Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 572 - New Project

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Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 13:11

Location- Sky Blossom City, a.s.sociation Guild Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Boo! I am dying of cringe here." Feeling the moment between the two, Corey felt as if Susan and her boss were exchanging their vows. Therefore she hurriedly jumped in between the two and made snarky comments.

"..." Corey wasn't the only one who felt that cheery blossoms bloomed as Susan and their boss spoke earlier. Cindy and Diana, too, thought the same thing. They instantly knew that Susan was one of their potential lady boss candidates and made a mental note to get on her good side.

"Corey, shut up." Feeling the moment being ruined by Corey, Susan was p.i.s.sed.

"Big Sis forgot about that. You found your second fated ingredient. That's great news." Having successfully saved Susan from Wyatt's demonic words, Corey tried to change the topic.

"Thank you, Corey." Susan chose to forgive Corey. After all, Susan was a pushover when it came to this kind of stuff. Susan was good at her job, but in the game of relations.h.i.+ps, she was a rookie.

Hearing Susan's words, Corey knew Susan forgave her. So her heart grew ambitious, and she added, " Big Sis, leave your fated ingredient to me. I will help you create your second origin card. It is going to be way better than your first one."

"About that, let's discuss it later." Susan knew Corey as a person, and she wasn't a reliable one. So, she doubted that Corey would make a reliable card creationist. Therefore when Corey offered to create her second origin card, Susan didn't hesitate to find a reason to delay answering Corey.

"Come in, big sis. Don't you believe me?" Corey was not new to this game. She was not planning to leave unless she heard a yes.

"Corey, honey. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you are the moodiest person I have met. I wouldn't trust you to look after the warehouse alone, forget having you help me create my second origin card." Seeing that Corey was not backing down taking a hint from her words, Susan decided to make it clear by using another set of vocabulary, which she had saved especially for this type of situation.

"..." Hearing Susan speak, removing the training wheels, Corey felt her thick skin wasn't thick enough. And decided to leave the matter for now.

"And also, I know what kind of second origin card I want, and I doubt you can create the card that I want." Susan tried to console Corey. But to Corey, these words were sharper than Susan's words earlier.

"What? Let me know what kind of card you want, and I will be the judge whether I can create it or not." Corey felt her pride hurt hearing such words from Susan. If it was somebody else, she could have ignored it but not her previous life mother.

"Corey, you haven't seen the card. It's a new variant of one of the cards created by Wyatt. Those cards are so good that the Royal family has placed a bulk order on those cards and wants to build a new army regiment of card apprentices solely equipping those cards led by Card Emperor Luna Lorn herself. Trust me when I say Wyatt is the only one who can create that kind of cards." Susan honestly retold her thoughts, but it sounded like she was boasting about her exclusive client.

"..." Corey's pride hurt more being compared to the one person she resent for stealing her mother. She glared at him but he seemed to be lost in thoughts. Corey couldn't just let it go here, she knew if she let the relations.h.i.+p between Susan and boss to continue, that dreaded day when her jerk of a boss becomes her daddy was not far.

"..." Cindy, Diana, and Jaya, who heard Susan say that the Southern Royal Family and their army was one of card boutiques clients, felt their world view change. The relations.h.i.+p between the southern emperor and their boss was known to all, but they were amazed and a little proud that their boss had connections in the Southern Royal Army. Having admired the reach of their new boss, their mind was unable to comprehend what kind of card it would be for the Royal army to create a separate regiment with card apprentices solely equid with those cards. The more they thought about it, the more the trio felt that their new boss was a capable person, unlike their previous boss, who only knew to suppress the weak and cower in the face of the strong.

"Ah~ So, you want me to create a MegaMorpher origin card for you using your black steel armor card." Hearing Susan's plans for her second origin card, I was happy to see the humble girl I once knew had grown ambitious.

"Yes" Susan nodded.

"Ambitious, but I like it. Don't worry. You know me, I always give my best. But let's put off creating your second origin card till we move to the royal palace." I planned to create a memirconium MegaMorpher for Susan's second origin card. And also test the various rules and origin card-related theories that I have discovered.

Like how in the case of Old Ben, he was able to comprehend the boiling blood meaning of blood rule to completion and how Sarah's bloodline helped her comprehend bloodline memory meaning of blood rule. Not to mention how Bloodette's involvement mutated Cortney's ego gem and gave her blood rule affinity and an innate blood rune.

Since Susan's second origin card will be her last origin card, I decided to make it memorable and strong enough to help her climb to the top of the world. I decided to make it my up coming project. This was not only important for Sarah but for me to uncover how Origin cards effected the the user's choice in the rule bifurcation point. If I can uncover this then I could avoid comprhending rules meaning with little use to me.


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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 572 - New Project summary

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