Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2426 Expensive Soul Illusion Silver! The Mysterious Space Realm Space! (4)

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Chapter 2426  Expensive Soul Illusion Silver! The Mysterious s.p.a.ce Realm s.p.a.ce! (4)

General weapons rarely use this kind of metal. Only some special weapons would use it, but for the Shadow Puppetry Seal, the Soul Illusion Silver was a necessary material.

In addition, some blood from t.i.tan-level star beasts was needed, along with a star core of the same element. w.a.n.g Teng wonder if the Virtual Universe Corporation had them.

w.a.n.g Teng's gaze fell upon the light screen. He began his search.

The results revealed an abundance of celestial treasures, almost distracting him from his objective.

Fortunately, after glimpsing the required exchange points, he immediately regained focus.

Exchanges within the Virtual Universe Corporation could be done using points, which could be obtained through various means. One method was through tasks, which w.a.n.g Teng temporarily dismissed.

These tasks were scattered across different universe regions and consumed significant time. He didn't have the luxury to undertake them now.

Another method was through Chaos Coins for exchange.

One Chaos Coin for one point.

When w.a.n.g Teng saw this exchange mechanism, he was dumbfounded. The preciousness of Chaos Coins was self-evident. Yet, he needed to use them to exchange for coins in the Virtual Universe Corporation. How extravagant!

He had painstakingly extorted 600 Chaos Coins from Elder Hui, and with the additional 100 from the five major families, he only had a total of 700. This could only be exchanged for 700 points.

He realized that most of the valuable treasures required at least a thousand points, with some even costing tens of thousands. He didn't even have enough for the smallest item.

"This is hars.h.!.+" w.a.n.g Teng exclaimed in frustration.

"Think about it the other way around. If you were to complete tasks, you could directly earn points and exchange them for Chaos Coins. Wouldn't that make it simpler?" Round Ball couldn't help but interject.

"Those tasks are probably not as simple as they seem." w.a.n.g Teng shook his head.

"But what you just looked at were extremely precious treasures. Look at these ordinary ones. Some only require a dozen points or 100 points to exchange," Round Ball waved its hand and the screen changed, displaying a different interface.

The prices of the items displayed indeed changed. They were no longer exorbitant, and w.a.n.g Teng could afford them.

"These things are of little use to me," w.a.n.g Teng glanced over them roughly and said, "Forget about the rest. Help me search for the Soul Illusion Silver."

"Soul Illusion Silver!" Round Ball exclaimed, "That's an extremely rare liquid metal. Why do you want to search for it?"

"Just search for it if I ask you to. Why ask so many questions? You'll find out later," w.a.n.g Teng replied.

Round Ball shrugged, no longer pressing further, and began the search for Soul Illusion Silver. Immediately, a strange silver liquid metal appeared on the screen. Though liquid, the metal's surface bore intricate patterns that moved with its flow, resembling threads, incredibly unique.

"Yes, that's it." A hint of joy appeared on w.a.n.g Teng's face as he examined the peculiar metal.

True to his expectations, the Virtual Universe Corporation didn't disappoint him. This rare metal existed.

"You should check the price first," Round Ball suggested.

Upon hearing this, w.a.n.g Teng suddenly had a foreboding feeling. His gaze fell upon the small numbers below the Soul Illusion Silver.

"Oh my G.o.d! 3,600 points!"

In the next moment, he blurted out a curse, his mood sinking to its lowest point.

With only 700 Chaos Coins, he was still a staggering 2,900 points short of 3,600. It was evident that they didn't want him to craft the Shadow Puppet.

"Um… 3,600 points is the price for ten kilograms. How much do you need? If it's less, it might be cheaper," Round Ball suggested.

w.a.n.g Teng sighed. If he were crafting a universe-stage shadow puppet, he would only need five kilograms of the Soul Illusion Silver. However, for an eternal-stage Shadow Puppet, he precisely needed ten kilograms—no less.

In truth, w.a.n.g Teng's aspirations were lofty. He aimed to craft an eternal-stage Shadow Puppet directly, making the task notably challenging.

If he were to ascend to the universe stage, acquiring 3,600 points wouldn't be too difficult, and exchanging them for ten kilograms of Soul Illusion Silver would be within reach.

But he was just a cosmos-stage warrior. Despite his considerable strength, he still lacked in certain aspects compared to higher-level warriors.

"Well, it seems I'll have to wait a bit longer," w.a.n.g Teng said disappointedly.

"What exactly are you planning? Tell me, maybe I can offer some advice," Round Ball asked, puzzled.

w.a.n.g Teng didn't conceal anything and directly shared his intention to craft a Shadow Puppet.

"An eternal-stage shadow puppet! I didn't expect you to acquire something like that," Round Ball's eyes widened in astonishment. However, considering w.a.n.g Teng's unpredictable nature, Round Ball had grown somewhat accustomed to surprises. Yet, it also felt somewhat speechless, remarking, "You're only a cosmos-stage warrior, yet you want to craft an eternal-stage Shadow Puppet. Isn't that aiming too high?"

"I initially just wanted to craft a universe-stage shadow puppet. Who would've thought I'd come across a t.i.tan-level star core within the five major families' treasury? So, I got ambitious," w.a.n.g Teng explained helplessly.

Thinking back about it, it was awkward for him to get the t.i.tan-level star core in advance.

Round Ball fell silent for a moment, realizing that w.a.n.g Teng's ambitions weren't entirely unreasonable.

It would have likely attempted the same. After all, w.a.n.g Teng already possessed the main materials needed: the eternal-stage body and the t.i.tan-level star core. He was incredibly close to crafting an eternal-stage shadow puppet.


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Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2426 Expensive Soul Illusion Silver! The Mysterious Space Realm Space! (4) summary

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