Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 1172 Teaming With Enemy's Traitor

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Chapter 1172 Teaming With Enemy’s Traitor

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 04:11

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, St. Raymond Cemetery

The southern royal family heirloom worn by the boy, the dummy ring, was missing along with the boy's grimoire. These two items should have dropped when she burnt the swarm of insects to ash. So Lois thought that it was highly likely that the boy was not dead but rather alive. Therefore she did not hesitate to contact the agent in her organization to confirm her doubts by reading the boy's fortune while she scanned the entire cemetery for any insects and killed them.

As for Ann, Baylor, and Backster, they had finally regained control of the energies in their bodies and slowly circled Lois. Being totally cut off from the world, their strength was limited by their limited energies. Not to mention they were still not clear on what Lois's legendary physique was capable of. So putting aside their differences and pride they decided to suppress Lois together as it was the fastest and safest bet. But that was not simple as Ann and Backster were not able to bring themselves to fully trust Baylor. Cooperating while guarding their backs was not possible.

"You three finally made it, unfortunately, I have to leave," Lois mocked the trio, and then with a poof she vanished having finally received a reply from her colleague, 'The boy's fate is still foggy I can't tell anything but since I can perceive his fate that means he is still alive.'

"Again?" Backster yelled in annoyance because this was how Lois was able to get to the boy earlier.

To understand Backster's annoyance one had to know that when two demiG.o.ds meet in a battle they continuously disturb the surrounding s.p.a.ce so that the opponent could not use s.p.a.ce-related cards or rules like instant teleportation, long-distance teleportation, etc to escape or attack. Yet, Lois somehow seems to be able to use teleportation abilities without any difficulty.

"I think she is not using this s.p.a.ce to teleport but traveling through the world's will. I don't know how but I think it has something to do with her physique. General Baylor, do you have anything to add?" Ann explained based on her knowledge but she was not certain so she asked Lois's colleague for confirmation.

"I don't know, I just met her yesterday. What about Wyatt, is he fine?" Baylor answered Ann and enquired about Ellen's son.

"He is fine," Ann hesitated a little before answering because she was not sure about Baylor's intentions yet. As for how she knew if the boy was fine? She not only knew if he was still alive but also knew where he was hiding but not how he pulled this miraculous escape off.

Ann was starting to admire the boy for real and not because of the secondhand feelings she got from reading Anna's thoughts and memories. At first, when she heard that the boy was able to fool a group of semi-demiG.o.ds she was amazed but was not clear on the details so did not think much of it, witnessing it for herself, Ann had turned into the boy's genuine admirer. She was starting to see the charm that Anna saw in the boy, the adrenaline rush she felt watching the boy evade death twice and escape Lois's clutches was something she never experienced.

Ann though took pride in memorizing the whole dictionary, word to word, was unable to think of a few words to explain the overwhelming feeling she felt for the boy. This was the first time Ann was without words. Her heart raced whenever she thought of the boy. She could not control her emotions, her mind told her that it wasn't the right time for her to have the thoughts she was having for the boy but her heart and emotions did not listen.

If Ann were to check the panty she was currently wearing, she would find a fresh skid mark. Ann would not agree but she did get wet out of this ordeal. Ann could not help but compare the experience she had been through with those she read in action romantic novels she used to read trapped in Anna's origin card.

"Southern emperor, do you know where Wyatt is hiding? We need to bring him to safety," Backster asked Ann, though Ann looked like Anna, he did not have any feelings for her as he knew she was not Anna. DemiG.o.d Backster has been with many women, card emperors, even semi-demiG.o.ds, and one demiG.o.d but none came close to his time with Anna. His feeling for Anna had transcended the physical realm, if he were to use one word to explain his feeling for Anna then it would be 'addiction.' His addiction would only be satisfied by cocaine, not the white sugar powder that looked like cocaine.

"No, need. Wyatt has proven that he can take care of himself. Our objective now is to hunt down Agent Lois. before she gets to him," Ann ordered then added, "Don't open your connections to the world's will, You will only be opening yourself for Lois's attack."

"Good, I like your idea," Baylor liked the idea which did not involve using Ellen's son as bait to lure Agent Lois.

"Alright, but how do we find her? I just scanned the entire city and its outskirts, there was no sign of her. If she is hiding in the spiritual plane, I don't think we will be able to unless she wants us to find her," Backster said the obvious.

"Let's divide and spread out, increasing our range of action. Once Lois makes her presence known the nearest will stall her while the other two rush over. Considering Lois's ability this strategy is almost useless but we only have to hold her back for 15 minutes by then field marshal Heatsend will act," Baylor who knew that Lois was pressed by time so she came with a smile strategy to delay Lois until field marshal Heatsend arrived.

? ***


Spiritual Plane is where World's Will is. (Spiritual plane = World's will)

Physical Plane is where the World is. (Physical Plane = World)

Soul energy from the spiritual plane(World's Will) enters the Physical Plane forming Soul pathways that gather into various soul pathway arrangements to give birth to the world in the physical plane and the various ent.i.ties on the world.


Channel connecting the card apprentice's ego gem present in the physical plane to the world's will in the spiritual plane to comprehend rules, existed in the both spiritual and physical plane and also between them. ]

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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 1172 Teaming With Enemy's Traitor summary

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