Level Up Legacy Chapter 561: Fear Of Losing

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Chapter 561: Fear Of Losing

The public square was packed to the brim with students from every department. A year ago, Hidden Gems was a store among many. However, it was the top-ranking store in Jerano, with many grateful customers.

"A hidden gem is better than a flamboyant ore."

The slang resonated with many hardworking, low-ranking students who believed in themselves. Hidden Gems allowed them to get into more dangerous dungeons, s.n.a.t.c.h mana cores from monsters' claws, and rank higher in the Magic Towers.

Arthur walked among the students with Emma, Oriole, and Ivan beside him with his dark robes fluttering in the wind. The crowd split a path toward the portal, where the envoy from Runera was waiting among many other runemasters.

"You didn't tell me that Alexie was this famous, Emma," said an old grandmaster with a lion-like appearance. Arthur blinked his eyes at the sudden reunion with Grandmaster Venkov and Emma's grandfather. "A pleasure to meet the owner of Hidden Gems," he offered his hand.

Arthur nodded as he shook his hand, and he could tell that there was respect in the way Venkov looked at him. Then, as the man behind him coughed, Arthur turned to see that it was Grandmaster Kiren.

"Don't hog the young talents again, Venkov," said the grandmaster with a smile. "I am the host this time, not you," said Kiren before turning to Arthur. "An honor to meet you, Alexie Linan."

"I am the one who should feel honored," said Arthur with a smile. Grandmaster Kiren was one of the few who helped him as Arthur Silvera before his alleged death. "I'm glad that my host is one of the great ones."

"A sn.o.b," a young runemaster from the Runes Department snorted, but Arthur ignored him. Grandmaster Kiren glanced back at him before shaking his head, making Arthur realize that he was the same in this timeline.

"It is inconvenient for all these students to gather here," Grandmaster Alexander shook his head with displeasure, clearly hostile against Alexie. Emma sighed behind Arthur, and it was enough to tell him that things weren't alright with Caleb.

"We will leave in a bit, so there is no need like that, Alexander," grandmaster Kiren said with a smile as he looked at the crowds of students. "This is the greatest honor a craftsman can receive, Alexie. I am proud to be standing here with you."

Arthur smiled as he followed the grandmaster's gaze. Every student was smiling at him with grat.i.tude, and they were waiting for his departure. Then, his eyes rested on Emma, who seemed to be the one behind this.

"What is the reason for this, Emma?" whispered Arthur as he walked to stand beside her, away from the rest. The envoy had to wait for the professors to arrive, and the noise was enough for the two to have a small chat.

"I was not the only one who wanted to do something," she replied. "A lot of students felt like you did more to them than they did for you, like me. Of course, this is lame, but the sincerest method to show how much grat.i.tude we feel."

Arthur realized that she was talking about herself in the form of the crowd. A smile crept on his usually lifeless face as his eyes turned back toward the public. These students should have to attend to and project to finish, but they were waiting for his departure.

"I am filled with warmth, Emma," Arthur spoke the truth. "However, you are wrong. You did more to me than you believe, and it makes you the person I will miss the most here."

"Are you leaving after the exploration?" she asked, and Arthur nodded. "Then, I will not say my goodbyes now. Let us have one last meeting after you return. I will pay for dinner."

"And I will pay for the trouble," he teased, and she was embarra.s.sed because it was true. Naturally, Caleb will cause trouble after he learns of this. "It is the least I can do for leaving."

The two stood there silently, enjoying the scene of a thousand grat.i.tude. Then, after a few minutes, a great light shone from the campus before flying toward the public square. The sphere was like a meteor that crashed into the middle of the square, making the students run away.

"The square is more crowded today," said a man from the group that arrived from the meteor. It was professor Yuvan looking around with amazement. "I didn't know our department was so popular."

"We are the backbone of this college, so I am not amazed," said Professor Ma with his wrinkled face and proud senile eyes. "It is about time the students show us some grat.i.tude."

"These students are the customers of Hidden Gems," Grandmaster Venkov interjected to ruin their moods. "I doubt anyone feels grateful to the Seven Devils of Jerano."

"Is this true?" asked another short professor with an offended expression as his nostrils flared, and it seems he grew a pair of forests inside them. "How disrespectful!"

"This is not your show," said Grandmaster Kiren with a shake of his head. "Now that everyone is here, then we should leave. Emma," the Grandmaster nodded toward her, and she took out an artifact.

"What is this?" asked Arthur with confusion as she raised the artifact high in the air. It looked like a small barrel that she aimed toward the sky.

"A final recognition," she said with a smile before activating it. A bolt of light was shot toward the sky, and every student inside the public square raised their arms.

Arthur looked at the crowd and realized that everyone was holding up a weapon. Then, the artifacts started lighting up with runic lines as the students activated them. The world gave a hum as a thousand artifacts were activated, their runes ready to be unleashed.

The public square was filled with a myriad of lights that danced above them because of the artifacts. Arthur stared at the scene in a daze, realizing that they used his artifacts.

"It is quite magnificent when we see them all here at once," said Oriole as he walked to stand beside him. "You deserved this, for a lot of reason that the world has yet to know about."

Arthur turned toward him and nodded. Oriole has changed too after the merge, but he was still the person who shared two lifetimes with him. 

"Every student wants to thank you for saving their life," Emma said beside him, and Arthur turned toward her. "I am included, Alexie. Thank you for being my friend."

Arthur stared at her as his foreign emotions rose, but some bits belonged to him this time. Emma was the person who helped him the most before he went to Alka, and her simple existence made his life a better place.

A smile appeared on his face as his nose felt salty with tears. However, no tears came out, and he realized that he could not show that anymore. Arthur took a few steps back before jumping backward and landing on the portal's sign.

Then, with his hand on his heart. Arthur bowed to the crowd. His body leaned forward, and his head was hung low. This gesture was not just for the students who were showing respect but also for his friends.

The public never admired or respected Arthur, even as the Lord of Runera. There were so many things that stood in the face of public acceptance. However, it seems that none of them matter in the end.

"The grat.i.tude I received," he muttered, and his voice diffused into the ears of everyone present, "is the greatest honor for a craftsman. I am humbled and thankful for every single one of you. I promise that one day, as long as you keep these artifacts with you, I will repay you."

The crowd was first touched before being confused by the last part. Arthur did not explain further as he raised his head and jumped down. The grandmasters were waiting for him below, and some seemed jealous.

As for his words, Arthur was referring to his artificial artifacts revering to real ones after he is strong enough to reveal the truth. However, it will be in the future, and none of the students present realized how they have saved their lives today.

"I am glad that you like my gift," said Emma as he walked toward him and wrapped his body with her arms. "Be safe, Alexie."

"You too, Emma," he was surprised but hugged her back nonetheless. The crowd started cheering and clapping their hands as the grandmasters headed toward the portal.

"Alexie, it is time to leave!" called out professor Yuvan with a smile. Arthur turned and nodded after letting go of Emma.

"Tell me about the ruins when you return, Alexie," smiled Emma at him before backing away. "The life of a wealthy family's daughter is quite boring, after all."

Arthur chuckled and nodded. Oriole walked beside him and clapped his shoulder, and the two nodded at each other. Then, he turned and walked toward the portal as well.

'I wonder what this bad feeling is,' wondered Arthur as he stole one last glance toward Emma, who was looking at him with her fist on her chest.. 'Maybe it is the fear of losing her.' 

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Level Up Legacy Chapter 561: Fear Of Losing summary

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