Level Up Legacy Chapter 486: Here to Repay

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Chapter 486: Here to Repay

The tunnel was not as colorful as he remembered, or maybe it was just Arthur's eyes that had changed. The Isotox was resting quietly in his subs.p.a.ce while his mind was an arena of chaos.

His father gave him the way to return home, but he also asked him to wait. There were things that Arthur needed to do to ensure that this world did not fall to the calamities.

Arthur refused, but it wasn't because he wanted the people to suffer. If there were things that he could do, he would have done them. However, he knows that there will be no end if he goes down this path until it consumes him.

His feelings were already eroded, making his judgment clouded. The happy reunion with his father gave him nothing but misery. Arthur's goal was accomplished, for he had met his father, but what was the outcome.

A feeling was slowly growing inside the deepest corner of his heart, but Arthur did not acknowledge it. His whole world will be torn down if he does admit it. However, it refused to disappear, choosing to loom over his heart.

It was hatred.

This was the son of injustice he suffered all this time. The injustice he suffered for years before he awakened and the injustice that followed. Arthur started to hate this world, especially after his father told him that he was meant to save it.

'They rejected me, attacked me, plotted against me, tried to kill me, and took away more things than I can count. Yet, I am expected to repay them with kindness?'

Arthur felt like he was being used, and that feeling was not unreasonable. His awakening, arrival to this world, and everything wrong with his life was orchestrated by his father, who was delusional of glory and sacrifice.

Nothing can be said to have been his choice, but that will change from now on. Arthur shall walk uncharted lands against the calamities and the world.

The end of the tunnel appeared in view, and Arthur left the watch. His body floated in the air for a few seconds before he landed in front of The Council. Its members looked at him with wariness and curiosity that made sense now.

They knew he was the son of their leader, but they were waiting to see his choice. Moreover, his father mentioned another matter: his wish for Arthur to lead these people.

"Welcome back, Seika," stood up Oriole with a smile. Arthur turned to him and saw his aged face, dying aura, and gentle smile. He could not help but nod in greeting. "Are you aware now?"

"I am," Arthur walked back toward his seat and looked at it silently. "My father asked me to take over this city and lead you," his words fell on the hall like a curtain that silenced the wall.

All eyes were looking at him, and Arthur was not shy to look back. They were not shocked as much as doubtful of his abilities. They were not going to follow an incompetent man.

"I apologize, Seika," Grandmaster Riana shook her head. "I am afraid that we need to test your..."

"However, I refused," his words cut the grandmaster short, and this time their expressions changed. "I don't think any of you are worthy of following me. I pick my subjects, not the other way around."

Three councilmen rose to their feet. Zephyr, the short man, and another scholar glared at him with offended expressions. Grandmaster Riana did not finish her words, and her mouth remained open.

"There are exceptions, of course," Arthur looked at Oriole. "I want you to join my city, Ori. As for the rest, they are unneeded."

"Know your place, child!" the short man pointed his finger as he spat. "We are the councilmen of Paradise, and we deserve nothing but res..."

Woosh.... boom!

The short-robed man flew across the hall before slamming to its wall, destroying it with a loud noise. Zephyr disappeared from her spot as she rushed forward to attack Arthur, her sword arriving at his neck instantly.

"Kneel," his command was oppressive, but she could not do anything but obey. Her knees crashed to the ground, leaving dents on the floor.

Arthur walked past her and sat on his chair as he looked at them. These people were shaking with anger at his disrespect, except for Ori, who appeared calm. A smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

"How laughable," Arthur said as his lips curved upward. "You demand respect but have no intentions of showing me any. The councilmen of Paradise... what a fancy name? Did that make you forget who you are fighting against?"

"We did not," Zephyr said as she tried to resist his command. "This is the place we built and protect, and it is our pride."

"And why do I need to respect you when you plotted against me?" Arthur glanced her way. "I want to know whose idea it was to let me take the fall."

"It was a test to see your capabilities," Grandmaster Riana spread her arms. "We wanted to see if you emerge victoriously, and we had no idea that you were the one whom we are waiting. Please understand that..."

"I asked... who?" repeated Arthur with apathetic eyes. The councilmen were silent as they refused to betray one of them. "This is how I can show you peace after what you did. Tell me who it was, and I will spare the others."

His words made the group flinch. Zephyr tried to break free from his command, but she could not even hope to go against it. The group looked at their strongest member helpless against Arthur before someone raised his hand.

"I am the strategist of this city," rose the scholar from his spot, proud and unwavering. "I still believe it was the best plan we had. However, if it means peace for this city, then I am willing to lay my head."

"I found a heroic man," clapped Arthur slowly. "Step forward, then," he commanded, and the man's body started moving on its own. "Tell me the truth. Are you hoping that I would pardon your crime because you stepped up to save the city?" he asked with a laugh.

The man started to shake as his eyes widened. His mouth opened, but he tried to close it. Then, the word left his mouth against his wishes.

"That was... my... plan," he gritted his teeth as he admitted.

"Hahaha," laughed Arthur while covering his mouth. "You wish to manipulate me not once but twice," said Arthur as he tilted his head. "However, I like to repay my debts."


Arthur snapped his finger, but nothing changed. The councilmen were confused before the scholar staggered and fell face downward, reaching out toward Arthur.

"Are you... insane?" the short man climbed out the rubble with a grayed beard. "You have made an enemy of our city!"

"I think not," smiled Arthur as he stared at the man. "I am the only person who can destroy the fallen ones, and you are here to fulfill that task. But, ah, I misspoke," laughed Arthur. "You are here because you want to return to Earth, right? I also have a way to go back."

"Are you using us, Seika?" Grandmaster Riana said with a darkened face as she heard his words. Arthur turned to her as his smile disappeared.

"You are wrong, grandmaster," stood up Arthur as he walked closer to her. "This is your own medicine. How does it feel to be used by someone? I would have died after being attacked by the hydra. But, then, to all of you, death was nothing but a sacrifice. Do you know who sacrifices others, grandmaster?"

"Who?" she asked as Arthur stood above her. Their eyes met, and she gripped her forearm as she stared into his golden eyes.

"Those who don't want to sacrifice themselves," his words were also toward his father. "Those who even consider sacrificing others are the truly selfish ones."

The grandmaster gulped down, and Arthur walked away. His eyes met Ori, who still had the same smile. Arthur thought he would be disappointed or even horrified.

"You have changed," he said, almost in relief. "I was afraid that you are still the same because this world would break you."

"I am post-breaking," sat Arthur on his chair. "Are you with me, Ori?"

"Always, old friend," the grandmaster stood beside him, and the councilmen looked defeated. Grandmaster Riana stood up, looking as ancient as an oak tree.

"I want to make sure. Are you saying that you have a way of sending us back to Earth?" the grandmaster looked anxious. Arthur stared at her silently without answering her question directly.

"What do you have back on Earth?" he asked with curiosity.

"My son is still there," she replied as she looked downward. "Everyone in this place has a person they hold dear. That is why they are here, fighting against the darkness."

"I can send you all back now if you want."

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Level Up Legacy Chapter 486: Here to Repay summary

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