Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 466: Touche

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Chapter 466: Touche

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 19:38

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234

'Partic.i.p.ate in the inheritance trial' These words caught my interest. Earlier, Luna unconsciously revealed that she needed the MegaMorpher to 'cross the river.' At that time, I thought what kind of river would require a card emperor to cross using a MegaMorpher. Can't they just fly over or something? Most of it was still unclear, but one thing was sure that the crossing of the river was a sort of trial for inheritance. What inheritance? Whose inheritance? I had no clue. So I decided to ask the only people well versed about it.

"What is the inheritance trial you guys are talking about? Does that have something to do with the crossing of the river? For which you are building the MegaMorpher. With your power, can't you guys just fly over the river or something?" Even though I knew Anna and Luna wanted to keep all this a secret, I was trying to convince them that I knew this much might as well spill the whole secret.

"You told him!" Luna yelled at Anna, putting all the blame on her.

"Looks like the punishment earlier was not enough." Anna's brows frowned, hearing her cousin push all the blame on her.

"Come at me. I was just speaking the truth." Luna held her hand crossed in front of her head in a defensive stance but in a manner that said she was not afraid to fight.

"Ok, that's it, don't start a fight between you two. It was both of you guys' fault. You both are not as tight-lipped as you think you are. With enough hints, it was not hard to connect these few dots.

Since I already know this much, you might as well tell the rest of it. And then we can think of a way to crack the trail of inheritance together." I would like to know more about this inheritance that can keep the Heatsend Royal family on its toes. It has to be a very powerful inheritance.

"…" Luna glared at me and then Anna and then the rest of the girls in the room. Her glare intensified whenever it landed on me. It felt as if she was trying to erase my memories with her gaze.

"You don't know jack. You are just making guesses here and there. You are lucky I am planning on introducing you to my mother as her future son-in-law. Otherwise, you would have lost your life trying to be a wiseacre. Don't indulge yourself in something you are not a part of. Luna, teach him how to forge runes already." Warning me to stay out of their family secret, Anna yelled at Luna to quit glaring at me and teach me how to forge a rune.

"Ok, I understand it's a family secret. I, too, would be defensive if it involved my family. Take your time and give me an answer by tomorrow morning. Then we can be on the same page. And that way, I can help you guys even better." Anna's harsh warning did manage to back me off from pressing too much on their family secret.

"Hey, Wyatt. If you really want to know, then there is a sure-fire way. Become my househusband. And I can let you in on our Heatsend family secret. No rush. How about you sleep on it and answer by tomorrow morning." Anna knew how to play ball. Unfortunately, this was too much for me to buy-in.

"Touche" I said shaking my head. Anna knew just the right words to make me quiet and quiet digging into their family secret.

"If I didn't know better, I would think you two are flirting. Wyatt, should I start teaching you how to forge runes, or would you two like to get a room?" Luna asked sarcastically.

"No thanks, Dr. Luna. Let's just get started on how to forge runes." I politely answered Luna's sarcastic remarks.

"Good. Comprehending rules and forging runes go hand in hand. The stronger your comprehension of rules is the better the runes you can forge.

This is basic. Since you are asking about forging runes, I guess you have gained a minimum of advanced mastery in the rule's comprehension and already pa.s.sed the bifurcation point of the rule you chose to comprehend. And also gained a minimum of intermediary mastery over the meaning of your choice of that particular rule you decide to comprehend. Giving you enough qualification to forge a basic rune of that meaning of the rule you comprehend." Luna asked if I had met the basic conditions to forge a basic rune.

"Yes, I did receive a notification from the grimoire saying I could forge a basic rune." The notification of the grimoire was more than enough for proof.

"Okay, then I will skip all the basics as you have already figured it out yourself. Are you fine with it?" Luna enquired for my opinion on her skipping the basics.

"Fine by me." I was tight on time, so I did not mind Luna being a little fast-paced.

"If we were to a.s.sume Rule comprehension is similar to mining for ores, then forging a rune can be said to be similar to refining the ore that you have mined.

You have already mined the rules now. All that remains is the refining of ore that is forging of the rules into runes. Similar to how a blacksmith tempers an ore, removes the waste and then forges it in the shape he wants it to be in. Card apprentices should also temper the rules they have comprehended and use their understanding of the rules to forge the rune into the image of their understanding and perspective.

It's like taking all the clay you got and sculpting it according to your imagination. Here clay is the rule you comprehended, the image you have given to the clay is your understanding of the rule, and the final clay sculpture is the rune you have forged. In layman's terms, the rune is your knowledge and perspective of the rule and its meaning that you have comprehended." Luna used various examples to elaborate the concept of runes and help understand what actually forging runes meant.



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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 466: Touche summary

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