Level Up Legacy Chapter 211: Absurd Ability

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Chapter 211: Absurd Ability

Arthur had seen the zeal of pa.s.sing this test in Jonah's eyes firsthand. He knew how much he wanted to pa.s.s and knew how tempting the new surge of power was. After all, he had experienced it countless times with his Release rune. 

Jonah looked at his palm with a stoic expression, clenching his hand into a fist as he enjoyed the surge in power. He then glanced upward and looked at the crystal hovering mid-air. 

"This is a test, right?" He turned to Arthur and asked. Arthur simply shrugged as he answered.

"It might be, but the stakes are the same." 

"I'll probably get accepted into Jerano if I become the first to pa.s.s the second test," Jonah told Arthur and the latter nodded. 

"You would." Arthur smiled. "So, what's your choice?" 

"Well, I don't know you much. I don't know you at all. It has been literal hours since we met." 

"True." Arthur nodded his head, disappointment pooling into his heart. 

"But I know myself for as long as I can remember," Jonah said and Arthur didn't understand what he meant. "If I betray my principles here, I'll forever live as a hypocrite. I can never choose the side of morals again without being a hypocrite."

"I'm the same." Arthur grinned. "So? What is it going to be?" 

"Do you trust me, Boss?" 

"At this point, I barely trust myself. People change." 

"Ah, that's so mean." Jonah laughed helplessly. "Nonetheless, I implore you to trust me. Let me have the crystal." 

Arthur looked at him silently, trying to see through him. If Jonah had asked any other way, he would have struck him down here and now. Yet, the straightforward approach of Jonah made him doubt his motives. 

"No," Arthur shook his head. "I hate being fooled." 

"Boss," Jonah looked torn as he seemed to think of ways to make Arthur trust him. After a certain time, his face brightened as he took a step forward. "You can restrain me!" 

"What?" Arthur was stunned before he grinned and shook his head. "I doubt I can restrain you with how much power you've gained." 

"Oh," Jonah seemed to remember the surge of his power only then. "Mr. Haught Voice, can you take away this power?" He asked the empty air. 

"Are you sure you want to give it away? It's your only chance to pa.s.s this test. We know fairly well that with your strength alone, you won't be able to pa.s.s." 

"Why are you so adamant about this?" Jonah asked the voice. "Is it because I'm handsome?" 

A moment of silence followed as Arthur waited for Jonah to laugh. However, his serious face seemed to be anything but joking. The voice seemed stunned as well before replying angrily. 

"I seek justice!" The voice replied righteously. Jonah, however, seemed not that convinced as he adjusted his hair. 

"Uh-huh, sure. Now, take away this strength." Jonah said in a tone that would have killed the voice's owner. With a powerful snort, the light around Jonah disappeared. 

"Now, boss!" Jonah turned to Arthur with a grin. "You can restrain me!" 

Arthur didn't know what to do anymore and simply restrained him. Jonah's arms folded together behind his back as a pained expression overtook his face. 

"This is Boss's true powers…" 

"Don't say weird things," Arthur walked toward the place beneath the crystal. "I want to see what you have to offer." Arthur raised his hand toward the crystal and it landed in his hand. "Here you go." 

Arthur placed the crystal in front of Jonah. However, the conceited fool simply slumped to the ground and sat. He then gestured to Arthur with his chin. 

"Place the crystal on the ground, Boss." 

Arthur did as Jonah said and retreated backward. He watched with interest as Jonah closed his eyes and began meditating. 

'I bet he's watching this, that psychopath.' Arthur thought to himself. 'However, I doubt he knows what Jonah is trying to do as well.' 

Arthur didn't want the crystal, to begin with. He had no plans on ranking first and miss the chance to increase his strength in this place. However, he wanted to see the true colors of Jonah. 

Jonah had two choices. To give Arthur the crystal or to fight for it. However, he had surprised Arthur by a different choice. As he looked at the young man meditating, Arthur wondered what he wanted to do. 

Mana began to gather around Jonah as his hair rose upward. Jonah's mana gathered around the crystal as the world buzzed. Arthur felt that weird sensation he felt when Jonah used his ability earlier. 

Jonah's body was shaking as the core rose in the air. To Arthur's dismay, he began bleeding from his nose and mouth. Arthur took a step forward but a force restrained as a voice whispered in his head. 

'He'll be fine. Let's see what he has in store.' The psychopath's voice appeared in his head. Arthur frowned but he couldn't move. It was then that something happened to Jonah's hair. 

A black hair strand turned into a light shade of grey in front of Arthur's eyes. At that moment, something happened to the crystal. Or rather, something happened beside the crystal. 

Arthur's heart began palpating wildly as he realized what Jonah was trying to do. He was trying to replicate the crystal so that both of them could use it. In a hurry, Arthur removed the restraints from Jonah's body afraid he might make it more difficult. 

'At what price?' Arthur thought to himself as he looked at Jonah's hair. It seemed even the voice was captivated by this ability as it released Arthur. 

Arthur walked toward Jonah to stop him but the crystal has already formed. Floating beside each other, the crystals looked identical. The mana currents subsided as Jonah fell face forward before Arthur grabbed him, allowing him to lean on him. 

"Are you alright?" To Arthur's amazement, Jonah was still conscious. He nodded weakly as a thin smile appeared on his lips. 

"Told you that you can trust me, Boss." 

"You're an idiot." Arthur smiled helplessly. "I can see how much of a price you paid for this feat. It wasn't worth it." 

"I'll stop at nothing to become stronger, Boss." 

"Except your morals." Arthur nodded in approval. "That's why you deserve the first place." 

"What? No!" Jonah was stunned as he looked at Arthur. However, Arthur didn't reply and looked upward. 

"You've had your answer. Now, can you teleport him out of here?" Arthur asked the voice and he was met with silence. "Please." 

"Alright." The voice said and Jonah rose in the up. With panic, he looked at Arthur. 

Picking up a crystal from the ground, Arthur handed it over to him. Jonah looked at him with confusion as Arthur grinned. 

"Jonah Raver, you've earned more than the first place this time around." He said to Jonah as he began to float toward the teleportation crystal. "You've earned my trust." Arthur waved as the circle lit up, teleporting Jonah away. 

"Congratulation, Arthur Silvera." The voice was different now. It was calm, like a refres.h.i.+ng breeze on a sunny afternoon. Arthur looked with a blank expression as his name was revealed. "Do you wish to leave as well?" 

"No." Arthur shook his head. "I want you to tell me who you are." 

"That's a request that needs more than a crystal to fulfill."

"I expected as much." Arthur nodded as he picked up the replicated crystal. He could feel it. This was a perfect replica. What kind of absurd ability was this? "What's your price?" 

"A few tests and truths, honesty is appreciated. That means you don't need to lie to me since I can see through it." 

"But you can't see what's in my head." Arthur grinned as he tapped his temple. "You can only see if I lied." 

"What makes you say that?" 

"You had no idea how we got here." Arthur took started to walk toward the barrier as he circled the platform. "If you can see what's in my head, you would have known how we got here." 

"You're a lot sharper than your friend." 

"I learned to question things." 

"That means a lonely end." 

"And a lonely journey." Arthur stopped in front of the other door that the hall had. "Now, let me see you." 

"I'll allow you to try." The voice answered stoically as the gears on the door began to s.h.i.+ft. "I'm curious, however. What is it that you seek?" 

"I have some questions and I have a hunch that you have some answers," Arthur said in all honesty. "To be the warden of this prison, you must be connected to Jerano College."

"Indeed." The voice laughed. "You're right. There are very few questions that I can't answer. That's why it would take a hefty price for you to obtain those answers." 

"What kind of price are we talking about?" Arthur frowned. 

"Truth, my dear." The door swung open. Arthur looked on and stepped through it. 

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Level Up Legacy Chapter 211: Absurd Ability summary

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