My Werewolf System Chapter 944 Evolving Ruin City

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Chapter 944 Evolving Ruin City

Although Dean had all of these thoughts running through his head, he had never once asked his brother how he felt. When the two of them would meet up, they would continue as if things were normal.

But that was the thing, for Dean, he wasn’t sure if things were just playing in his head, but it felt like they were just pretending things were normal, as if they were acting and it wasn’t their true feelings.

That was when a big occurrence happened in Ruin City. During its large growth, it was currently at the tier 3 stage. Before that, some might have even considered it a tier 4. However, they were now on the cusp of growing to a tier 2 stage.

There was a lot of migration into the city, as things became safer, and people were trying to predict the market. Some were banking on buying cheap housing in Ruin City before it grew larger, and more companies were investing in the area.

Then, an attack occurred from the nearest tier 3 city. The gang thought things were going to be easy, but it was quite the opposite.

The Lupus pack was spread out all over, still working on stalls that would border certain areas. With all of this, communication was easy, allowing them to take out the gang pretty much before they caused any rampage at all. It wasn’t even news to the outside world or those in Ruin City.

However, a meeting had occurred. The Lupus group was strong enough to subdue them, and now they had to decide what was to happen to them.

Currently, in the castle, Lupus was sitting in his throne-like seat. They were in a large hall, a ceremonial room with a red carpet that led up to the seat. On the ground, there were several core members of the pack who were kneeling down, bowing toward the throne that was slightly a few steps higher than the others.

Standing by the side of Lupus, there were two people. One of them was Galark, a man from their father’s era. He was slightly older than both Dean and Lupus and was often the one with the most knowledge.

When ceremonies and rituals needed to be done to alter the pack rules or to talk about a number of things, Galark would be the one they would confide in. Then, of course, Dean was also standing on the other side up on the stage.

One of the men on the floor stood up, his arm across his chest as he was ready to speak.

“I believe that we should kill those that attacked us. When they came to attack us, they did so with the full intent of taking over the city. They wished to ruin our lives, and I doubt that they would be sparing us right now.

“I feel like this discussion is only taking place because we were so much stronger than them that we have been able to capture them with no trouble whatsoever.”

“I feel like this discussion is only taking place because we were so much stronger than them that we have been able to capture them with no trouble whatsoever.”

After listening to a few of the others present, they were all saying things along the same lines until Galark stepped forward.

“I think we are all on the same page that those who attacked us shall meet their end, but what I am more concerned with is how do we deal with them in a way that would make it so no one attacks us again?

“It will be hard for us to grow if we keep getting attacked like this, and due to this incident being silent, I’m sure there will be more attacks in the future.”

Many of those on the floor started to nod their heads, and it was the same for Lupus, who eventually came up with an idea. frёewebnoѵē

“We are always the ones getting attacked. How about we take a page out of the Phoenix gang’s book? If we attack a big city with our name on it and show our strength, I’m sure that no one will dare threaten us again!” Lupus claimed.

The werewolves liked the sound of that. To show their strength to the world, to finally be leaving Ruin City as well.

“And reveal to the entire world who we are. Things aren’t as easy as they were in the past,” Dean added. “We don’t just have things like the vampires to worry about, but the Altered Hunters, the White Rose, and Altereds in general. If we attack, we become everyone’s target…and it might not be as easy as we think. There will be many lives lost because of this.”

Unlike when Galark had made a suggestion, the werewolves were quiet about this one. They were looking up at Dean in disgust, and he knew it.

“You might be right about that one,” Lupus said, taking advice from his brother as an advisor.

“Then how about this,” Galark said. “We use them on the next full moon. It will quell our urges, and on top of that, we can show what happens to those who try to attack us.”

Once again, the werewolves liked the sound of that. For years they had been starving themselves on the day of the full moon, restraining themselves for those who were unable to bear it.

With a new leader, Lupus, in charge, these were the types of suggestions they were thinking of.

“I like the idea of that. I think it could really work out for us. The full moon is not that far away either,” Lupus claimed.

Yet, Dean didn’t like the idea of that either. “But restraining ourselves teaches us control over our inner urges. That was what Father always told us. If we give in, then we might give in to the smaller urges closer to the full moon, or maybe even when there is no moon at all. The greatest strength of a werewolf is the self-control, especially on a full moon.

“I believe that we can still get rid of them, and in doing so, send a message without using them on a full moon.”

“Why!” A member in the room stood up, his teeth bared as soon as Dean finished his sentence. “Why do you always have to go against what Lupus says? He is our pack leader, not you. Why do you go against every suggestion that is made?”

Some others started to stand up in agreement as well and voiced the same concerns. Seeing this, Dean started to feel even more out of place than he usually would have and took a step back.

He then turned to look at his brother for support, words of encouragement, until certain words came out of his mouth.

“It’s true…you seem to be going against me with everything…are you trying to take control of this pack for yourself?” Lupus asked.

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My Werewolf System Chapter 944 Evolving Ruin City summary

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