Under the Oak Tree Chapter 457: Side Story: The White Dragon – Part 6 (The end)

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Chapter 457: Side Story: The White Dragon – Part 6 (The end)

As soon as the king spoke, the priests who had been waiting in the transept began singing a Roemian hymn. The solemnity of the song sent s.h.i.+vers down Ursuline's spine. He felt his mouth dry up as he looked toward the entrance.

Before long, Riftan Calypse, clad in silver armor, stepped into the cathedral. Ursuline unwittingly held his breath. As the knight-to-be pa.s.sed the crossing where the nave intersected with the transept, sunlight streamed through the gla.s.s windows and beamed over his face. In that moment, he seemed like a being from a different world.

"Come forth and take your place before the altar," King Reuben called out.

Riftan Calypse slowly walked forward and kneeled. He displayed such reverence that it was hard to imagine this was the same man who derided the code of chivalry.

Confusion suddenly washed over Ursuline. Riftan Calypse lacked all the qualities of a proper knight. He was disrespectful, arrogant, and thought nothing of honor. Not only that, but he readily exploited others' weaknesses to intimidate them. He also did not shy away from underhanded tactics such as attacking under the cover of darkness or making vicious threats to gain the upper hand. So far, his every action had been a far cry from chivalry.

Yet, Ursuline could not take his eyes off Riftan's face, bathed in a resplendent white light. Perhaps it was because he knew that everything Riftan had done was to protect the honor of another, rather than his own.

Was fighting for someone else's honor not the most n.o.ble cause of knighthood? As Ursuline mulled over this, he heard Riftan's deep voice begin reciting the knighting ceremony's vow. "In this very spot, I do solemnly swear,

Before my foes, I will never cower or despair,

To the meek, I will grant mercy's gracious light,

Even 'gainst death's dark, I will hold honor tight.

To those who dare defy your sacred decree,

I will be the vengeful blade, their reckoning they will see,

For your people, a steadfast s.h.i.+eld I shall be..."

Riftan slowly raised his head.

Ursuline felt a chill run down his back. He instinctively knew that he was bearing witness to the rebirth of this man.

"This oath, carved in soul, for all to decree.

I, Riftan Calypse, embark this day so bold,

As a knight, my path is sealed, my loyalty untold."

King Reuben III drew his sword and placed the tip on the young man's shoulder, declaring, "All those present bear witness to your solemn oath, and thus, I dub thee Riftan Calypse, knight of the Kingdom of Wedon."

No sooner had the king made the announcement than the choir began singing in a magnificent baritone about the chivalry of Rosem Wigrew and the twelve knights. Riftan Calypse slowly rose to his feet. He accepted the chalice from the high priest and gulped down the blood-red wine.

When the formal proceedings finally concluded, Evan Triton and the other Remdragon Knights stepped out of the box pew to congratulate their comrade.

As Ursuline watched from a distance, he realized what he truly wanted. He had never once desired to be Count Ricaydo. All he had ever wanted was to become a knight. From the moment he first gripped a sword, he had longed to find someone to whom he could pledge his unreserved allegiance.

Everything seemed clearer now.

Ursuline approached his father, who was conversing with the other n.o.bles. "There is

something I wish to say."

His father turned around and looked at him quizzically. As Ursuline spoke, his voice was firmer than it had ever been.

"I would like to join the Remdragon Knights."


The knights were loading their luggage onto their saddles when they stopped to look at Ursuline, all wearing similar troubled expressions.

Ursuline stubbornly jutted out his chin. "I already have my father's permission," he stated firmly before stealing a glance at Riftan, who stood a short distance away.

Riftan frowned, clearly not expecting Ursuline to have taken his advice in such a manner. He seemed puzzled as to why the young n.o.ble would choose to join a band of wandering knights over the t.i.tle of a count.

Ursuline turned back to Evan Triton. "At least tell me why I am being refused."

"Well, this is a bit of a pickle," Triton sighed, scratching the back of his head. "I must confess, the Remdragon Knights are nothing like the Royal Knights of Wedon. We rarely stay in one place for long, and our days are spent battling monsters or in the thick of disputes. If you join us, don't expect to be escorting royalty or serving important n.o.bles."

"I did not choose the path of a knight to put on airs," Ursuline replied sharply. "I've heard enough about your exploits to know the kinds of activities you engage in. I am not walking into this blindly. Still, I wish to become a Remdragon Knight."

"Surely we could put him through a test?" a burly man interrupted, approaching from behind Evan Triton.

It was Hebaron Nirtha. He stroked his bushy beard, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Teach him a lesson, and he might just chicken out."

Ursuline shot daggers at the brawny man, who pursed his lips and pretended to whistle.

"Looks like he has a backbone, at least."

Ursuline chose not to reply.

Hebaron Nirtha scratched his chin, deep in thought, before turning to shout at his comrades, "Hey, who wants to test him?"

"You suggested it first, Sir Nirtha," a lithe young knight shot back.

"Look at the size difference," Hebaron replied. "What do you expect me to do with this skinny


"You will do fine," Ursuline said coldly. "I can take you."

"You can take me, eh?"

"Are you afraid of being humiliated?"

Hebaron scoffed. "You sure are gutsy, you little whippersnapper."

Ursuline glared back defiantly, saying nothing more.

Hebaron scratched his neck, then began walking away. He tilted his chin toward an open area

nearby. "Fine. I'll humor you."

Ursuline followed after him. Once the man had taken up position a short distance away, he drew the ma.s.sive claymore at his back with one hand - a formidable sight.

Next to him, Ursuline almost felt like a dwarf facing a giant. Every nerve in his body came alive as he drew his own sword from his waist.

"Well, come at me," Hebaron drawled, looking at the young n.o.ble with disinterest. Without hesitating, Ursuline lunged forward. Almost instantly, a loud thud rang out as Hebaron barely managed to parry the blow in time. His eyes widened in surprise. Had he reacted a second later, the match would have been over.

The burly knight burst into laughter. "I'm impressed."

Ursuline wasted no time in resuming his attack. Despite his size, Hebaron was surprisingly agile, dodging overhead swings and aiming precisely at the gaps in Ursuline's defense.

As Hebaron's blade shot toward him, Ursuline parried at the last possible moment. The heavy impact rattled through his wrist, elbow, and shoulder like a bolt of lightning. The knight's

strength was formidable.

Ursuline gritted his teeth and stepped back. Hebaron, however, gave him no s.p.a.ce to breathe. He pursued relentlessly, swinging his claymore. After narrowly deflecting the attack, Ursuline immediately retaliated. Hebaron swiftly turned his body away, but Ursuline managed to leave a small scratch on his bearded cheek.

His moment of triumph was short-lived. Something s.h.i.+fted in his opponent's demeanor; the giant's eyes flashed with malice as he swung his claymore diagonally. At that precise

moment, Evan Triton jumped in and blocked the attack.

"What are you doing? It was just getting interesting!" Hebaron fumed.

"That is quite enough," Triton said sternly, his keen eyes fixed on Ursuline.

Ursuline steadied his breathing as he met the viscount's piercing gaze.

"Well, I must say, you've astonished me," Triton said. "Your father never mentioned

anything like this."

Ursuline smiled bitterly. His father had never once given him any recognition. Count Ricaydo merely regarded him as his precious youngest son. He wouldn't have taken the compliments offered by Ursuline's sword instructor or Sir Arthus as anything but flattery.

But none of that matters anymore.

Ursuline was determined to carve his own destiny.

He pressed Triton in a somewhat agitated voice, "Have I pa.s.sed the test?"

"Yes, you pa.s.sed with flying colors," Evan Triton said, extending his hand with a grin.

"Welcome to the Remdragon Knights. You are now one of us."

Taking a deep breath, Ursuline grasped Triton's large, calloused hand. The viscount laughed

heartily and pulled him toward the rest of the Remdragon Knights. Just then, a strong gust swept through, sending the blue banners on their spears fluttering.

Ursuline paused to gaze up at the white dragons emblazoned on them. For a moment, he was overwhelmed with the sense that he would be seeing this emblem up close for years to come. Looking ahead once more, he took a brisk step forward into his new destiny.

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Under the Oak Tree Chapter 457: Side Story: The White Dragon – Part 6 (The end) summary

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