His Genius Wife Is A Superstar Chapter 1458 (Title is a Spoiler)

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Chapter 1458 (t.i.tle is a Spoiler)

Ever since Long Hui's very public conflict with Iris Long started, he began acting very unstable. His work performance suffered. He could feel himself spiralling downwards.

It was such a huge contrast to his previous performance as the undisputed crown prince of Long Industries and the Long clan.

He couldn't help but reminisce about the good old days when he felt he was on top of the world. He could do whatever he wanted with minimal consequences.

Now, however, it felt like he was walking on No matter what he did, there was always something that would go wrong.

Although he still had a lot of supporters and allies, there were already many who jumped s.h.i.+ps. He also suspected that there were double agents in his camp, waiting to betray him when he least expected it.

He had to be cautious of everyone and everything. It was an exhausting life.

His youngest half-sister, Iris Long, was his biggest opponent. That was the undisputed truth.

Before, n.o.body took her seriously. But now, she was beloved by many. It was like their situations were reversed.

He was now the one whose reputation was tainted. frёewebnoѵē

On the other hand, Iris was famous and charismatic, and most importantly, she had the biggest backer in the country—CEO Jin Liwei.

As for his next biggest compet.i.tor, Long Jiang still had a long way to go. But his younger half-brother's consistently excellent work performance was gradually winning support not only from the higher-ups but also from the regular workers. Their father, Long Tengfei, was also gradually giving Long Jiang more authority. Long Jian was becoming known as a reliable and disciplined leader, neither too strict nor too lax. The regular employees respected him.

His other half-sister, Long Jinjing, was out of the game, so Long Hui wasn't too worried about her. She had no interest in vying to be the next head of Long Industries. However, Long Hui already learned his lesson with Iris Long. What if Long Jinjing was also secretly cunning and joined the battle for succession all of a sudden?

He promised himself to be extra careful when it came to his half-siblings. They couldn't be trusted at all. They were the biggest thorns in his eyes and the most difficult obstacles to his greatest ambition in life.

And it wasn't only those three half-siblings who were a danger to him.

There were also other contenders from various branch families, and even outside the clan such as executive-level officers and shareholders, who were vying to be the next head of Long Industries.

Long Hui felt like he couldn't breathe.

The stress of everything piled up on top of each other and was becoming too much, but he couldn't give up on his ambition.

Giving up meant that what he believed to be his life purpose had become meaningless. He couldn't accept such a conclusion. If he could still fight, he would continue to fight until the end.

He was still in a daze when he vaguely noticed his father and half-siblings rus.h.i.+ng out of the elevators.

Iris' bodyguards quickly escorted the trio out of the company building. They all wore grave expressions.

Long Hui gloated a little. He didn't know what happened but they must have experienced something tragic. Their misfortune gave him pleasure.

Then he heard some of the bystanders gossiping.

"I heard that the President's grandchild was kidnapped," an employee said.

"Poor child! I hope he's rescued safely. Kidnappers are the sc.u.m of society!"

Long Hui frowned.

What kidnapped?

His nephews, both the Jin and the Lu twins, were closely guarded every single day. He personally saw the over-the-top security measures surrounding the babies when he visited Dragon Palace Home #10 that fateful night when he and Iris agreed to a temporary ceasefire.

Although he despised Iris, he would never wish ill upon her children. The twins were innocent.

No matter what happened, they were still his blood-related nephews. It was the same with Long Jinjing's children, the Lu twins.

He might hate the parents, but he didn't have any enmity with the children. He was also a father himself.

He snapped out of his daze and asked the gossiping employees, "Which grandchild did you say was kidnapped?"

They all became silent and looked at each other, not willing to be the one to bear the bad news. His heart began racing as a dreadful possibility entered his mind.

"Why don't you answer me?! Which grandchild was kidnapped?!!!"


"Tell me! Hurry up! TELL ME NOW!!!"

Finally, someone couldn't bear it anymore and answered, "It's…President Long's eldest grandson. The one named Long Jun. It's…your son who was kidnapped, Deputy CFO Long Hui."

Long Hui felt like his soul had left his body.


Long Tengfei followed his youngest daughter inside one of her vehicles. Long Jian was about to join them when someone pushed him out of the way.

He would have fallen to the ground if not for one of Iris' bodyguards catching him and saving him from the embarra.s.sment. A frantic Long Hui climbed inside the vehicle and sat beside Iris in the back pa.s.senger seat without permission.

"Get off," Iris snapped at him. Her cold eyes could freeze him all the way to h.e.l.l.

"No." Long Hui was pale and trembling a little. "My son has been kidnapped! I need to go save him! Tell me what happened!"

Before Iris could snap at him again, Long Tengfei interrupted, "Xiulan, let your brother come with us. Little Jun is his son."

She stared at Long Hui in silence. If looks could kill, he would already be six feet under the ground in no time.

Iris wasn't against Long Hui following them, but he didn't need to be in the same vehicle as her. It felt like being locked in the same room with a venomous snake. Who in their right mind would willingly choose that?

He could drive in his own car and follow them for all she cared. Although she wanted to tell him this to his face, time was of the essence. She didn't bother arguing with him anymore.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar Chapter 1458 (Title is a Spoiler) summary

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