My Werewolf System Chapter 897 Alert The White Rose

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Chapter 897 Alert The White Rose

MWS Chapter

With the situation on the ground floor in chaos, the White Rose members were split. Some were dealing with those on the ground floor, while others had entered the main buildings trying to complain about the situation up the ladder.

Thankfully, Opptus, one of the Chiefs in the White Rose, was just coming back from one of his missions.

He was walking through the large grounds and was there when the outbreak had occurred.

At one of the exits, several prisoners in their uniform were tied up in a hard white substance. They had transformed their Altered bodies but were finding it difficult to break out.

"Will you guys stop trying to break this stuff!" Opptus shouted as he delivered a fist right to the head of one of the prisoners, knocking them out on the spot.

"This is no small number of prisoners, it looks like we have a full breakout here, I can hear the panic going on in different areas," Opptus claimed.

"We'll need to get the Chief Constable to act at this rate. These prisoners are no small fry, there were some big hitters in there, like that guy named Ice. The other areas are going to need more help."


News was traveling fast around the establishment and, just as predicted, in the highest place, in a large gla.s.s-like office, was the Chief Constable's office.

He was by his large desk, an enormous man who looked to be almost ripping his uniform as his shoulders were as round as his head, casting a shadow over his desk.

In front of him were the a.s.sistant Chief Constable and the Deputy Chief Constable.

These three people in the one room were the highest-ranking individuals in the entirety of the White Rose. There was also the Superintendent, but his position was treated separately from the rest of the White Rose, since they were there just to punish the White Rose members.

"How could this happen!" The Chief yelled, slamming the table. Even though he hit the table with a large force and a big bang was produced, the table did not break. It almost looked like he had stopped just inches before his fist had actually hit the table.

This was the Chief Constable, Don Tinge, one of the founders of the White Rose operation around the world.

"If any prisoners manage to escape, do you know how much we will lose? Our funding is at risk here. Our image could be ruined and it will affect the White Rose bases all around the world!"

The shout was so vicious, that Deputy Chief Leon Chen's had nearly fallen off. He promptly placed them back on with his index finger pus.h.i.+ng it onto the bridge of his nose.

"This isn't just a simple prison break, it appears everyone in the prison has escaped. We already checked the situation, it appears that the Warden is no longer."

"If someone was able to take out that stubborn b*tch, then it means the prisoners have someone strong on their side. The captains might not be enough to hold them," the Deputy Chief Constable stood up from his chair.

It was only then that his long frame could be seen as his head nearly hit the ceiling of the building they were in. His long legs, torso, and the rest of his body seemed strange, he didn’t even look like a human, even though he was in his regular form.

This man was Theodore Tallsworth. With a name like that, one would have expected him to grow tall, and this was his height before he had even become an Altered. This man was special for a number of reasons, not just because he was practically second in charge of the White Rose division, but because he was one of the first Altered to ever exist.

"Stop!" Don called out. "You can't join in the fight, if you do, maybe the whole base will be destroyed including the walls. That will just give more chance for the others to escape as well.

"If funding is pulled we won't have the funds to even repair the place. We can say goodbye to our relaxing lives. This whole situation is putting a lot of stress on me!" Don said, holding his head.

He pulled something from out under his desk, and a b.u.t.ton could be seen. He pressed it with his finger and right after a loud droning alarm was sounding through the entire place.

Right after, the entrances of the doors were reinforced. Steel barriers could be seen coming down from each of the entrances covering it entirely. Right now, no one could get in or out.

Sure there was still the regular part of the walls made with concrete, but a person would have to break through or scale such a thing, and with the alarm having been hit, it now meant every White Rose agent was aware that some sort of attack was taking place.

Pressing another b.u.t.ton, Don started to speak out and the sound was resounded through every speaker in every building of the White Rose.

"Attention everyone. There has been a breakout in the prison. Never in the history of the White Rose's inception, in the fifty years we have been here has a person managed to break out, yet now there are prisoners running rampant trying to escape.”

"Everyone is to stop what they are doing immediately, including the Chiefs of each department, and to catch these criminals immediately! Although we have failed in keeping them in the prison, we will not tarnish our reputation more by letting anyone escape from this place!" Don said, taking his finger away.

At that moment, after the order was made, every single White Rose agent was on the move. One of the strongest forces in the nation were ready.

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My Werewolf System Chapter 897 Alert The White Rose summary

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