Hero of Darkness Chapter 1042 The Ancient Rank Weapon

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Chapter 1042  The Ancient Rank Weapon

A wave of unexpected befuddlement washed over Kahn as the System suddenly informed him about the rank of his newly forged katana, Muramasa.

"What the h.e.l.l?! An Ancient Rank weapon?!" exclaimed Kahn with a bewildered countenance.

"What?! Did you just say ancient rank?" asked Rathnaar with an astonished expression on his visage.

"How come it's not a Legendary but an Ancient rank weapon?" even Vildred, the Lightning Dragon Emperor was taken aback.

Although the latter two were powerful beings of their era, they didn't have the skills or knowledge to differentiate the ranks of weapons unless a proper Saint Blacksmith told them.

But the surprising factor was that even Kahn, the legitimate Saint Blacksmith among their ranks could not detect it and a.s.sumed Muramasa to be a legendary rank weapon just like them.

"System, scan and report." he said and wielded Muramasa in his right hand.

[Scan complete. Following are the effects and powers of the Ancient Rank weapon, Muramasa : 1. The Demon Blade effect : Grants the wielder of the blade a ma.s.sive surge in strength automatically and multiplies the output of all the attacks made using mana or world energy by 3 times due to being engraved with the highest tier of Draconian, Dwarven and Elven runes that amplify its destructive aura and potency of world energy circulation.

2. Darkness of the Abyss : After the blade was imbued with the darkness by the host, whose Darkness element originates from the G.o.d of Darkness, the ruler of the Eternal Abyss… the blade now has become highly condensed and attuned with the said element.

Due to such crafting method, the katana can enhance and increase all the attacks made with the Darkness element of the wielder by 4 times the original strength.

This effect will be further enhanced by 2 times while the Hero of Darkness t.i.tle is active.

3. Lightning Dragon's Fury : Being made from the fang of the Lightning Dragon Emperor, the blade has a natural affinity with the Lightning element and will enhance all the Lightning elemental attacks by 3 times.

4. The Abyssal Lightning : The combined attunement of both the host's Darkness element and the based affinity of the Lightning element from the Dragon Emepror's fang has formed a unified synergy while being crafted. Muramasa now possesses the highest degree of combined and perfectly balanced harmony between these two elements and when the user wills it, a powerful single-strike attack can be made with both these elements merged perfectly and containing that collective destructive force. 5. Dimension Breaker : Due to the host's Void Sentinel cla.s.s, a Legendary Rank cla.s.s achievable only by those who have gained by achieving 3rd Enlightenment in the s.p.a.ce Law; and the vast amount of Cosmic Aether being infused inside the blade while being forged, the Ancient Rank weapon Muramasa, has now developed and created a new unique trait called the Dimension Breaker.

This power shall allow the host to cut through the boundary between the material forms in the real world and void cracks of the True Dimension.]

With this report, the System finally turned silent, and so did everyone who heard it.

Kahn, Vildred, and Rathnaar could not simply believe what they just heard.

"I need to test it." said Kahn.


The next moment, he appeared in the sky of Muspelheim, filled with dark red clouds.

And the total distance this time was 12 kilometers, indicating that the attack was amplified by 4 times just like the system informed Kahn.

Kahn turned in a different direction and then tested the Lightning Dragon's Fury.


Just like before, he made a vertical slash but the result surprised him.

Because the attack didn't come directly from Muramasa, rather the skies above him struck the targeted mountains with hundreds of wide and terrifyingly destructive lightning bolts falling in a straight line.

Kahn felt as if he could control the Lightning element as if he was born with it.

"That… that's one of my skills!" spoke Vildred who saw this and had his mouth wide open in shock.

"He can do that just because the weapon was made from my fang?" he asked himself, completely flabbergasted.

Although the range was only 9 kilometers… Kahn was simply stunned on his spot.

"That is the most powerful lightning elemental attack I've ever made. And I didn't even use any runic magic, formation or legendary rank skill or effects for it." he spoke, his hands trembling in sheer disbelief.

Soon, he tested the Abyssal Ligning effect, the one attack with perfect balance and synergy between Darkness and Lightning...

Result left Kahn, Vildred and Rathnaar dropping their jaws on the ground.

Because the range of the damage was straight up 20 kilometers and unlike the Darkness of the Abyss and Lightning Dragon's Fury effect...

The Abyssal Lightning simply pulverized everything that came in its way as if these tall and grandiose mountains and incinerating rivers of magma never existed in the first place.

"If it's like this when he's merely a 6th-stage saint... Just imagine what he could do if he ever became a Peak Saint." spoke Rathnaar, acknowledging Muramasa's potential as an Ancient Rank weapon.

Vildred could only nod in agreement because he too had his mind boggled with these unexpected results.

On the other side, after a few minutes of absorbing these occurrences in front of him…

Finally, Kahn decided to use the last skill, the Dimension Breaker.

But what he didn't know was that Muramasa didn't develop just some attack skill or unique trait because it was an Ancient Rank weapon made from various unnatural elements of craftsmans.h.i.+p. Rather the last skill…

Could literally break the world.

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Hero of Darkness Chapter 1042 The Ancient Rank Weapon summary

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