Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart Chapter 596 - Scolded At

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"My Love."

His voice broke a bit but he tried his best to be in the best-composed state he could be in.

He loved Li Jing with his life and would do anything for her but seeing her lie on the bed unconscious with bandages on her hand and leg, he felt a certain amount of pain course through his being.

His fist clenched at his sides. He had been dealt a heavy blow and he could not forgive whoever the culprit was for what they did.

She did no one wrong and so it angered her even more seeing her like this. She was a quiet loving soul who enjoyed making everyone happy.

"You can come in and see her for yourself or you can remain there like a statue," Long Lei's voice broke him out of his thought which was what he needed at that point on time before he cried.

He felt so much pain stab at his heart.

"She was lucky. If not she might have gone into a coma or something if the accident was very severe. Thank goodness it wasn't fatal as well. The driver in her car, sustained a mild injury since most of the impact was felt from her side of the car."

Even though his friend was talking, Ye Cheng could barely catch on as his whole mind was occupied.

Nevertheless, he continued with what he was saying.

"You see, this was obvious that their target was her. You need to be more careful Ye Cheng and have people guard her. A man of your calibre should know this. On the other hand, I can consider, she was not one who grew up with it and it might be a bother if you force it on her."

He took a long pause and smiled. "But that is why you should have forced it too. She is stubborn but she is married to the number one handsome man and richest company owner in the country. She would always be a target. Regardless, I won't scold you. Now is not the time."

"It was all my fault. I failed to protect her well even when I had the git feeling that something was not right."

"Wait." Long lei stood from where he was seated, staring Ye Cheng. "You had a feeling and you still let her go?"

There was no answer, just silence that ensued.

"Gos.h.!.+ Ye Cheng! What the h.e.l.l is wrong with you? Did falling in love make you lose the sense of what kind of danger lurked around? Is it not enough that you have compet.i.tors, you think life is a bed of roses now?"

Seeing as the discussion was becoming more and more private, Hua Duyi took a bow at the two of them and quickly exited the room.

Now that they had the room to themselves, Ye Cheng took further steps in and went to stand at Li Jing's side, completely ignoring his friend.

"Ye Cheng."

"I know. I know and you do not know how much I have insulted myself and how well it is eating me on the inside that I choose to let her be free rather than following my instincts and not letting her be alone."

"I know it is but you need to hear it. Her life is constantly in danger and so is yours."

"I'm sorry. Sorry I was careless with your sister in law but please, if only you know her. She can be so stubborn at times and I did not want her feeling like marrying me has put her in bondage."

"You two, seriously." He let out a sigh. It was no use blowing steam with the two of them.

He had done his own little check on Li Jing and what Ye Cheng said was not far from the truth. She was a headache at times.

At least the first he met her proved it. How could she just drink something with so much trust?

"I cannot blame you but she is your wife, you should know by now how to handle her, Ye Cheng. You should know how to sweet talk her into things. It is for her own good. I hope after this incident you two would learn."

"We would. Now stop nagging like my father and let me have some time alone with her."

"Of course, I was getting to that point. Give her some time and she would wake up."

"Yeah. Thanks."

Not saying anything, Long Lei decided to leave the stubborn couple alone and walked towards the door. However, before leaving a thought crossed his mind and he waited first to confirm it.

"Has Fong Wei Ling given you the details of the culprit?"

"No, but he got wind of the situation and he is already looking into the matter."

"Good. I would make sure to cripple them and if they are business partners, we know just where to hit them."

Ye Cheng smiled a little at his friend's words. He was mischievous if he was forced to be.

Although his family had practised medicine for generations, they still had a family business and weren't doing bad either rin it.

With a few calls, he could use influence to make active members in a company pull out. That was how scary Long Lei could get and with his ever closeness with the Fong family, being their family doctor, his connection ran far, even going abroad.

That aside, he made a name being a distinguished doctor and surgeon. So he wasn't just anyone anybody wanted to deal with.

"I trust you. But Fong said,"

"That is Fong," Long Lei rudely interrupted. "And this is me. I would give them a taste of their own medicine for hurting the sister-in-law that had not yet taken in for us."

Ye Cheng held in his laughter, making it come out as a jest. "I never knew someone was eager to take my wife to the labour ward."

"Of course. I am the only family doctor of the Ye family. They should not hurt pretty sister-in-law although I do not mind now that they have done it."


"It would bring out the hidden monster, Ye Cheng."

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Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart Chapter 596 - Scolded At summary

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