Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex Chapter 192

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That’s right…Yukino’s no longer necessary in Yos.h.i.+-kun’s life. That girl only makes Yos.h.i.+-kun suffer…」

Megu told me.

Is that so?…As expected

「Mana, will serve Onii-chan more and more…I’ll become a woman who can satisfy you…! Therefore, you don’t need Yukino-san anymore do you?…Right?!」

Mana rubs her cheeks on my chest…


『…Yos.h.i.+da-kun, Megumi, Mana-san…come back quickly…!』

Suddenly…Minaho-neesan’s voice can be heard from the speakers…

…As expected, she’s peeping.

Then…she contacted us using the school broadcast from the monitor room…

She’s not broadcasting to the whole school…I’m sure that it’s possible to talk on each individual cla.s.sroom…


What does it mean by『Come back quickly』…?!

「Could it be that Viola came to attack?! Or could it be the people from s.h.i.+rasaka house…?!」

I shout at the hidden microphones somewhere in the cla.s.sroom.

I should be able to talk to Minaho-neesan in the monitoring room.

Immediately after, Minaho-neesan’s voice answers from the speaker.

『…It’s not』


『…Katsuko’s saying that breakfast is ready…!』


I made a big fool of myself…!


『That’s right…you guys are hungry now aren’t you?』

At the moment she say that…

Someone’s stomach groaned.

「I-It’s not me…Yos.h.i.+-kun!」

Megu looks at me.

「Ehehe…it’s Mana!」

Mana holds her stomach bashfully.

『Hurry up and come back…especially Megumi, you have morning practice don’t you?…Go after taking a meal』

「But…Minaho-neesan. It’s hard to move when your stomach is filled…」

『That’s why come back soon and eat…be sure to digest it even a bit by the time you start your practice』

Minaho-neesan’s harsh…

I look at Megu.

「Let’s go back…Megu」


「I want to flirt with Yos.h.i.+-kun until the last minute though…!」

「…We can just do that later」

When I say that…Megu smiled.

「…You’re right. My mornings with Yos.h.i.+-kun isn’t today only」

「Then, once Megu-oneechan goes to practice, Mana will be sucking it off…!」


「Mana hasn’t drank from Onii-chan today」

「Didn’t you lick it a while ago?」

「That’s not enough at all…Mana wants to drink a lot… !」

Saying that…she puts her lips on my glans…

She tries to suck out the remaining s.e.m.e.n in my urethra…

I pull my hips in panic…


「…I-I’m good for now…it’ll stand up again you know」

「Ah…I see」

Mana laughs.

「Mana…leave some for me. I want to drink from Yos.h.i.+-kun too…!」

「I know…Megu-oneechan!」

Somehow…the two are getting along well…

It feels like their l.u.s.t has become amazing too…

「Then, let’s go, Onii-chan!」

Mana takes my left hand and pulls it.


Megu hugs me who toppled down unconsciously.

「Geez, that’s dangerous Mana!」

「I’m sorry!」

Megu holds my right hand.

She holds it and tangles her arm.

「Now…let’s go, Yos.h.i.+-kun…!」

「Ah…Me too, I want to link arms with Onii-chan!」

◇ ◇ ◇

Coming out of the cla.s.sroom…we go to the monitor room via the’s office.


I’m being sandwiched by Megu and Mana on both sides…

We walked in the monitor room sticking close together…

「…Uwa, the sun’s dazzling, Onii-chan!」

The sun has risen quite a lot that the outside is completely bright.

We walk naked in the bright corridor.

Megu and Mana are pressing their b.r.e.a.s.t.s to my arms.

「Hey, Yos.h.i.+-kun…」

Suddenly, Megu speak up…


Megu grabs my hand and let me touch her a.s.s.

「Touch it…you love my b.u.t.t don’t you?」


「Then I’ll take this hand to Mana’s b.u.t.t!」


I walk the corridor while enjoying the feeling of the two beauties’ a.s.s.

「Ah…Onii-chan’s p.e.n.i.s got a bit energetic again!」


You don’t need to say that.

「…It’s true」

Megu too…You don’t need to stare at it so much.

Somehow…my p.e.n.i.s got half-erect being observed while walking…

…It’s shameful.

「Huh…it went down」

Mana said disappointedly…

Well of course it will…

If two girls stare at it fixedly…

In that sort of situation…we arrived at the stairs where we took off our clothes.

「Here, hurry up and wear it」

I hurriedly slip my underwear and shorts through my legs.

「I’m fie like this! I’ll stay naked! I’m completely fine even if I’m like this…!」

Mana said with a laugh.

「No…I’ll get uneasy if you do that!」

「Eh, Onii-chan…does Mana being naked make your heart beat so fast?!」

「Yeah, it does! That’s why wear clothes…!」


Mana takes her miniskirt.

「But…I’m not wearing panties so it doesn’t change that much. Onii-chan, you can flip Mana’s skirt anytime…!」

「I know so hurry up!」

When I shout at her…


Huh…Megu, why are you still naked?

「…dress me」

Megu gives me her underwear bashfully…

I see…I have to dress her…

「Got it…here」

I took Megu’s panty and put it on her.


「…This much’s fine」

「Yos.h.i.+-kun, I love you!」

「Here, your bra’s next」


Megu smiled happily.

After managing to wear clothes…

We go up the stairs and to the’s office at once.

「How do you enter here? Do we have to knock?」

Standing in front of the splendid’s office door…Mana asks me…

「There’s a surveillance camera so they’ll know who’s coming…」

Gacha! The lock automatically opens.

「Look it’s open」

I turned the doork.n.o.b and opened the door.


What’s there is…


She’s sitting dignified on the’s desk…

「I’ve been waiting…」

Minaho-neesan looks at us with her usual cold eyes…

「Megumi…wash your lower half in the shower room and change panties」


「If you go like that…Yos.h.i.+da-kun’s stuff will drip out during the practice won’t it?」

「I-I like it that way. Yos.h.i.+-kun’s warm stuff in my stomach while…」

Minaho-neesan stops Megu’s words…

「…Other girls will notice it. Girls have sharp intuition on that kind of thing…!」

「Who cares if they notice! It’s a proof of Yos.h.i.+-kun’s love!」

Megu answered.

「You don’t know that it won’t be good for Yos.h.i.+da-kun, do you?」

Minaho-neesan’s words pierce Megu.

「The school is a place to learn. Everyone knows that you’re『engaged』but…won’t it be an annoyance to everyone if you smell like s.e.x? They will hate a couple without delicacy…!」

「I’m fine with that! As long as I have Yos.h.i.+-kun…!」

Megu resists Minaho-neesan.

「Even if you’re fine with that…what about Yos.h.i.+da-kun?」

「Yos.h.i.+-kun chose me. I want him to look only at me!」

「Is that so?…So Megumi is fine with Yos.h.i.+da-kun being isolated in the school?」

「That’s…even if he’s isolated then I’ll be with Yos.h.i.+-kun forever!」

Minaho-neesan laughed coldly…

「…Megumi, do you not want Yos.h.i.+da-kun to make friends?」

「That is…!」

「If you want Yos.h.i.+da-kun to have a fun school life then doesn’t he need friends? Don’t you want him to be a boy liked by everyone at school?」

「Well…that’s true but」

「Oh…Megumi doesn’t want other girls to take away Yos.h.i.+da-kun right? That’s why you just want to cage him for yourself…!」


「That’s why you purposely want to make the girls around you smell the s.e.x with Yos.h.i.+da-kun. Then, you want to appeal that Yos.h.i.+da-kun is Megumi’s『woman』, right?」

「Yes…I think so」

Megu admits it.

「I understand what you feel… But, our school is a co-ed. Even in the cla.s.s, there’s a boy’s world and a girl’s world. When you smell like s.e.x and come to the morning…the girls in the club will spread it to the boys. Then won’t Yos.h.i.+da-kun be hated by the boys…?!」

「…That is!」

「Surely…Megumi doesn’t think that Yos.h.i.+da-kun doesn’t need boys as friends too…!」

Megu looks at me.

「…Even I think so. Yos.h.i.+da-kun should have more boys as friends…!」

「It’s not just boys…he also needs girl friends. Yos.h.i.+da-kun isn’t a maniac who will push down girls that enter his sight…trust him a bit more. Enclosing him is just overprotection…it’ll only result to isolating Yos.h.i.+da-kun」


Megu nods.

「Anyway…it’s better not to bring too much of a wild s.e.x in the air! It would be meaningless if the people around you will turn to hate you…won’t that make the students who were your allies turned to enemies…!」

「…You’re right. I’m very sorry, Minaho-san」

Megu’s convinced from what Minaho-neesan said.

「Then hurry up and go to the shower room. Mana-san, could you check if Megu has washed herself properly?」


Mana looks at Minaho-neesan in surprise…

「Yos.h.i.+da-kun will be having a meeting with me so Mana san should wash your hands too. You touched Yos.h.i.+da-kun’s p.e.n.i.s a lot, haven’t you?」


「The meeting will end right away so you can go to the lower room」

「…Got it. Mana’s going!」


Opening the hidden door…Megu and Mana goes down to the『Monitor room』…

Minaho-neesan closed the hidden door, and…

「…Both of them have their 『dependence』to you turned to something unthinkable」

…『Dependence』to me?!

「Yes…both of them were trying to serve you but people are looking at things as their own convenience. Actually, it has turned to a state where you are supporting the two of them hard…」

…Is that so?

「Yos.h.i.+da-kun…don’t you think it’s troublesome? It’s hard to be dealing with each girls who has become very emotional beyond reason directly?」

Minaho-neesan smiles at me.

「No…But, but of them are my『women』…should I respond to them seriously whatever happens?…I have that duty and responsibility after al…!」

「Oh…so there’s the consciousness that it’s『troublesome』right?」

「Well…there are times I think of that. Sometimes…」

I answered.

「That awkward honesty is a good point of yours so I like it but… But if this continues, I’m worried that the burden you put on your heart might be too much and make you collapse…!」


「You’ve heard it from Nei haven’t you? That girl is『heavier』than Megumi and Mana-san… If you confront it directly…Yos.h.i.+da-kun will be squashed!」

Un…to be honest.

Even now, I don’t know what kind of face I should show her.

I’m really thankful to Minaho-neesan for making a time for cus.h.i.+oning like this…

「You shouldn’t carry everything at once…do what you can at the time you can」

Minaho-neesan said.

「No matter how capable a person is…they only have one body, two hands and the flow of time is finite… You should know what you can do at the time. Still…it’s better to do one thing than do nothing. Everything is an acc.u.mulation of trivial things…!」


「That’s right…the thing a human can do alone is acc.u.mulated. n.o.body has the power to solve a problem instantly. Of course…those capable has a higher speed of acc.u.mulating it… But if you take your time, anyone can acc.u.mulate the same things don’t you think?」

…I’m a stupid and I don’t have the skills.

And yet…I can take time to build it up.

「Your att.i.tude towards women…you never let their words wash away, you don’t ignore nor pretend to listen…facing anything with a naively honest face is something wonderful I think. You are steadily acc.u.mulating each of the girls…you repeatedly pile up a plus in their heart. That’s why there’s no need to be in a hurry…you can take it slowly


「Am I doing it properly? Am I really acc.u.mulating?

Minaho-neesan smiles kindly.

「Yes…thanks to you, everyone’s saved. Everyone’s moving to a plus…!」

「But…I…I think that I’m the one being saved by everyone. Everyone’s saving my broken heart…I think that I’m being taken care by everyone much more…!」


「Yos.h.i.+da-kun…know that there’s no perfect person in this world…!


「Everyone has a place they lack in their heart. There’s no one who has everything in order. Living means being wounded…!」


「As long as a human lives…as long as they live with other people…they will hit someone. Just like how stones collide with each other from the flow of the water… Both stones will crack and be damaged. Of course…humans have the ability to heal themselves but before their previous wound gets cured, they often receive the next wound. Even if it gets cured, a huge scar will still remain and sometimes, it’ll shed blood again… All humans have no choice but to live with that scar…!」

Everyone’s wounded…

「Sometimes…a fellow wounded will cuddle and heal up each other. Our relations.h.i.+p is that kind of thing…we need each other so that’s why we’re together. That’s why don’t think of『I feel sorry being saved』or that『I’m just a bother』…!」


I…I don’t regret dragging you in my『revenge』 I will never regret it… Because, thanks to that, we were able to get to know you… You became my precious『little brother』…!」

Minaho-neesan looks at me.

This person has always kept her distance as the『elder sister』

I can’t enter the distance where we can embrace each other.

She’s not asking for a physical contact beyond what’s asked…

She’s really my『elder sister』

She’s trying to become my『elder sister』

「I’m confident. If I can redo my life to the point where I met you…as expected I’ll get you involved again. I think you should rape Yukino. Even if I start over a hundred times, I will do it a hundred times as well… That’s why I have no regrets」


I imagine the same thing.

If I can go back in time…

「I’m the same. I think that I will violate Yukino again. I don’t think I will chose a different life…!」

Then…I also imagined the continuation.

「Even Nagisa…I will still embrace her. Misuzu…Katsuko-nee…Megu…and Mana would be the same… The details might become different but no matter how many times I start over…I think I’ll do the same. I…as expected, will take them! I’ll make them my『woman』…!」

I feel like something was cut inside me.

Oh…so this is a straight road.

There’s no regret…

I have no choice but to race this way…

「…Your hesitation has disappeared?」

Minaho-neesan asked.

「Yes…thank you, Nee-san!」

As a result…even if I die.

Even if I get caught by the police and get sent to a miserable lifetime.

I won’t regret…

This is my own life.

「I’m glad that you’re better now」

It seems that I made Minaho-neesan worried.

「Nei’s case has shown a bad symptoms to Megumi and Mana so I’m worried that you were also influenced badly too」

Megu and Mana…bad symptoms?

「Let me go back to our talk earlier but…forget what Mana and Megumi said about Yukino. That was half-right only」


「Let me tell you beforehand…no matter how much you have s.e.x with Megumi and Mana…your trauma with Yukino won’t be resolved」


「Do you know the word『Compensation behavior』?」


「It’s a psychology term…for example, a couple who can’t have children will love dogs instead of children…that’s『compensation behavior』」


「If they really love dogs then there’s no problem but…if they only use the dog as a replacement to a child…in the end, the『dog』and『child』are different. A distortion will occur somewhere. Depending on the person, that distortion may cause extreme behavior…for example, the house becomes filled with dogs…!」


「Even if you divert your emotions you have towards Yukino with s.e.x with Megumi and Mana…that’s just a『compensation behavior』 In the end, a distortion appears and your s.e.x will become more extreme…and you’ll s.h.i.+ft to a much more perverted s.e.x, won’t you?」

…The『naked stroll』and the『rape play』?

No, Mana was the one who asked for the『rape play』though…

Megu said that she wants to do it too…

「It’s okay for now but…there’s a possibility of it getting into something even more perverted, right? Yos.h.i.+da-kun, do you want that?」

「I-I don’t know…」

「If you like that then there’s no need to stop but…if it’s something caused by the trauma with Yukino…then if your perverted s.e.x accelerates with Megu and Mana, your brakes won’t work anymore」


「…Megumi and Mana-san isn’t Yukino-san」

…Does that mean?

「A couple without children keeps on buying dogs…love those dogs…but the dogs aren’t children so the hunger of their heart won’t be sated…rather, it’ll turn severe…the numbers of the dogs will increase and lastly, the house will be filled with dogs, do you understand the theory?」


「If you try to eliminate the trauma from s.e.x with Yukino using other girls…but those girls aren’t Yukino-san so your s.e.x will become more perverted…and you know what’s ahead of that don’t you?」

The perversion won’t stop.

The thirst won’t be sated and you’ll just keep drinking water…

In the end…you’ll burst.

「In the end…your trauma with Yukino-san can’t be released unless you face Yukino-san」


…Yukino’s the only one who can release it.

「However…Megumi has misunderstood the conflict within you」


「Megumi has an inferiority complex towards Yukino-san right? Then, she felt jealous when she saw Yukino having s.e.x with you. Fired by the emotions of inferiority complex and jealousy…she wanted to have a violent s.e.x with you」


There’s no mistake from that flow.

「Megumi has a strong surge inside her…and has identified your trauma from Yukino. Unconsciously…」


「Therefore…she thinks that your trauma from Yukino will be resolved if you do a much more intense s.e.x with herself. What’s actually solved is Megumi’s inferiority complex and jealousy. But…she thought that she’s satisfied so she also thinks that Yos.h.i.+da-kun’s trauma is also released…!」

So that’s how it is?

「Bringing Mana-san together was also a mistake… I thought that it would be good for Mana-san’s mental stability for the two of them to be together but it’s nearing the limit. Mana-san starts to rely on Megumi and you and she synchronizes with Megumi’s opinion…!」

Un…it’s good that Mana and Megumi are getting along…

She’s been sympathizing with Megu’s feelings too much…

She’s convinced that she has『the same feeling』…

「Anyway…I will try to separate the two after this. I’ll have Nei take care of Mana. I think she should divert her head filled with herself to another child…」

Minaho-neesan is really everyone’s elder sister.

She observes everyone’s state and tries to lead them to a good direction.

「Rather than that…let’s go back to Megumi」

Minaho-neesan looks at me.


「I feel sorry but I’ll have Yos.h.i.+da-kun follow her up for a while. I think she’s a troublesome girl but…I have no choice but to leave her to you」

「That’s…she’s not trouble at all… !」

When I say that…

「Megumi will also be in a trouble from today on…」


「Everyone in the school knows that Megumi is a distant relative of s.h.i.+rasaka house…!」


By spreading s.h.i.+rasaka Sousuke’s news…it’s not just Yukino who’ll be denounced in the school…!~

Everyone knows that Megu is Yukino’s relative.

It’s possible that Megu will also be receive bas.h.i.+ng…!

…Why did I notice it?

This is important!

「That’s also one of the causes of Megumi’s unstable mental condition」

Minaho-neesan said.

I see…

That’s why Megu…

I never knew it…

「That’s why…Yos.h.i.+da-kun, try to stay by Megumi’s side as much as possible…!」

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Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex Chapter 192 summary

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