Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 614 Butcher Bob

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Chapter 614 Butcher Bob

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 10:48

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234

"One of my professors here at the University belongs to the family that owns the Butcher Bob meat and poultry processor company... " Ronnie spoke, weighing his words as if he had something too difficult to say. Still, in the end, he trailed off, unable to speak his mind.

"So?" Seeing how Ronnie trailed off, I knew this ungrateful cousin of mine was up to his tricks again.

"I'm sorry, Wyatt, I will not lie to you. My professor asked me to join the Butcher BoB for a hefty compensation and a few shares in the company." Ronnie finally came clean and confessed to me. I was not surprised because hearing him trail off, I saw this coming. Though it did not astonish me, betrayal is a betrayal.

"So, why are you calling me? Isn't that a great thing? Shouldn't you be celebrating? Let me guess, there is a catch? " I said in scorn.

Butcher Bod is one of the biggest monster meat and poultry processor companies, with nearly 210 outlets in the blossom district alone. They were a ma.s.sive corporation with a percentage of shares worth millions of soul jades in the market.

I can see why Ronnie chose to betray me, his cousin and benefactor. Millions of soul jades can blind anybody, let alone a high school dropout like Ronnie. Like how too much sweetness comes with diabetes, Ronnie's sudden fortune also has a price to be paid.

"Yes. About that, it turns out the deal is only valid if I marry into their family." Ronnie finally spoke about the thing troubling him.

"So, what's the problem? Since you have betrayed me, I don't think you have a problem betraying Jackie. So let me guess, the girl they ask you to marry is ugly?" I wasn't being sarcastic. I really thought this ungrateful dumba.s.s was ready to betray his baby mama.

"No, she was beautiful. In fact, she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. But I love Jackie, and I can not do this to her, not when she left her family for me and is carrying my baby." Ronnie reflected on his emotions and laid them out.

"Good for you. You have a little consciousness." I said sarcastically and then added, "So you rejected them, but they don't want to hear a no for an answer, and now they are threatening you. So you decide to call for help from the person you didn't think twice before betraying."

"Yes." Said Ronnie, and taking a deep breath, he continued, " In a moment of weakness, I made a terrible decision. It was a mistake. I don't expect you to forgive me. But they are threatening Jackie and my unborn child."

"I see. So?" I asked in a deadpan voice. I thought Ronnie would say cringe dialogues, but this jerk began spewing opportunistic and realistic bulls.h.i.+t to justify himself and beg for my help. Not like I would cave to his cringe bulls.h.i.+t either.

"Wyatt, don't be like that. Listen to me. I did verbally agree with my professor's offer, but when I called my parents to tell them the good news, you know what they said to me before I could tell them about my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?" Ronnie's voice turned emotional as he spoke these words.

"That you are dumba.s.s, and you should drown in your p.i.s.s." I did not mask my anger. I even planned on sending a few TSR guild members to his university to break a few bones in his body.

"No, they said that they may have given birth to me, but by creating my origin card, you gave me a second life, and I should use this second life to pay off all my debts to you.

Hearing those words, my blood boiled. I couldn't believe they would say such a thing to their own son. I was angry right then, I wanted to tell them aloud about the offer I received from Butcher Bob to show them I could achieve greatness, and I would pay off all the debts to you in no time.

Thankfully, before I spoke those words, I realized that they were right. Without your help, I would be working at the airstrip doing manual labor, unloading, and loading cargo. Heck, if you did not save me in time, I would have become a gang member, worse, imprisoned, leaving my baby mama alone in an unknown city. At the same time, my parents would have become the target of my disgruntled father-in-law's venting.

Everything I have today is your grace. I realized that and decided to right my wrongs. Hanging up on my parents, I called my professor to reject the offer he made to me.

I don't expect to gain sympathy from you by narrating my story. Still, I chose to tell you about this because I felt that expecting your help without explaining everything to you would be selfish of me. So, here I am." Hearing Ronnie's words, all I felt was that seeing the opportunistic and realistic bulls.h.i.+t not work, he returned to spewing cla.s.sic cringe bulls.h.i.+t.

"*yawn*Good to know. I have a client waiting for me. If you are done with your bulls.h.i.+ting, I would like to get back to my customer." Yes, I yawned purposefully, and its purpose was evident.

"Yes, I will get straight to the point. I want to sign a soul contract with you. I ask nothing in return, just that you protect my family." It seems my yawn did better than its intended purpose by having Ronnie skip the bulls.h.i.+t and get to the point. This so-called professor must have given Ronnie quite a scare for him to take such drastic measures and promise to sign a soul contract in exchange for my asylum.

"I don't know, Ronnie. I am just an orphan high schooler. How can I face off against a giant corporation like Butcher Bob? I don't think I can be of any help to you, Ronnie. After all, my only cousin taught me that personal interest comes above loyalty and family. I am sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I hope you understand how hard it was for me to make this decision."


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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 614 Butcher Bob summary

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