Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2135 Army Of Undead Golems

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Chapter 2135  Army Of Undead Golems

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 22:56

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Celestial Mystic Dimension

'Oh, s.h.i.+t!' Wyatt who was counting every pa.s.sing second cussed in his mind seeing the undead demiG.o.ds that had a.s.sembled in a small battle array formation make use of their cards to fuse into an undead golem. What was worse was that the toxic gas released by the ajar mouths of the undead demiG.o.ds' heads on the undead golems' bodies was extinguis.h.i.+ng his cursed blood flame when they came into contact. The thick veil of toxic mist covering the undead golems was protecting them from Wyatt's cursed blood flames by extinguis.h.i.+ng them. It appears thanks to the small battle array formation and their undead golem form, the power of the toxin within the undead demiG.o.ds has increased by several folds. It was now strong enough to extinguish Wyatt's cursed blood flame when in contact. Thus, undead golems now had a way to harm Wyatt's energy body and kill him. Honestly, Wyatt was impressed by this move of the undead demiG.o.ds, because they had used the small battle array formation to increase their coordination when they fuse into a single undead golem. This way the resulting undead golem wasn't slow and dull instead was an unstoppable war machine with unprecedented reflexes and agility. Not to mention the boost their other attributes gained just like their coordination and toxins. An undead golem made from a dozen undead demiG.o.ds that had a.s.sembled into a small battle array formation was already formidable, so Wyatt could not help but shudder with horror imagining the resulting undead golem for seven hundred undead demiG.o.ds that had a.s.sembled into a battle array formation. Now a monstrosity like that would definitely give Field Marshal Heatsend the run for her money. 'This is bad,' Wyatt said in distress, seeing that even when his cursed blood flame when enhanced by celestial force could only resist the toxic mist of the undead for another second before they ultimately were extinguished. He honestly did not except the undead demiG.o.ds to come up with a power strong enough to overpower his celestial force. Well, that wasn't unexpected, considering Wyatt was just a toddler when it came to his celestial powers. His celestial force was still weak. After all, the celestial force of a newborn celestial would not be as strong as the celestial force of an older celestial. It also that the undead golems were very strong. Their power was now was lot stronger than the strength of the twelve undead demiG.o.ds, they could them with their sheer strength without having to depend on their toxins and other abilities. Though the undead demiG.o.ds were formed from a dozen undead demiG.o.ds that were a.s.sembled in a small battle array formation, their power level was several folds greater than a small battle array formation formed by a dozen undead demiG.o.ds. The strength of their toxin mist alone could melt the undead demiG.o.ds into goo under a second. The degree of the power these undead golems had was unprecedented, which was why Wyatt was seriously impressed by the undead demiG.o.ds' tactics to a.s.semble into a small battle array formation before fusing into an undead golem. They not only managed to remove the shortcomings of the undead golem but increase its power by several folds. What was more amazing was that these two and a half dozen undead golems could a.s.semble into a battle array formation and then fuse into a bigger and meaner-looking undead golem. Even though the resulting undead golem was not formed by seven hundred undead demiG.o.ds but half of that number, it would still be powerful enough to kick some Field Marshal b.u.t.t. Seeing how the undead demiG.o.ds were being used by Karl, Wyatt now understood why the masters were so confident about using the undead demiG.o.ds to raid the unranked dungeons that had been sealed for several centuries. Considering the huge number of undead demiG.o.ds the masters had Karl cultivate, Wyatt realized that with that numbers it would not be hard for masters to create an army of undead golems that were stronger and more versatile than Field Marshal Heatsend. Just the thought of commanding an army of undead golems stronger than one of the top ten strongest card apprentices in the world gave Wyatt chills down his spine. With such an army under their control no wonder the Masters dared to raid an unranked dungeon that has been sealed for centuries. If not for Karl's betrayal the master might really have succeeded in raiding the unranked dungeon and gotten whatever it was that they sought within it. Now Wyatt was starting to understand why Karl got the central, western, and eastern regions when Matron only got northern and southern regions while the Emissary of the Light was stuck with the empire. In this Darwinian world, the strongest gets the biggest piece of the cake with the most cherry on it. However, this also made Wyatt wonder what made Karl stop with just the three regions and why he did not infringe on the Matron and Emissary of the Light's territory after he got wanted with their help. Wyatt strongly believed there was no honor among thieves. Therefore he found it hard to believe that Karl would keep his promise after the Matron and Emissary of Light helped him kill the masters. Considering that the Supreme leader was the strongest of the three mischiefs and had the strongest army at his disposal Wyatt did not believe Karl would just abide by their agreements and oaths. He must have been greedy for more, he must have thought of various ways to get what he desired and satisfy his greed. So, what stopped him? Was it Aba Windsor? Did she kill them before he could act on his greed? According to the Clown Mask's memories, the three mischiefs were allied on the surface but underneath it all, they were never harmonious. There were always small conflicts between them but before they could spark into something bigger Aba Windsor rained down her justice onto them. 

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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2135 Army Of Undead Golems summary

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