The Bloodline System Chapter 1537 Reaching Planet Humbad

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Chapter 1537  Reaching Planet Humbad

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


As Gustav moved further, the number of planets in the surroundings kept reducing.

The percentage on his quest readout steadily increased, reaching 99.5%.

In the distance, he saw a planet unlike any other he had encountered in this desolate region.

The planet's surface was marked by a ma.s.sive hole that covered about 35% of its entirety, glowing with the ominous red of bubbling magma.

Gustav knew immediately that this had to be Planet Humbad. He surged forward at incredible speed, his focus entirely on his destination.

However, his rapid approach was abruptly halted. Two ma.s.sive dark hands appeared, seemingly materializing out of the planet itself.

A colossal being emerged from behind the planet, its size dwarfing even the largest celestial bodies.

This creature was at least six times the size of Planet Humbad with its form shrouded in shadow and darkness. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent red light, and its body was covered in scales that seemed to s.h.i.+ft and ripple like liquid shadow. Huge, ragged wings extended from its back, adding to its terrifying presence.

Gustav barely had time to react before one of the ma.s.sive shadowy claws swiped at him. Instinctively, he dodged with a burst of speed from his void stepping boots, narrowly avoiding the destructive swipe.

The force of the claw's movement caused shockwaves that rippled through the void, distorting s.p.a.ce and time.

Drawing upon his vast array of abilities, Gustav launched an offensive maneuver. He raised his hand, and a surge of atomic disintegration energy flowed from his fingertips.

The milky white energy streaked towards the ma.s.sive creature, aiming to break through its dark form. The beam collided with the creature's chest, creating a hole that was incredibly large but just like mist, the hole soon covered up.

The creature roared in pain and anger, swiping its other claw at Gustav. He narrowly avoided it again, moving with lightning speed. However, the creature was relentless. It continued to attack, each swipe faster and more ferocious than the last.

Gustav was able to evade it's attack and continuously rip through it with his own counterattack but despite that, the creature remained relentless.

The dark shadowy being's ma.s.sive swipes sent forth storming winds and rifts of energy that threatened to obliterate anything in their path.

Gustav recognized the imminent danger and quickly unleashed Cohilia. Multicolored layers of rhombus-shaped lights phased out from his body, forming a gigantic hole that swallowed up the attack entirely.

The dark being, now fully revealed, was a towering monstrosity, at least six times the size of Planet Humbad.

Its body was a swirling ma.s.s of darkness, with shadowy claws that seemed to absorb the light around them. Its eyes which were like glowing red orbs, the size of a moon, locked onto Gustav with malevolent intent.

Gustav knew that using his most powerful attacks, directly could risk damaging Planet Humbad and possibly destroying it completely so he had to be careful.

He needed to get the dark being away if he wanted to use Cohila to consume it.

As the creature prepared for another attack, Gustav launched himself towards it, weaving through the air with lightning speed.

The dark being swiped again. Its claws cut through s.p.a.ce, causing streaks of destruction to sweep across the environment.

Gustav dodged, but even the near-miss sent shockwaves through his body. He gritted his teeth, realizing the sheer power of his opponent.

"This is getting problematic," he thought.

Gustav summoned SJ with a thought and it knew what to do.

SJ emitted a bright glow before transforming into a replica of the dark being. The two ent.i.ties stood face to face, mirroring each other.

One could tell that the original was quite shocked.

Gustav commanded the SJ to move far away from Planet Humbad with a plan in his mind.

With a roar, the dark being sent forth more attacks forward while Gustav did his best to evade. He followed SJ with incredible speed causing them to head farthr and farther away from Planet Humbad.

Gustav gathered his strength, preparing Cohilia for a decisive blow. As the SJ moved further away, Gustav positioned himself strategically.

"Now," he whispered while focusing all his energy into Cohilia.

The SJ, sensing Gustav's command, suddenly exchanged places with the dark being. In a split second, the real dark being found itself far from Planet Humbad, facing a fully unleashed Cohilia.

Gustav unleashed the multicolored energy with a force that shook the very fabric of s.p.a.ce.

Cohilia rhombus-shaped lights glowed intensely as it expanded, engulfing the enormous dark being. The creature let out a deafening roar, thras.h.i.+ng wildly, but Cohilia continued to swallow it.

Gustav watched intently in silent awe. The dark being's resistance was formidable, but Cohilia's consuming power was relentless. The swirling ma.s.s of darkness was soon completely swallowed up within the multicolored lights.

"You're done," Gustav muttered.

The remnants of the shadowy energy dissipated, leaving nothing but the vast emptiness of s.p.a.ce.

Gustav took a deep breath before turning his attention back to Planet Humbad.

The ma.s.sive hole which was red like live magma, still bubbled ominously on its surface.

Gustav knew his mission wasn't over yet. He had to find Dimension Six and complete his quest.

Gustav descended towards the planet with his senses on high alert.

He felt a mix of antic.i.p.ation and wariness as he hovered above the desolate surface of Planet Humbad.

The sight before him was haunting: vast stretches of land marred by craters, smoking fissures, and scorched earth.

It was clear that this planet had seen immense devastation, with no signs of any remaining structures or signs of civilization. The ma.s.sive hole covering 35% of the planet's surface was quite visible. It's center casted an eerie light across the surroundings.

Gustav landed softly causing his boots to crunch against the cracked ground. The air was thick with the smell of sulfur and ash.

He retrieved SJ and it floated before him. He rubbed it's surface affectionately before it vanished.

The percentage on his system display read 99.9%. Almost there.

All he needed to do now was find Dimension Six.

Gustav activated his perception, spreading it out in all directions, seeking any clues about Dimension Six.

Suddenly, he detected a faint but distinct life force nearby. His eyes widened in surprise.

"There's someone here?" he muttered to himself, astonished. The life force felt powerful and ancient, far from ordinary.

Gustav began to move cautiously with his senses on high alert. He flew over the devastated landscape, following the life force.

 The terrain was challenging, with jagged rocks and deep crevices making it difficult to navigate. The closer he got, the stronger the life force became.

As he approached the source, Gustav descended into a ma.s.sive crater. The air grew colder, and an unsettling silence enveloped the area.

The crater itself was the size of multiple cities combined so he still kept flying forward.

The desolate environment stretched out before Gustav, a barren wasteland of jagged rocks and eerie silence.

The air was thick with the remnants of a once-thriving civilization, now reduced to rusting metal and crumbling structures. A strange energy lingered in the atmosphere.

Gustav navigated through the debris, his senses heightened as he followed the faint signal of a living presence.

The sky above was a sickly shade of purple, streaked with ominous clouds that hinted at a storm brewing in the distance. As he ventured deeper into the heart of the ruins, the outline of a colossal structure began to take shape on the horizon.

There, in the middle of a decayed mechanical ring that once served as a transportation hub, stood a feminine figure in all white attire.

The ring, though ancient and broken, still exuded a faint glow, remnants of the technology that had powered it.

This feminine figure had an almost ethereal. Her ash-colored hair cascaded down her back in waves, catching the muted light and giving her an  divine glow.

She was clad in a flowing dress that clung to her curvy hips and accentuated her slender waist. Her skin was flawless, a soft porcelain that seemed untouched by the harsh environment around her. Her eyes, a deep shade of violet that sparkled with warmth as they met Gustav's.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite troublemaker," A smile spread across her unfathomably beautiful face as she spoke.

Gustav felt a rush of emotions at this moment. "Miss Aimee," he breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "So you've been here all this time?"

"I've been waiting for you," her melodic voice rang out.

He closed the distance between them, and they embraced in a pa.s.sionate hug that conveyed the depth of their connection. For a moment, the desolate surroundings faded away, and it was just the two of them, reunited at last.

"Everything makes sense now," Gustav said, pulling back slightly to look into her eyes. "This is why you knew so much about the warp demolator and what I needed to do."

Miss Aimee nodded in affirmation; "You're not wrong but there's more to it."

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The Bloodline System Chapter 1537 Reaching Planet Humbad summary

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