Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 392 – Convergence from all directions (11)

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If you steal someone else’s belongings, you will be stepped on.

The sweet fragrance of autumn ca.s.sias a.s.sailed the nostrils.

The news of Tianchen’s King of Yi and his little princess consort returning spread throughout the lands. The entire Tianchen empire was feeling very joyous. Their King of Yi and that incredible little princess consort had returned to the empire.

At the same time, the Snow Saint group that was stuck outside of the empire heard the news as well. The roads were quickly fixed up for them to continue their journey.

“Reporting in. Urgent message from Jin City.” All the the ministers were talking about the matters of the wedding during this a.s.sembly. This urgent message broke their trance of joy as they all turned around.

“What happened?” Xuan Yuan Che asked.

“Your highness, the Nansong empire has dispatched their prime minister along with their fourteenth princess to Tianchen to seek marriage with the king of Yi. They have already arrived in Jin City.”

When everyone heard this, they all looked at each other in dismay. Why is there another one?

Xuan Yuan Che furrowed his brows and a cold expression appeared on his face.

“They have also deployed a hundred thousand soldiers to accompany the prime minister and princess. They are stationed in the southern borders of our empires, around ten miles away from Jin City.”

“Accompanied by a hundred thousand troops? What is the meaning of this?”

“To threaten us….”

‘That d.a.m.ned Nansong Empire. They dare threaten my Tianchen?”

After the initial shocked reaction, all of the minister’s expression darkened. Tianchen can’t afford to offend Aoyun, Snow Saint or Hou Jin. The Nansong Empire on the other hand…. Tianchen can definitely take care of them.

“Reporting in. Urgent message from Yi River Pa.s.sage.” Before Xuan Yuan Che could say another word, another report came in.

Xuan Yuan Che furrowed his brows. The Yi River Pa.s.sage….. He had a few hundred thousand of his Tiger Guards stationed there. An urgent message? What happened?


“Your highness, the Aoyun Empire have sent a message.” Before Xuan Yuan Che could say anything, the reporter quickly spoke again.

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Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 392 – Convergence from all directions (11) summary

You're reading Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Yi Shi Feng Liu, 一世风流. Already has 272 views.

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