Regressor Instruction Manual Chapter 880. Epilogue (3)

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Chapter 880. Epilogue (3)

“Did you complete the quest?” Han Sora asked.

“Yeah, Cheru...” Sera replied.

“Really? I should thank him,” Han Sora said.

I saw the two talking casually, but the blond-haired child was a stuttering mess.

For some reason, Miss Han Sora was nodding while listening to Sera, and it was an unrealistic sight in my eyes. Miss Han Sora also patted Sera's head and pinched his cheek. I wasn’t sure whether it was because of what Han Sora was doing, but the crying Sera eventually stopped crying.

Sera was still hiccuping and sniffling, but he calmed down a lot and spoke more clearly.

“So...” Sera trailed off.

“So what happened?” Han Sora asked.

‘What’s going on?’

“D-Domi kept saying that she's going to get in trouble...”

“It's pretty late. She might get scolded, but you have to keep promises. I was really worried, too,” Han Sora said.

Ah, w-what about Mom...” Sera asked.

“She’s probably with your dad,” Han Sora answered.

“R-Really? Can I go see them?” Sera asked.

“I think they’re busy right now, so let’s go see them later. Thro, you should head in first and submit your report,” Han Sora suggested.

“I-I want to go, too...” Sera mumbled.

“Stay with me a little longer. You haven’t finished the homework your mom gave you, right?” Han Sora asked.


“I’ll help you,” Han Sora offered.


“Let’s do that,” Han Sora added.

“Okay...” Sera answered.

“Did anything else happen?” Han Sora asked.

“Yeah. I ate cotton candy on the way here. We didn’t have any money because we spent it, but t-that noona bought us cotton candy,” Thro said. The silver-haired child then entered the guild with his head down.

I noticed Miss Han Sora staring at me.

‘What should I do? She’s looking at me.’

Han Sora smiled and nodded when Sera whispered something into her ear, but Han Sora suddenly looked at me with a wary gaze. When I saw that, I knew I had to say something because she was definitely suspicious of me now.

“H-h.e.l.lo. I-I’m Belier. I came for the Blue Guild’s entrance test final interview...” I trailed off. I had no idea how I said those words, but Han Sora seemed to have realized that I wa an interviewee who had come to the guild for her final interview.

Han Sora got up quietly and said, "Ah, so...”

“Yes, I’m Belier. I-It’s an honor to meet you, Miss Han Sora!” I shouted.

“I’m honored to meet you as well, Mis Belier. I heard the children are indebted to you...” Han Sora remarked.

“N-No, I wouldn’t say indebted, and please speak comfortably,” I told her.

“No, you’re a guest. I can’t do that. How about we head inside?” Han Sora suggested.

“O-Okay!” I exclaimed and stepped stiffly into the guild through the front door.

“Welcome to the Blue Guild,” Han Sora greeted.

“Thank you,” I said.

I took just one step, but I felt like I had stepped into another world with how the atmosphere changed drastically in an instant.

The entire Blue Guild was laid out clearly before me, and it was so big that I couldn’t believe that this place was being used by less than twenty guild members.

Perhaps it was because they had more guild staff compared to the Black Swan and the Red Mercenary Guild. This could also be to support each and every guild member, but it could also be to maintain the guild's businesses.

They had to take care of many things, things including the potion business, the item business, and the Rift Museum. Powerful figures in important positions or guild masters of other guilds probably visited them daily, so the Blue Guild was really important.

Despite that, the guild’s atmosphere was pretty carefree. I saw people drinking coffee and talking about their work in the staffer's resting lounge. I saw security guards standing like statues, and I saw people in the middle of training.

“There’s a separate site for official guild members,” Han Sora said.

Ah... I see.”

“Your interview today will be taking place there as well... Ah, come to think of it, you still have some time left. Would you like to take a look around?” she offered.

“Yes, Miss Han Sora. I-I’m a huge fan,” I confessed.


It seemed really random that I unknowingly confessed.

“I’m a huge fan,” I repeated.

Ah, thank you,” she said.

“I’m being serious. I’ve been watching you since the Laios days, during the Day of the Revival and... the Day of the Prophecy. I’m trying to calm down a bit, b-but I can’t. I’m sorry. Do you mind if I ask a few questions? Could I get your autograph... No, if you don’t mind, could I take a picture with you so that I can show it off for the rest of my life?! And I!” I paused.

“H-Hold on,” Han Sora said.


“I get it, so you don’t have to stand so close,” Han Sora said.



“I-I’m sorry. I was just so happy,” I stuttered.

‘I ruined it all because I kept rambling like a fool.’

I started regretting the fact that I panicked, and I felt like crying for fumbling here.

Her reaction was understandable, as I had basically pounced on her. I was starting to get worried that this was going to affect my interview in a negative way, and my heart broke at the thought that she'd think of me as a weird person.

'I can't look her in the eye. Where should I look?'

While I was thinking about how I was supposed to apologize to her, I heard her talking once again. “No, that’s not what I meant. The reasoning is a bit complicated... It might complicate things for you. I wasn’t offended, so no need to apologize."


“I can’t really tell you, but...” Han Sora paused.

“It’s a curse...” I said.

“How did you...”

“Can I take a closer look? I might be able to help,” I offered.

“No, it’s fine, Miss Belier. More importantly, how did you know?” Han Sora asked.

I couldn’t see it, but I could feel it.

I couldn’t state the reason, but I was sensitive to magic. I had no idea just what type of spell was this, but it was like a clump of dark energy. I had never felt something like this before. Since she had told me not to get close to her, it could be a type of curse that would whisk her away to the location of the curse's caster.

Sera could be an exception, as she managed to get close to Han Sora.

Obviously, I had never seen a spell capable of differentiating between people, but...

‘I’m looking at it right now.’

The difference between me and the caster of this spell was more than just a level. I couldn’t even understand the first paragraph of the complicated formula before me. All I could do was feel it, and when I moved my mana out of curiosity...




Why was there a dagger...


Pressing against my neck...


As I stood stunned at the cold, p.r.i.c.kling sensation, someone grabbed my hand.

Uh... Miss Han Sora, just now...”

“I’m sorry,” Han Sora said.


“I've been experimenting with something recently, and I failed one of the trials for it, so I'm currently under its side effect. That’s why I’m minimizing contact with others. Testing on my own body is the most effective. Haha... it’s not a curse, so don’t worry and there aren’t any other side effects.

"However, It’s very sensitive, and you even tried to dispel it, so it's not strange that it reacted like that,” Han Sora explained.

“Amazing. Just now... I almost died,” I mumbled.


“How is this possible... It’s simply amazing. Wow...” I said.

“I think you’re more amazing, Miss Belier. If I remember correctly, you're a fighter,” Han Sora said.

“Yes, I’m a fighter. To be exact, I’m a Unique-rank magic fighter... so that’s why I’m studying magic. A-And it looks like I caused trouble again,” I answered.

“Not at all. Considering what Sera told me earlier, I should actually be the one thanking you,” Han Sora said.

“T-T-Thank you,” I stuttered.

I looked down and saw a child clinging to Miss Han Sora's legs. I smiled brightly at the child and looked at my hand again. I felt like laughing because the situation just now was just a bit too ridiculous.


I simply attempted to dispel it, but the spell actually reacted so violently that it almost killed me.

‘She’s really amazing.’

Once again, I became extremely aware of the difference between myself and these people known as the top adventures of the continent. I wasn't really expecting to reach their heights, but they seemed like mountains I couldn’t climb.

If I ended up getting accepted as a guild member, I’d be spending time with them. I’d be training with them and learning from them. I trembled briefly, and I couldn’t hold my smile back.

Miss Han Sora was smiling awkwardly toward me. It seemed like she was feeling kind of bad...

“I’ll guide you. Sera, shall we go for a walk?” Han Sora suggested.

“Okay!” Sera replied.


... sure,” I said.

I couldn’t stop myself from looking around the guild house.

The well-maintained garden, the majestic-looking fountain, the shops and restaurants inside the guild, and the many different amenities available to the staffers caught my attention. I also saw the youth education facility that I had only heard of in stories.

“I’m not sure where I should start. There’s the magic research facility and the alchemy workshop, but since you have a close-combat type job, you must be curious about the training hall and the training facility...

"The training facilities have improved... so people with close-combat type jobs have been using them pretty often.

"Ah, the guild will provide you with your own armor, so visiting the workshop doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all. Or... Ah... one moment, Miss Belier. Yes, Miss Jung Ha-Yan?” Han Sora said.


“No, I-I went out... to meet Sera... Yes. Right now? Of course, I can head there now, but... Ah... okay. Of course, I can do that. Okay, please wait for me. I’ll be there as soon as possible. Have you eaten yet? Okay. Ah, I’m sorry. I thought you had already eaten with the sub guild master...

"Ah... Okay, Miss Jung Ha-Yan. I did make preparations in advance... Ah... together. Then Sera... Ah... ah... ah... But going together... I’ll bring her with me,” Han Sora said.


“I’m sorry, something came up that requires my attention. I’ll see you later. Let’s go, Sera,” Han Sora said.

“Okay, Auntie,” Sera replied.

Han Sora's extremely surprised face disappeared as soon as the call ended.

‘What about me?’

Miss Han Sora and Sera walked away.

‘Did Miss Jung Ha-Yan summon them?’

Miss Han Sora had mentioned Jung Ha-Yan's name during the call, so it had to be the case. It was fine, but the problem was that I had no idea where I was right now.

‘Why isn’t there anyone here?’

I saw many people earlier, but there was no one here.

I would ask for directions if there were someone else here...

“Who are you?”


And that was when I heard someone's voice.

“An intruder?”

“No, I...”

I heard footsteps, and I turned to find someone swinging their dagger.

“You don’t look like an intruder, but... it doesn’t matter since this looks fun. Let me know if you need help,” the gentleman said.

“I don’t need your help. Mister Ki-Mo. I’ll just warm up,” a girl said.

“Hey, go easy on her!” the gentleman shouted.


“Lie down for a moment.”

I instinctively jumped backward and swung my fist toward her afterward.

I smirked as I performed a light hook toward the figure charging at me.

‘Another swing and then a straight punch.’

Before I could even swing my fist, I felt weightless and...

“Not bad.”

My vision went dark.

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Regressor Instruction Manual Chapter 880. Epilogue (3) summary

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