My Werewolf System Chapter 1004: Banned From the AFC?

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Chapter 1004: Banned From the AFC?

Harvor’s body had remained unscathed. Although in his fights he had survived a number of large blows in the past, there was never a real mark left on his body. His skin had never been cut, even by the most dangerous of Altered forms.

It was one of the reasons why people considered Harvor to be simply above the other Altered. It made others incredibly curious as to just what type of Altered he was, to the point where there were even bets going on, and the one day when Harvor’s Altered form would be revealed to the world, there would be a huge payout for the right answer.

However, that in itself was difficult as well, considering Altered forms were based on beasts from the past, and some that people had never even seen before. Regardless, people still bet on these things.

Because of all this, it was a big deal that right now, Harvor was bleeding. His forearms were badly cut, with blood dripping down from them, going to the elbow and landing on the canvas floor.

“At least we know his blood is red,” one of those in the crowd commented.

“What, you thought it would be black? There’s no way he’s a crazed. He runs the whole business and does interviews and everything. Anyway, what is going to happen now?”

Most of the people, and even the announcer, were stunned into silence because they didn’t know what to say about the situation that had just occurred.

“What was that? His hand didn’t even look like it hit him. It looked like something came from his body.”

Most of the crowd was confused by what they had seen Jayden just do. Most of the world knew about Altereds due to the AFC in the first place, and there was a strict rule in the AFC: one was only allowed to use whatever was part of their physical body.

Because of this, people’s general knowledge of what Altereds were capable of was lacking. They had no clue about elemental or special powers that one could get from becoming an Altered.

There were some who would know about it, those who researched more into Altereds beyond the AFC, but some were unclear about it. For instance, Sin and his display of powers were pretty well known to the world.

Everyone had watched Sin fighting against the Howlers, but because his Altered form was a Phoenix, they didn’t think he had fire powers but more that it was just part of his body.

Regardless, for those who did know the rules, the use of these types of powers in the AFC was banned, and instant use would mean disqualification.

“What’s going to happen to Jayden?” Gary asked. Having been part of an AFC fight himself, he remembered the rules being hammered into him before his match.

It was a point they had stressed over and over to him.

“What’s going to happen to the match now that he’s used that? Doesn’t that mean he’s disqualified?”

“Right,” Apollo answered. “Right now, even if Jayden were to win the match, it wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t go on the AFC record, and it wouldn’t count as a loss for Harvor either. If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were to stop the fight right now.”

Although Apollo said that, Gary had a different feeling. Having met Harvor for a brief moment, he wouldn’t dare to end the fight there. If he did, it was almost like accepting that he would lose the fight.

On the ground, Clem was continuing her report of the match and what had occurred.

“Right now, Jayden has performed an illegal act in the ring, which means he will be disqualified from the match,” Clem explained. “On top of this, according to the rules, he will be banned from partic.i.p.ating in the AFC from now on.”

The comments were rolling in from the stream, and the general public didn’t understand. Even if desperate, right now, Jayden had just ruined his whole career in the AFC. It made no sense to them, and many were commenting on how stupid Jayden was to do such a thing.

Some even called him a sore loser for having to resort to cheap tactics. They a.s.sumed the rules in the AFC were there for a reason, to try and make it so everyone had an even playing field.

After seeing what had happened, Stanley immediately organized security as well as instructed the ref to stop the fight. Running through the tunnels around to the bottom of the cage was a group of people in the familiar purple and white tracksuits.

The ref was getting ready to enter the cage until Harvor lifted his hand and held it out. It was clear he was telling the ref to stop, and so he did.

“No one is to enter this cage,” Harvor said, lifting his head, all smiles as usual. “The fight is still to go on, and that’s on my order. Keep the cameras rolling along with everything else.”

“My recent fights have gotten a bit boring, so let’s turn it up a notch. I know how you feel, right? You want to use everything in your power to fight me. So let’s just say you got a little excited and call that a mistake, and continue on, shall we?”

The way Harvor was speaking, it was as if to forget about what Jayden had just done.

“Is he forgiving my brother?” Xin asked. “Pretending like it never happened, just so the fight can continue on?”

In the arena, it looked like Harvor was waiting for a response from Jayden, who had placed his clawed hand in front of his face.

“It doesn’t matter,” Gary said. “Your brother has made his decision. No matter what happens after this, if he doesn’t take part in the AFC again, he doesn’t care. He’s going to use everything he can in this fight!”

Whirling winds started to gather around Jayden’s claw as he charged in at Harvor once again.

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My Werewolf System Chapter 1004: Banned From the AFC? summary

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