His Genius Wife Is A Superstar Chapter 1479 Dirty Jobs

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Chapter 1479 Dirty Jobs

That night, Iris was lying on the bed with her twin sons while singing them a Russian lullaby. Little Mochi was on her left while Little Matcha was on her right. Both of them hugged her as they gazed at her face in adoration.

Little Matcha was the first one to get drowsy. He yawned once and in no time, he fell asleep. Little Mochi took a bit longer. Iris had no choice but to sing another Russian lullaby before the naughty baby finally succ.u.mbed to sleep.

The bedroom door opened and Jin Liwei entered, making sure to move carefully to avoid waking up his sons. "They're asleep?"

Iris nodded, smiling with soft eyes, as she gazed at their adorable sleeping sons.

Jin Liwei carefully carried Little Matcha first who was startled awake, but when he saw that it was his father, he immediately returned to sleep. After placing the baby in the large crib bed a few steps away, Jin Liwei returned to take Little Mochi.

He was more cautious this time. Jin Liwei didn't take any chances especially when it came to his eldest twin son.

Little Mochi was quite an emotional baby. If he ever felt upset, he would wail at the top of his lungs. It would take a lot of kisses, hugs, and coaxing to comfort him.

Jin Liwei and his wife were both tired, especially Iris. If possible, he didn't want his wife to exhaust herself even more by trying to coax their crying baby.

He put Little Mochi beside Little Matcha.

Popcorn and Ice Cream rearranged themselves to make room for the babies. The two dogs, Pudding and Chowder, also wagged their tails before falling asleep beside the large crib bed.

Iris stood beside Jin Liwei, and they both gazed down at the incredible miracles they created together.

She hugged his arm and leaned her head on his chest. "They need to learn self-defence once they're old enough."

"En," he agreed without hesitation.

"I don't want our twins to experience what Little Jun experienced. Liwei, I'll die again if our twins ever get kidnapped or experience something worse."

Jin Liwei's eyes turned cold. "I won't let anything like that happen. Over my dead body."

Before she could reply, Bacon's hushed voice interrupted them.

"Please excuse Bacon for disturbing Mother and Father at this late hour, but Uncle Zihao says that he has something important to tell both of you."

The husband and wife looked at each other before leaving the bedroom and heading to the living area of their suite. On the TV display, they saw their pure black AI cat son. Bacon's golden eyes glowed while his fluffy tail swayed in a leisurely rhythm.

"Greetings, Mother and Father."

"Thank you, Bacon," Iris said with a soft smile. "h.e.l.lo to you, too. You can connect us to your uncle now."

"Understood, Mother," Bacon's voice returned to a normal volume. "Connecting in 3, 2, 1—"


The TV display flickered and Lu Zihao's cold face appeared.

"Big Brother," Iris greeted him.

Lu Zihao acknowledged with a nod. He didn't waste any time getting to the point.

"I already personally interrogated the unidentified armed men that we captured from the mountain. They're unusually tough. I'm 100% certain that they underwent some form of torture resistance training just like we did."

Of course, he was talking about their past lives as children of the Vetrov family.

Iris' eyes dimmed at the nightmarish memories of their past lives.

Jin Liwei frowned when he noticed it. He immediately grabbed her hand and squeezed it. His frown deepened when he felt that her hand had gone ice-cold. He ma.s.saged it, trying to transfer his warmth to her.

Gradually, she came to her senses. His warm hand rea.s.sured her that the past belonged to the past. This was the present now where she didn't need to undergo a horrific training regimen against her will. She now had a warm, loving home with the beautiful family she built with the love of her life.

She gave her husband a rea.s.suring smile before returning her attention to her brother.

"So they haven't revealed their ident.i.ties yet?" she asked.

"That's right," Lu Zihao said.

He didn't reveal anything from his stoic expression, but Iris could sense that his frustration.

She thought for a moment before saying, "If you're 100% sure that those men underwent torture resistance training then that means that their origins are far more dangerous than we initially expected."

Lu Zihao sneered but his eyes were dead serious. "There are only a handful of organizations in the world that could survive our Vetrov torture methods. I wonder which ones these mangy mutts belong to."

Her chest tightened after hearing her brother's words. "But if they really belong to one of our enemy organizations, why would they come here to this country and a.s.sist Mao Qiuyue and her parents? Why would they kidnap an innocent child like Little Jun? It doesn't make any sense!"

Jin Liwei interjected, "I'll investigate if the Maos still have special hidden connections that we haven't discovered yet."

"The Maos are just p.a.w.ns," Lu Zihao said. "These mangy mutts have no respect whatsoever for the Mao c.o.c.kroaches. The key here is the woman in a floral dress who apparently looks like you, little sister."

Jin Liwei scowled at the thought of somebody so evil looking like his wife. Even Iris didn't like the idea.

"As long as they're in my country, I'll do everything in my power to find out that woman's ident.i.ty," Jin Liwei swore.

Lu Zihao didn't refute him but said instead, "If that woman belongs to one of our past enemy organizations, then her ident.i.ty shouldn't be simple either. Remember that your priority is to keep my sister and all her children safe. Leave the dirty jobs for me to handle."

It was at this moment that Bacon joined in the conversation.

"Please do excuse Bacon's rudeness for interrupting everyone's adult conversation, but Bacon feels the need to remind Uncle Zihao that you also now have your own family—namely, Aunt Jinjing, and your twin sons, Little Misha and Little Dima. If Uncle Zihao dies from doing all of these so-called dirty jobs, then Aunt Jinjing and Bacon's twin cousins would become so pitiful. Uncle Zihao, you keep on failing to consider this matter. It's not"

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar Chapter 1479 Dirty Jobs summary

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