Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2219 Purest Unparalleled Bloodline

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Chapter 2219 Purest Unparalleled Bloodline

"You guess you were lucky?" Anna exclaimed, staring at her grandmother with her eyes wide. Soon, she proceeded to argue, 'You were an unknown orphan, now you are the Southern Queen. I still do not get how great-grandpa and the rest of the family agreed to Grandpa and your marriage back in those days. Yet, you guess you were lucky. You are the prime example of luck. It would not be an exaggeration to say you are the daughter of luck!"

"That is just what they told the rest of the world. The truth is your great-grandaunt was against me marrying you your grandpa. She wanted to rejuvenate the Heatsend family and the Southern Region to their former glory by marrying your grandpa and grandaunt to sire a descendant with the purest unparalleled bloodline so far-

"Eew! Why would she even think of something like that?"

Anna cried in disgust upon hearing the shocking revelation her grandma made about her marriage interrupting the latter from finis.h.i.+ng her story.

"Back in those days, it was common practice for one to marry within the family to keep their descendent's bloodline pure and their bloodline within the family. The truth is, your great-grandaunt wanted to marry your great-grandpa to keep the unparalleled bloodline within the royal family and give birth to a descendant with the purest unparalleled bloodline.

However, during one of his trips to the central capital, your great-grandpa took a fancy to a n.o.ble's daughter, your great-grandma. When the n.o.ble rejected his brazen marriage proposal he kidnapped her, married her, and brought her home. Your ancestors were proud of his actions but your great-grandaunt was heartbroken and helpless.

Your great-grandpa and ancestors brought many capable marriage proposals for your great-grandaunt but she did not agree to any of them as she did not like the thought of her unparalleled bloodline spreading out of the family. So, she chose to stay single till today.

It is said that your great-grandaunt one night forced herself on your great-grandpa to sire a descendant with the purest Unparalleled bloodline but failed. Then she planned to marry her brother's first son, your grandpa, to sire a descendant with purest Unparalleled bloodline. However, over the years she had come to love your grandpa as her own son. So, she could not go through with it. Hence, she planned to let your grandpa and grandaunt fulfill her goal to sire a descendant with the purest Unparalleled bloodline. Therefore, she became the biggest obstacle in your grandpa and my marriage-

"What do you mean biggest obstacle? What could she have possibly done when the Southern Ruler, himself, had agreed to Grandpa marrying you!

Caught in her grandma's story, Anna forgot all about her dissatisfaction with Ann and her mother and instead was riled up hearing the struggles her grandparents faced during their marriage. So much so that she suddenly cried out in anger interrupting her grandma once again.

"Not many know this but back then she was the strongest card apprentice in the Southern Region. So, your great-grandpa was the Southern Ruler only in name whereas your great-grandaunt held all the power and authority. Therefore, it was impossible for your grandpa to marry me without her


"Then what happened? How did you marry Grandpa? Did she have a sudden change of heart?" "Your grandaunt happened. She had huge ambitions and visions for the Southern region than to be someone's wife and become a baby-making machine. Learning the news, in a fit of rage, she left her isolated retreat to reason with her aunt. Since talking did not work she decided to let her cards do

the talking.

After one of the longest and most brutal fights I have seen in my life, she defeated and chased your great-grandaunt out of the Southern Region. Instantly becoming famous in all five regions. Many champions from the other four regions came to challenge her to a card fight and she defeated them all becoming the top ten strongest in the card world.

With his big sister on the run, your great-grandpa decided to step down as the Southern Ruler feeling unworthy of the throne and a cheat. However, he did not want to repeat the same mistake his father made by making him the Southern Ruler instead of his elder sister just because he was a man. So, he held a card fight between your grandaunt and grandpa, the winner would become the next southern ruler-"

"Then Grandpa defeated Grandaunt to become the Southern ruler and married you. Am I right?" Anna predicted.

"Nope, your grandaunt conceded the fight to your grandpa and left for the Way beyond. She did not return until her marriage was arranged to your granduncle Lorenzo, Colleen revealed short-circuiting Anna's little brain from the shock of a lifetime. Still in a daze, Anna uttered, "Grandpa isn't the strongest in the Southern Region?"

"Honey, come on, your grandpa is the strongest in the Southern Region. There is a reason why your grandaunt conceded the throne along with her ambitions and vision to her brother. It was because a few days before the card fight between your grandpa and grandaunt, your great-grandaunt returned to take what rightfully belonged to her, the Southern Throne, now that it was empty. This time she had come prepared with a peculiar power.

Her first target was obviously your grandaunt. Surprisingly, your grandaunt lost to her and her peculiar power. However, the fight did not end there, your great-grandaunt wanted to kill your grandaunt for the humiliation she suffered but your grandpa came to his sister's rescue. He soon defeated and scaled your great-grandaunt.

Having witnessed her brother's true power and her being still in recovery from her fight with her aunt, your grandaunt could only surrender the throne to your grandpa. Though your grandpa did give her another shot at the throne saying that if someday she felt he unfit to sit on the southern throne she could always challenge him for it.

Since your grandaunt never challenged your grandpa's authority till today I guess she believes he is doing a fine job as the Southern ruler, Colleen revealed the unadulterated story of how the current Southern Ruler came to power and got married to a commoner to her granddaughter. "Grandma, why did grandpa not kill his aunt instead of imprisoning her?" Anna wondered aloud. "Simple, she's family. Not to mention, it wasn't just her who saw your grandpa as her son but he too saw her as equal to his mother. He could not go through with it and chose to seal her for the sake of stability in the Southern Region. Also, your great-grandpa spent his final moments guarding his sister's seal. I guess he felt guilty for her situation knowing he was the villain in her life," Colleen said reminiscing about the last moments of her father-in-law.

"I remember you saying she is still single. Does that mean she is still alive in her seal? Does Grandpa ever plan on letting his aunt out? Now that her wish to sire a descendant with the purest. unparalleled bloodline is fulfilled with my birth, Anna felt sorry for her great grandaunt who was sealed away for centuries.

"Your grandpa tried a few years after your birth but failed as it turns out, in his final moments, your great grandpa had moved the seal containing his elder sister to our heritage land so that she can rest with her ancestors.

Even if your grandpa is strongest in the Southern Region his power is nothing in there. After all, the unparalleled heritage land used to be an unranked dungeon that your ancestors repurposed using their unparalleled bloodline.

However, you can give it a try when you become a card lord. The heritage land happens to be trial grounds for young and promising card apprentices. Though n.o.body has pa.s.sed the trial for many generations you have the purest unparalleled bloodline among all those generations so the odds are with you"

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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2219 Purest Unparalleled Bloodline summary

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