My Werewolf System Chapter 882 Not Worth Eating

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Chapter 882 Not Worth Eating

Midwak, out of a fit of rage, was continuously stomping Gil’s body, one after the other. Now that Gil could use his great speed and strength at the same time, his body was in a smaller state compared to what it was before.

With Gil being a big person in the first place, with a prime body to play rugby, his size was still big while Midwak was more on the leaner side of things. Regardless, Midwak’s foot was digging into Gil’s stomach again and again, as if he was attempting to pound something out of his body.

“You said you beat me last time, you're proud of the person you beat back then huh! Well, a lesson learned, in the future, you should finish off your enemies!” Seeing how the stomping wasn’t killing Gil, Midwak decided to slash him right by his throat.

As Midwak went to reach down, he was grabbed by the wrist; seconds later, his entire body was picked up and slammed onto the floor. Gil continuously slammed Midwak’s body on the floor, side to side, from one to the other.

While this was happening, Midwak didn’t give up, and with his nails, fired them away into the side of Gil. The nails would dig into his skin and draw blood, but they would protrude out.

They were still visible to the eye and hadn’t entered inside of his body. Right after Gil grabbed Midwak with both hands, throwing him deep into the ground, creating another large crater and causing a rumbling of the entire place.

The smoke behind him started to rise, and looking at where Midwak was, a large amount of pressure was put in place.

“You're right, I should have finished you off properly, but at the time, I needed you to stay alive because we wanted to create fear into the Howlers Gang, to send a big message that we were coming for you. Well, now that we are here, I don’t have to worry about that anymore. 38 times… I was counting how many times you stomped on me, now let’s see if you can survive the same,” Gil said.

Gil was using his special gravitational powers. Having held Midwak for a long time, he could magnify the gravity in that area, and now Midwak was stuck.

With Xin and Austin having experienced this, they were watching what was about to unfold.

“We have to help him!” Xin exclaimed.

Austin looked at himself. He had been beaten so bad that his transformation had undone itself. Did he even have the energy to transform? The wound he had, it had opened up, and blood was soaking out of it.

“With him, it's the only chance we have to win this fight. Without him, we’re going to lose. We… we have to do something,” Xin exclaimed.

At that point, Austin had made up his resolve; he knew that she was right.

“You're right, we need him to win… so do me a favor… and just distract him for a bit longer!” Austin asked as he ran forward.

Gil could hear the heavy footsteps coming from behind him. When he turned, he could see Austin had jumped up in the air, ready to make a punch. Gil was ready to counter this, but before he did, a spark of electricity had hit him.

Xin had moved at her fast speed one more time and grabbed onto his arm, while twisting her legs around his head, shaking his entire body.

Austin, who had taken a leap, lowered his fist down, and when he hit the ground, he rolled down slightly. While Xin was holding onto Gil, this was his chance. He rushed to behind where Gil was standing and stepped into the crater; immediately, he felt a large amount of pressure on his body, causing him to fall to his knees.

‘c.r.a.p… what is this, even just getting close to him, I’m affected by his powers as well! I thought I would have had to have been touched.’

Austin was looking at Midwak who was turning his head toward Austin. Moving his mouth, he did so every so slowly.

“What… did… you… think… you could save me… you couldn’t even beat me!” Midwak uttered.

His words, though, his taunts, it had sparked something inside of Austin; he could feel his body rising as he started to transform. The bottom part of his legs, his face, and nose. He placed his hands on his thighs, pus.h.i.+ng himself up with his mighty strength.

“I know I’m weaker than you,” Austin said as he took a step forward, the sheer weight still trying to push him down. He continued on, until he had eventually reached Midwak.

Right now, Xin had broken away from Gil; she needed to unless she wanted to be seriously hurt, and she knew that she was only able to catch him by surprise because of Austin.

Right now, the two of their speeds; it was the same as before.

“You have been annoying from the beginning, I’m going to crush you!” Gil screamed.

Austin then placed both of his hands on Midwak, his muscles bulging. He was holding on tight to his body.

“This is why I need you to win this fight, so what the heck are you doing stuck here? Show him how strong you are!”

Fighting against the heavy weight, Austin lifted Midwak and hurled him right out of the crater-like area. As soon as Midwak’s body left, he suddenly could feel much lighter going through the air.

"It’s not through touch; the gravity powers he has can only be controlled in a certain area… not that it matters because I’m going to kill this b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” Midwak landed right on Gil’s back before he could deliver a punch to Xin.

Opening his mouth wide, he bit down on the side of Gil’s neck, tearing off part of the flesh and spitting it out onto the floor.

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My Werewolf System Chapter 882 Not Worth Eating summary

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