Affinity: Chaos Chapter 333: [Bonus Chapter] One Month

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Chapter 333: [Bonus Chapter] One Month


The wooden device in Grey’s hand vibrated, drawing his attention.

He looked at it, before sending his spiritual sense into the device.

‘Grey, Grey, can you hear me?’

A voice rang out in Grey’s head as soon as he sent his spiritual sense inside. It was a voice he was all too familiar with.

He shook his head with a smile before replying, ‘Yes, I can hear you. You don’t have to call my name twice, you know,’

‘Ahh, it works! How wonderful! But seriously, how does this thing work anyway?’ Alice’s excited voice rang out in his head once again.

‘It’s very simple actually, the arrays that are drawn in the device connect with the spiritual energy of the world…’ Grey explained.

Once a person uses their spiritual sense to activate it, they could speak through it, and it would travel as some sort of vibration. It would manifest into the voice of the person, after reaching the other device. One could speak out loud on it, or with a thought.

‘Wow, amazing! You really outdid yourself this time, Grey,’ Alice praised after Grey’s explanation.

“Well, like I originally told you in my letters, others had already made it. I just copied their works. Although there are a few changes, it’s not that much different,” Grey scratched his head awkwardly.

Hearing Alice’s voice again felt wonderful, if only he could see her, and the others.

‘Oh, okay. But you still did good, I’m praising you, so accept it,’ Alice yelled, almost making Grey drop the device from fright.

“Fine, fine, tsk. You don’t have to be so aggressive about it,” Grey complained.

‘Hmm, now that you’ve made the device, I guess you’ll be leaving soon,’ Alice asked in a low voice.

“Yeah, I need to take this to Reynolds, and then Klaus. But before leaving, I’ll come to see you,” Grey answered.

‘You know, I really miss you guys. Staying here is so boring, there’s no one to beat around here,’ Alice said.

When Grey heard the first part of her statement, he felt sentimental thinking how they had to hide, but on hearing the other part of the statement, he almost didn’t want to go visit her after comprehending the s.p.a.ce element.

“Alice, you’re a lady, you shouldn’t be beating people up so much,” Grey said with his mouth twitching.

‘What?! Who says a lady shouldn’t beat people up?’ Alice yelled, making the device shake repeatedly.

“I… I…”

‘Repeat that and I’ll break your legs!’ Alice threatened.

Grey was scared s.h.i.+tless when he heard this, they hadn’t seen for so long that he completely forgot how she acts.

‘Luckily we’re not together,’ He thought gratefully.

They continued speaking for almost thirty minutes before Grey decided to stop their chat. From how enthusiastic Alice was, he could tell she must have been very bored in that place.

“Don’t worry, all this will end soon. Then we will travel the continent freely,” Grey said.

‘I really hope so. Also, try to give Reynolds and Klaus theirs, it has been so long I spoke with them,’ Alice said in a low voice.

“Yeah, but you do know you can talk to me any time, even if I’m busy, right?” Grey asked with a chuckle.


“Yeah, all you have to do is leave a message. Even if I don’t reply instantly, I’ll hear it and reply later,” Grey smiled.

‘Hmm, okay,’

“Okay, bye, I really need to get to work now,” Grey waved, even though Alice wasn’t there.

‘Bye-bye, I’ll talk to you whenever I’m bored,’

Grey smiled before keeping the device in his storage ring.

“*Aish* I miss the old days,” He sighed.

Talking to Alice made him remember their time at the Academy, and the trial land.

“Stupid Emperor, it’s not like I have any interest in challenging him, why the h.e.l.l is he doing this to me? And according to old man Gerald, it’s not just him, but the other empires are also after me. d.a.m.n it! I’ll need to grow stronger faster, or else I’ll be killed by these stupid people,”

Grey clenched his fist, as determination flashed across his eyes. The quickest way for him to improve his strength is if he comprehends another element. Once he comprehends the s.p.a.ce element, he would be left with one more known element, the light element.

After comprehending the s.p.a.ce element, his cultivation speed will receive a significant boost. Not just that, but his stage will also see an increase. Although he might not instantly breakthrough to the Seventh stage of the Origin Plane, he wouldn’t be far from it after he increases the elemental grade of the s.p.a.ce element.

Grey waited for Void to return and immediately started working with him on comprehending the s.p.a.ce element. He wanted to use the same way he used with the darkness element.

He would get Void to use the s.p.a.ce element while studying it. Although he knew this wasn’t going to be easy since he had tried it multiple times over the months, he didn’t plan on giving up.

Furthermore, he could sense that he wasn’t far from comprehending it. The feeling was almost like when he comprehended the darkness element, only, it wasn’t as intense as it was at that time.

The day went by with Grey spending most of his attention on the s.p.a.ce element. Unfortunately, he was unable to fully focus on it since Alice would reach out to him every two hours.

The days started slowly going by as he tried to comprehend the s.p.a.ce element. Whenever he was not working on the s.p.a.ce element, he would either be talking to Alice, or he would be cultivating to improve his elemental essence.

He didn’t neglect his daily physical training, only, there was only so much he could do trapped in such a small place. But he focused on his training.

A month went by in this manner, and Alice had been in a more cheerful state since she could talk to Grey every day.

Grey was able to convince her to give him some time, so they made a scheduled time they would talk every day.


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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 333: [Bonus Chapter] One Month summary

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