Level Up Legacy Chapter 299: The Devils Hunter

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Chapter 299: The Devils Hunter

The tension has taken hold of the atmosphere in the city, one can tell. The guards patrolled the area with a vigilant att.i.tude, seeking any suspicious people in the crowd to weed them out. 

As Arthur and Gala looked at the city from a distance, with Dia resting and Rinzo preparing their meal, they tried to think of a way to find when would the slaves be released. 

"Can't we just use the little spirit to sneak in and out of the city?" Arthur asked, trying to think of easier ways to meet up with Rae. 

"He can't hide us for that long, his powers are limited. Plus, he's already tired from hiding us every time we stop to rest." 

"I'm sorry, little one." Arthur said apologetically and the spirit danced around him as if saying 'it's alright.' Gala looked at the two with furrowed brows. 

"How about I go in alone? I doubt they would catch me. Unless you don't trust me, of course." 

"We're not together out of trust, but benefit." Arthur answer. "No, I need to go in myself. I'm not sure leaving my friend, who was cursed by witches, with a witch is a good idea." 

"Mm, I doubt they would remember." 

"Is amnesia common in a failed Spirits Ritual?" Arthur asked with a frown. 

"Not only common but also guaranteed. The damage done to the soul is severe, making the owner go into a dormant state while his body keeps functioning to survive. Thus, amnesia." 

"I see," Arthur nodded. "Is it reversible?" He wished that Rae wouldn't stay this way. Even though she was less troubling now, she was also not the Rae he knew. 

"If you lift the curse, then maybe." Gala turned to Rinzo. "When is it happening?"

"I haven't received anything yet," Rinzo answered with a frown as he looked at his bracelet. "There's some sort of delay for some reason." 

"I hope there aren't any problems." Gala shrugged but the moment that she finished her words, a giant explosion took place in the city. 

The whole landscape quaked under the effect of the explosion. Flames dyed the blue-sky red as a giant mushroom of smoke took shape in front of the group. 

After steadying himself, Arthur looked at the city with fear. The chaos could be heard even from a distance away as the guards began flocking into the city. 

"Jinx, teehee." Gala stuck her tongue out in a cute manner. Arthur was speechless and turned to Rinzo. 

"Is this the sign?" 

"The plan is to free the slaves, not terrorize the city. This looks like the work of that man." Rinzo said with a shocked expression. 

"What do you mean by 'that man'?" Arthur frowned, were there any terrorists in this world?

"We call him the Devils Hunter, the one capable of killing the immortal ones," Gala answered instead. "He appeared a few years ago out of nowhere and roamed the continent. His only goal is to look for Verniz people."

'Lost ones.' Arthur remembered the word that the knight of loyalty used to describe him. Someone who didn't know anything about this world, not even its language. 

"Tell me, Gala." Arthur hoped he was wrong. "Where the Verniz always around?"

"Five years ago, exactly. It happened after the last Distortion. Some people think the two are linked." 


"Ah," Gala played with a strand of her head. "s.p.a.ce Distortions, they happen a lot." 

Arthur's mind began to link the dots while hoping he was wrong. If what he hypothesized was correct, his journey in Alka would get a lot messier. 

"Dia, don't leave this place," Arthur commanded. "Let's go." He turned to Gala and she nodded. Her gem shone as her powers carried Arthur and her. They began flying over a low alt.i.tude toward the city. 

The guards were nowhere near the walls and all of them ran toward the explosion. As Arthur and Gala descended and began walking, Arthur asked something on his mind. 

"Why would the Devils Hunter blow up the city?" He couldn't understand. 

"A lot of Verniz people are slaves. Where do you think these slaves gather? In the city of slaves, Herav." Gala explained. "The streets are empty, everyone is scared."

"Is he that powerful?" 

"Well, compared to the kingdom, he's not that powerful. However, no one managed to catch him. He's known to be cunning and has some useful people working for him." 

The more that he heard, the more worried Arthur was. He ran toward the slaves' market with Gala but they found that the whole district was in ruins. 

'Please be well.' Arthur hoped as he witnessed the sight. Guards were everyone and so was shouting and chaos. People ran in every direction to run away from the flames.

"The slaves have escaped!" One of the guards shouted. "Lock the exists, it must be the Devils Hunter again!" 

"Save the people under the ruins first!" 

The place was chaotic but Arthur didn't care. Gala's spirit enveloped them with its power and concealed them well. They ran together directly toward the abandoned building. 

Luckily, it wasn't caught in the explosion. However, flames have caught up to it and it was blazing. Arthur didn't stop and rammed into the door to break in. He ran toward the floor he left Rae on but the flames covered the entrance. 

"Gala, please!" Arthur gritted his teeth as gala sent a gust of mana that pushed the flames away. Arthur jumped in as soon as an opening was revealed but he found the floor to be empty.

"Rae!" Arthur shouted but there was no answer. He looked at the corner she always sat in and found the box of chalk on the ground. It was empty. 

Arthur raised his head and looked at the drawings. A throne, a man, a set of eyes, and a dragon. There was a little girl on the other side but her face wasn't drawn. 

Then, there were words. Written in perfect Yalveran. They included: saint, empire, Jerano, father, Yalveran, and many others that referred to their world. 

On the far corner of the group of words, Arthur found one that shook his heart. Written in uncertain strokes was the name he hasn't heard since he got into this world. 


He didn't know if she was referring to him or a different Arthur, but this made his mind more unstable. He shouted again but there was no answer. 

"Calm down, Seika." Gala walked in after him, slowly scanning the place. "She wasn't harmed." Gala extinguished the flames easily. "There are no signs of struggle, the plates are neatly arranged over there." 

She pointed out and Arthur managed to notice them now. He took a deep breath and looked around for clues. However, what he sensed was even more confusing. 

'This is... the power of creation?' Arthur's eyes turned wide. It was very minuscule but it was there. It felt familiar but tinted with something else. 

"Is the Devils Hunter a Seika?" Arthur asked but Gala looked confused. "Is he?" He repeated. 

"I don't know, not a lot is known about him." Gala shook her head. "He comes and goes as if he's a ghost."

Arthur didn't know if it was the Devils Hunter who came here, but he knew one other person who had similar power to Arthur. It was the young man, making him Arthur's only suspect for now for the disappearance of Rae. 

"We need to look for her," Arthur said but Gala shook her head. "I know it's dangerous." He added. "But we can't go back empty-handed." 

"Whoever took her has no plans of harming her, Seika. Otherwise, we would have found a body." 

"Even still!" 

"If we stay here any longer, the guards will find us sooner or later. Do you think that they would care more about the Devils Hunter than their nation's princess?" 

"I need to find her before leaving the kingdom." 

"You can find her after you leave the kingdom. Here, you are a wanted criminal. Over there, you are a hero. Who holds more power? More of a chance to succeed in rescuing her?" 

Arthur was silent but nodded in the end. He looked at the drawings for one last time before leaving the building. The streets were still chaotic and they flooded with guards. A horn was blown and the city was going into lockdown. 

They used Gala's spirit to flee before the guards managed to close the gate. They arrived at their hidden location after a while and found Rinzo and Dia waiting. 

"You failed." Dia smiled in mockery. "How does it feel, to lose the one person you care about?" 

"Do you want to die that badly?" Arthur's face was cold. 

"You need me." Dia laughed. "I'm the only reason that anyone is even looking in your direction. When I grow more powerful and break the Order you placed upon me, what would you do then?" 

"Heh," Arthur's lips curved upward. "At that time, I won't be needing you. Princess Dia, you're not a stupid person. Let me tell you this," Arthur's eyes shone goldenly. "Following me is rather a reward, not a punishment. One day in the future, you'll be the one holding onto the bond that we share." 

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Level Up Legacy Chapter 299: The Devils Hunter summary

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