Affinity: Chaos Chapter 237: We're Robbing This Place!

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Chapter 237: We're Robbing This Place!

This was the last straw, Smith was already on the verge of losing it, so having wine not only poured on his body but also sprayed on his face sent him hysterical.

He wanted Klaus dead!

Grey and Alice watched on in disbelief while Void seems to have stars in his eyes, he loved these guys. They were terrific people! He even felt Grey was starting to get a little too boring.

“Calm down, it’s probably an accident.” Richard stood up trying to calm Smith down.

“They did it on purpose.” Smith didn’t want to let it go.

There was a limit to a person’s patience, and Klaus had obviously not only pushed Smith to the limit, but he had also pushed it off the cliff.


Klaus gasped in shock, “How can you say that about us? We genuinely want to be your friends. Since we’re not welcomed here then we’ll be leaving. Thank you for your hospitality.”

He wore a wronged expression, it almost looked like he was the one who was offended. Grey and the others stood up as well.

“There’s no need for any of you to leave, sit. We’ll be right back.” Richard quickly stopped them.

He dragged Smith with him to the side of the hall.


At the side of the hall.

“Why are you tolerating that piece of s.h.i.+t? Let me at him.” Smith said angrily.

“Don’t act like you aren’t wary of their strength. I’ve grasped their stages, and they’re only at the Fifth stage of the Arcane Plane, except for that one guy who talks a lot, that guy’s in the Sixth stage.” Richard said.

At first, he didn’t think much about checking the group’s Plane since he felt people in such small cities couldn’t grow to a high stage at their age. Take Smith for example, he was still in the Arcane Plane, while he had already broken through to the Origin Plane despite being two years younger than him.

But when they were still in the carriage, he decided to check them out. Although he was surprised when he noticed they were already in the Fifth stage of the Arcane Plane, he didn’t think much about it since he should be around four or five years older than them. And he didn’t think they would be able to break through to the Origin Plane when they get to his age. Well, that’s if they get to his age, after all, he planned on killing them, except for Alice.

“Hmph! You can beat them all, why bother with all this?” Smith snorted coldly.

“It’s already dark, prepare that special wine. They shouldn’t be able to move after consuming it.” Richard said with an evil grin.

Smith could only nod his head when he heard this, he still didn’t know why Richard wanted to use such a long, stressful method when he could just bash Grey and his friends up.

Unknown to him, Richard couldn’t be counted as a true Origin Plane Elementalist. He failed in the process of forming his essence bead, but his father used a method that helped him to form what looked like a patched-up bead. With this, he would be in the Origin Plane in terms of cultivation level, but his true strength was actually lower than an Eighth stage Arcane Plane Elementalist.

The only reason he wasn’t scared was that no Arcane Plane Elementalist who is in his right mind would dare to fight against an Origin Plane Elementalist. Smith might even have a chance of defeating him, but because he couldn’t dare to challenge him, he didn’t know.


Back at the table.

After Richard dragged Smith away, Klaus and Reynolds started chuckling. They refrained from laughing out, so they wouldn’t be caught.

“I have to say Klaus, you’re putting on an amazing show.” Grey chuckled as well.

“Of course, these morons are just plain stupid.” Klaus laughed, “Oh! How did you know he would want to check our Planes?”

When they first entered the carriage, Grey quickly told them to reduce the essence in their bodies, this would then help them regulate their auras. They could only decrease their auras, and in this situation, they also wanted to trick Richard, so they decreased it to the Fifth stage of the Arcane Plane. Klaus being Klaus said he wanted to be seen as the strongest in the group, so he decreased his aura to the Sixth stage.

“I guessed, given his somewhat proud personality, he would want to confirm if we were small fries. I think he would have run away if he knew we were stronger than him.” said Grey.

“Don’t you find it strange he’s wary of us even though he thinks we are weaker than him? I mean, if I were in his shoes, I’d have already killed Klaus by now.” Reynolds said thoughtfully.

“You’re crazy! You should’ve said I’d already kill Reynolds by now. But it’s quite strange though.” Klaus cursed before adding.

“It’s simple, he’s weak. He isn’t a true Origin Plane Elementalist. Have any of you ever seen an Origin Plane Elementalist whose aura is this weak?” Alice asked.

The boys shook their heads, they’ve also thought of why his aura was that weak. An Arcane Plane Elementalist might not be able to sense it, but Origin Plane Elementalists have no problems with sensing this.

“That explains it.” Reynolds said with enlightenment.

“Klaus, I’m still confused why you asked them to pay for our meal.” Grey had thought about this while they had been in the carriage, but he couldn’t think of the reason.

“How many coins do you think we have left?” Klaus asked.

“Uh…” Grey was left stunned.

He quickly checked the storage ring and sweat appeared on his forehead. They were almost out of coins, with what was left, they might not even be able to pay for a place to sleep. The coins they had with them were what was left from before they entered the trial land, and they spent a lot before they entered the trial land, almost all they had.

“Smart.” The others praised Klaus’ quick-wittedness.

“Hey Grey, can Void hear me?” Klaus suddenly asked.

“Yeah, why?” Grey nodded.

“I need to talk to him.” Klaus stood up and walked over to Alice’s sit.

He bent down close to Void, and for some weird reasons, started speaking slowly, “I…need…you…to…”

“Klaus.” Grey interrupted him.

“Uh!” Klaus raised his head to look at Grey.

“You don’t need to speak like you’re speaking to a toddler who can’t understand you, Void understands when you’re speaking normally.” Grey almost facepalmed when speaking.

“Oh! I thought I needed to speak slowly so he could understand.” Klaus scratched his head awkwardly.

“Why the f.u.c.k would you think that?” asked Grey a little puzzled.

“I don’t know, I’ve not communicated with a magical beast before. I thought maybe they would have their language.” Klaus rubbed his chin as he explained.

Grey shook his head but didn’t ask any further questions since asking would only lead to more unreasonable explanations from Klaus.

“Okay listen up, we’re going to rob this place.” Klaus said to Void.

Void’s eyes lit up when he heard the word rob.

‘I really like this guy.’ He couldn’t help but say to Grey.

‘Yeah, me too.’ Grey nodded as well.


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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 237: We're Robbing This Place! summary

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