediately settle it for you."

The pa.s.s Feng Yu gave Qiao Nian did not require them to show their IDs. They could just use the First Research Inst.i.tute's name.

Qiao Nian leaned against the marble side of the front desk and waited for her to settle the procedures.

Kevlar Hotel was indeed one of the top hotels in Country M. The lobby was marbled, and the chandeliers reflected dazzling light rays. It was filled with the smell of money.

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Madam's Identities Shocks The Entire City Again Chapter 2963 You Don't Know If You're Picky summary

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