Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 722

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Chapter 722

"Do you want me to show you my feelings?" The voice was low, and Ryukyu looked at Dugu ye, who was lying on the ground. He bent down and picked up Dugu Ye's long sword, and said low.

At one glance, Dugu ye, who was afraid to go out in pain, swept deeply to Ryukyu, where there was anger, heart tremor and unspeakable intensity.

I didn't say anything, but I said too much at the same time.

Ryukyu looked at Dugu ye and knew that she had said this.

This person is proud. In that case, the sacrifice of self-protection is not an intentional design, not a calculated favor. It's involuntary. It's the deepest feeling in his heart.

This can't be blasphemous.

Heart, slightly moved, this Dugu ye

But he waved Dugu Ye's long sword to Dugu Ye's neck.

"We are the enemy. " To the pale face of Dugu ye, ryukyue's exit was very slow.

They are enemies. It's just a good thing to kill Dugu ye at this time. They can not only eliminate the heartache for her and xuanyuanche, but also use the opportunity to provoke Aoyun, Xuesheng and the Three Kingdoms alliance of the Southern Song Dynasty. A pair of blue and black eyes on the bloodless face tightly stared at the indifferent Ryukyu. It was very deep, as if to see into the heart and carve into the bone.

After a glance, Dugu ye still said nothing, didn't ask for mercy, didn't beg for mercy, didn't even resist, and closed his eyes gently.

It's his own will. He's willing to save. It's none of other people's business. Even if his rescuers wanted to kill him, they would kill him. Moreover, he knew for a long time that he and Ryukyu were enemies and enemies.

His eyes closed slightly, and his face slowly raised a smile like self mockery and opening, which was very light, almost invisible, but miraculously rendered the cold face of Dugu Ye.

Forget it, fight for a lifetime, seize a lifetime, maybe, to die in the hands of the one you love is a kind of happiness that others can't get, even xuanyuanche can't get unique.

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Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort Chapter 722 summary

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