Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality Chapter 464 - A Free Riding But Meeting a Crazy Dog (II)

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Chapter 464 A Free Riding But Meeting a Crazy Dog (II)

The sound of horseshoes comes from afar. Windsor is so embarra.s.sed and can’t keep smiling anymore. A dangerous signal is s.h.i.+ning in her green eyes. Judith shrinks. When his elder sister provokes others in their interstellar travel, she always looks like this. It is really scary.

It has nothing to do with them. Therefore, Lin Luoran is still teaching Ma Shuangshuang and Han Weiya the strong and weak points of several horses in a low voice. She once grazed in Naqu gra.s.sland and this kind of experience doesn’t just vanish. Even after three hundred years later, she still knows how to tell a good horse from bad ones.

“You mean… you like this girl?”

The maroon horse shakes its neck and lets out a low hiss. Lin Luoran smiles, “Shuangshuang, you choose this one and I think this little guy also likes you very much.”

The maroon horse which Lin Luoran chooses is very tall. Windsor originally prepared it for a man like Colin Weir. Looking at Ma Shuangshuang’s slender figure, Windsor doubts whether Ma Shuangshuang can actually ride on the horse.

Ma Shuangshuang is so surprised. She nerves herself hopefully and touches the nose of the maroon horse. The horse’s nose squirts out hot air, making the girl startle and then giggle.

As the sound of some horses approaches, Windsor forces herself to stop looking at Lin Luoran and others.

People coming here are overwhelming and they get the numbers. When they come across the slope, the leader finally shows up. Lin Luoran clearly sees that Windsor’s bad look changes and she seems to know something suddenly.

It is a young man wearing a black gold-rimmed riding outfit. He looks perfect and even Colin Weir who can make girls scream is no better than him. If you have to be a stickler on his appearance, his silver-grey eyes really make him look gloomy.

“It’s him! No wonder…” Judith pouts, “Lady Lin, let’s go to the hillside over there and see whose riding skills are better. We should be far away from this person. Out of sight out of mind. ”

Judith only cares about food. He has never shown his antipathies so obvious. It makes Lin Luoran feel very curious.

“Who is he?”

Windsor smooths the wrinkles on her gloves and acts as the princess of Nami. When the young man dismounts and walks in, she finally greets him, “Duke Chiao, I don’t remember that I have invited you here today.”

Judith wants to lead Lin Luoran and others away but he is still worried that Windsor can’t handle this person alone and she may be at a disadvantage. Therefore, he steps back for a few steps and lowers his voice, “He is the husband who our father chose for my elder sister, Duke Chiao.”

Lin Luoran just says “Oh”. This is very interesting. Judith does not say that Chiao is his brother-in-law. It seems that Duke Chiao has not been accepted by the fat man.

“Princess Windsor, do you blame Frank for being here without permission?”

The tone of the young Duke sounds jeering. He has such a kind of att.i.tude towards Windsor before they are married. Besides, he comes here without an invitation but with a large group of people. Lin Luoran finally figures out why the fat man does not like his future brother-in-law.

However, is Windsor willing to marry such a person?

Lin can remember how heroic the beautiful red-lip beauty is. She even disguised herself as a pirate—is it just for fun?

Windsor sneers, “Duke seems to have forgotten that we are not married yet and now we are not a family. I still have to entertain my friends and I don’t think I have the time to be with you.”

Windsor turns around and asks Lin Luoran’s opinions with her eyes. Getting Lin’s approval, she takes a few people to the other side of the gra.s.s.

Lin Luoran performs a holy spell of “Listen” and then she can easily communicate with the horses. It’s so easy for her to choose horses that suit Ma Shuangshuang and other beginners. The horses selected by Windsor are also docile. Lin Luoran and Windsor are on horses. Judith has a chance to show himself so he is teaching the two girls to ride horses.

A group of people totally ignore the so-called Duke Chiao. Young and gloomy duke is left there with his own men. One of his men steps forward, “Duke, I don’t see any special about that person.”

Duke Chiao snorts and says slowly in a voice that only he can hear, “I will deal with that b.i.t.c.h after the big wedding.”

Even the people standing next to him can’t hear this sentence but Lin Luoran has an astonis.h.i.+ng sense of hearing. A few tens of meters away, Lin Luoran turns her head to look at the arrogant young duke. She frowns slightly.

She is not very familiar with Windsor, but they are all women. Does she really want to see Judith Windsor jumping into a dangerous marriage? The handsome Duke Chiao says such crazy words before they get married. He can hardly be a good husband.

However, the wedding date of the two is just five days later. Lin Luoran hesitates for a while, ” Windsor…”

Windsor is lying on the horseback. Her blond hair is dancing in the wind. The princess’s dignity disappears and only her confusion remains, “Lady Lin, I am so confused. No matter how honorable or self-improving women are, is there only one way left for them… marrying someone?”

Windsor invites her here because of her pre-marital phobia?

However, they are just nodding acquaintances. Why does Windsor say these words to her? Lin Luoran doesn’t know that Windsor has regarded her as an omnipotent woman when she saw her fighting against stars.h.i.+p as an individual. Windsor is the powerful princess of Nami but she still has to marry someone she doesn’t like. Windsor doesn’t know who else she can talk about this except for Lin.

Lin Luoran feels confused but she doesn’t want to think so much. The afternoon sun is lazy and the breeze blowing from the manor can dispel the heat in people’s hearts. Lin Luoran organizes her speech in her mind before saying to Windsor.

“Marriage means a commitment to others. If people can’t promise this, being single may be a better choice… Princess Windsor, whether women want to get married or not, they have to be strong. If you have to marry someone, you have to choose someone you love, right?”

Windsor pulls the reins and some confusion in her eyes disappears. She lowers her voice, “Lady Lin, you haven’t known it yet. Nami Empire looks powerful. However, there are many unsolvable problems hidden under prosperous peace. The royal family is in trouble. Our father is old and sick but the only prince is not an ideal successor. Duke Chiao’s family is the most powerful ally of our family. My father expects me to marry him so that I can give birth to a reliable heir for Nami as soon as possible… ”

She says these sentences and bows her head out of guilt. Born as a princess of the royal family, she has enjoyed all kinds of privileges. Therefore, she must make a continuation of the royal lineage at the right time. The Nami royal family turns from victory to decline and the princ.i.p.alities are very powerful now. As early as hundreds of years ago, there were signs. It is even worse that the royal family hasn’t been a prosperously growing family for hundreds of years. In her generation, only Judith and she grew up peacefully as the lineages of the royal family.

She also made a great wish to solve Nami’s current problems. For this reason, she has visited all corners of the alliance as an interstellar pirate. The influence and control of the Nami Star on the alliance are weakening. Windsor confirmed this recognition but she has no way to change it.

Windsor regards Lin Luoran as an omnipotent and powerful woman and talks a lot. Lin looks indifferent, riding on horseback and slowly moving forward. Windsor gradually calms down after she was p.i.s.sed off by Duke Chiao.

In fact, Windsor does not need to get any really useful advice. She only needs a man to talk. Lin Luoran’s origin is a mystery and she has no relations.h.i.+p with all parties. It really makes Windsor tell the truth—this is enough. There are still five days before the wedding. No matter how annoying she is, she will still marry Duke Chiao as scheduled.

Windsor is riding with flagging interest. Lin Luoran keeps silent for a long time side by side. Lin suddenly says, “In fact, there is another way besides marrying someone who you don’t like. It is better than to put hope in an heir who you can only know is good and reliable or not after many years. Princess Windsor, do you have the nerve to have a try?”

“What?” Windsor pulls the reins and holds her breath.

Lin Luoran touches her black hair flying in the wind. She feels that she is like a bewitching female monster at this moment, “That is…you can be the heir.”

Windsor is stunned, “However, Nami Empire has never crowned a woman as a queen.”

Lin Luoran attaches to the horse’s ear and whispers a few words. The horse suddenly accelerates and leaves Windsor far behind it. Far away, her voice is sent to Windsor’s ear by the wind,

“There is a saying in my hometown. The first person who eats a crab must be an incredible warrior! Princess, you can accept the worst scenario. Why don’t you make a change and create a new situation for the Nami Empire? ”

Windsor freezes. A queen? This mysterious Lady Lin does not disappoint her at all.

Windsor feels something is surging in her heart. She knows that from this moment on, her life may really be changing. Setting things right and taking the throne as a woman? Who can clear the obstacles for her?

Windsor flicks the whip and catches up with Lin Luoran in front of her on the horse. The wind goes straight into her mouth. She gasps and says, hard but firm, “Please help me! Lady Lin!”

Help me!

Windsor has a longing in her eyes. Lin Luoran turns her head slightly and readily agrees, “Okay.”

There is no hesitation in her voice, as if they are old friends for many years with a life-long friends.h.i.+p. However, Windsor wakes up all of a sudden. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Such a mysterious and powerful woman suddenly came to Nami Star and provoked her desire for the throne. Is she up to something?

Windsor feels that she is very confused. Lin Luoran’s dress is blown up by the wind. They have unconsciously left others behind them. The horses step on the endless gra.s.s and come to the foot of the mountain.

The rus.h.i.+ng river is in front and a cable bridge connects the forest with the manor. This forest is the private property of the royal family. It is connected to the manor. There are usually no outsiders here.

It is so quiet here and it is a good place for conspiracy. Lin Luoran does not feel guilty about provoking the royal dispute at all. She smiles like peach blossoms in March, which can turn the forest into a stretching beautiful scenery.

“Of course, if the princess promises me two things, I will be happy to make a little contribution to the princess’s path to the true queen.”

Hearing that there are terms and it is not a free lunch, Windsor is not angry but happy. Her heart hanging high finally lands to the ground.

“I don’t know what the terms of Lady Lin are.”

Lin Luoran lowers her head, “The second one is for you when you take control of Nami. The first one should be easy for a princess… I want to see Nolan Mancia.

Not “wish to” but “want to”… she wants to see Mancia. Nolan Mancia!

Windsor is so surprised. Ms. Mancia has been famous for many years as a royal designer. However, Lin Luoran’s term of helping her to be the queen is just to meet Ms. Mancia?

Windsor only takes a short time to consider and then she agrees.

“To be honest, Ms. Mancia has always been a mysterious loner and I have never met her. However, I happen to be one of the few people who knows her place.”

Lin Luoran really laughs this time.

There were sounds from far away. Ma Shuangshuang and others catch up. Lin Luoran thinks that she can see Nolan Mancia soon and she is in a good mood. Now she finally in a relaxing mood for riding.

“Aunt Lin! Aunt Lin! Look! I can ride a horse!”

Ma Shuangshuang hugs the horse’s neck tightly and does not let go. She is yelling but Lin doesn’t think she has learned how to ride. Obviously, she is bluffing.

Lin Luoran smiles like a coddling parent. Just as how she found the descendants of the Ma family, she will find all the relatives and friends scattered in the world one by one.

—Baojia, how are you doing after all these years? I can’t wait to see you soon.

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Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality Chapter 464 - A Free Riding But Meeting a Crazy Dog (II) summary

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