The Author's POV Chapter 165: Immorra [2]

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Chapter 165: Immorra [2]


After an unknown period of time, feeling light pierce through the gap of my eyelids stimulating my pupils, I slowly opened my eyes.

As I opened my eyes, what met my sight was a blue sky devoid of any clouds. A rich scent of nature invaded my nostrils causing my groggy mind to slowly clear up.

As I lay down on the ground staring at the sky, the first thing that caught my sight was the sight of three bright yellow b.a.l.l.s floating in the sky.

"…are those suns?"

As I stared at the three yellow b.a.l.l.s in the sky, after a couple of seconds I had to look away due to the stinging sensation in my eyes.

…They were indeed three suns.

I was in Immorra…and the three suns were confirmation of it.

Turning my head left and right, I found myself laying down on an expansive field of gra.s.s. In the distance, I spotted large boulders protruding from the ground, and though spa.r.s.e, trees also appeared in the distance.

So far, apart from the three suns in the sky, everything looked exactly like earth.


As I tried to lift my hand, I soon noticed that I had to exert a lot more force than I was used to. It felt as though there was a ma.s.sive weight hanging on my hand.

Frowning for a second, I instantly realized what was going on.

"…ah right, the gravity here is three times stronger than that of earth"

With this planet being a lot bigger than earth, both in terms of size and ma.s.s, the gravity of this place was also thicker.

…fortunately, the past few months I had been training in the gravity room provided by the academy expecting something like this.

Thanks to that, I wasn't overwhelmed by the gravity.

"You up?"

As I sat up, I suddenly heard Kevin's voice from my right side. Turning my head in his direction, I saw him leisurely sitting on top of a small rock cleaning the sheath of his blade with a white cloth.

Squinting my eyes to adjust my eyes to the bright light coming from the suns, I curiously asked.

"How long was I out?"

With his eyes fixed on his blade, Kevin responded.

"…not much, around ten minutes since I came here"

Ma.s.saging my forehead, I nodded my head and slowly stood up. Although I had trained under this gravity before, I still needed time to properly adjust to this planet's gravitational force.

"Alright, that's not too bad…"

If I was pa.s.sed out for a day then things would've gotten complicated. Fortunately, it wasn't that long.


Tapping onto my bracelet twice, I took out a black rectangular box and threw it at Kevin.

"Here, go set up a dimensional s.p.a.ce"

Taking the box, Kevin looked at me in confusion as he looked around the empty gra.s.sland.

"Dimensional s.p.a.ce? here?"

"Yeah, let's rest first…I mean look at the state you are in"

There was no way I was going to travel with Kevin in the state he was in. Especially not with the glaring black circles beneath his eyes.

Considering how dangerous this place was, for him to move around in his current state was like asking to get himself killed.


After a bit of thought, Kevin nodded his head. Ren's suggestion did indeed make sense

He was indeed tired.

After fighting every day with the students from other academies, Kevin wasn't in his optimal condition. Although his opponents weren't anything special, because he wanted to benefit from the sparring, he had set himself multiple handicaps…which resulted in his current situation.

Playing with the black box in his hand for a couple of seconds, Kevin looked at me and asked

"What's the radius on this thing?"

"Ten meters, anything other than that and I'd probably go bankrupt"

I wasn't lying about that.

A whopping five million U, that's how much that thing cost me.

In order to buy that thing, I had to slip my hands into the mercenary group's budget. If not for the fact that I swore to Smallsnake that I was going to pay the money back in a week's time, I would've never been able to buy that thing.

Still, it was a good investment in my opinion. This way I could at least rest without worrying too much about my safety.

"Alright, I'll get on it now"

Putting his sword down, Kevin scanned the surroundings and started setting up the dimensional s.p.a.ce around us.


Seeing Kevin move around the area we were in to set up a dimensional s.p.a.ce, taking out a small black bead from my bracelet, I mumbled

"While you do that, I'll set up a tent"

…and thus for the next ten minutes or so, whilst I set up the tent, Kevin set up a dimensional s.p.a.ce.

Although there didn't seem to be any beast or demon around the area we were in, it was never a bad idea to be cautious. With the dimensional s.p.a.ce around us, we didn't have to worry about any demons spotting us.

Exactly ten minutes after he started setting up the dimensional s.p.a.ce, Kevin walked back in my direction.

"Alright I'm done"

As he walked back, pressing onto a b.u.t.ton, a large transparent dome appeared above our heads covering the area we were in.



Staring at the dome that was forming above our heads, pointing towards the seat next to me, I urged Kevin to sit down.

"good, take a seat"


Nodding his head, Kevin took a seat and leaned back. Silence prevailed in the surroundings as neither one of us spoke.

Taking out an energy bar from my pocket I opened the wrapper and took a bite out of it as I looked into the distance.

…this place sure looked peaceful for a world conquered by the demons.

However, I knew that this was merely a facade.

This place was nothing but peaceful.

Danger lurked everywhere and one wrong move could cost our lives. Knowing this, we had to be especially cautious when moving around. We couldn't be careless.

As my thoughts paused there, frowning slightly, I looked at Kevin and broke the silence.

"Let's rest up for a couple of hours. After that, we will be moving"

"Where are we going?"

"Gud Khodror"

Taken aback, Kevin looked at me and asked

"Gud Khodror?"

Nodding my head, I slowly said.

"Yeah, the last remaining orc city…"

Gud Khodror

That was the name of the last and final orc stronghold in Immorra. A ma.s.sive city that had over a million orcs guarding it.

Although this planet was currently conquered by the demons, they had only conquered around eighty percent of it.

The last twenty percent of the land was still under the orcs control.

Although the land that they currently controlled was mostly infertile, by occasionally plundering the demons, the orcs were able to somewhat keep a foothold on this planet.

Moreover, because the demons were currently focusing on conquering earth, they didn't have enough manpower to fully take control of this place.

…but still, although it wasn't fully conquered, it was only a matter of time before all of the orcs on this planet died.

With their limited food supply and lack of reinforcements, they were currently on the verge of being eliminated.

This was also part of the reason why this place was so dangerous…

With how desperate the orcs were, conflicts between the orcs and the demons were a common sight on this land. With both sides constantly fighting whenever they had a chance.

Knowing this, when moving around Kevin and I had to be extra careful to not get swept into the conflicts as we could very well die considering the fact that we were only and rank.

Something that was equivalent to cannon fodder in this world…

…and although I knew all of this, going to Gud Khodror was the first and most crucial step to my plan.

Everything would begin from there…

"I see…"

Frowning, Kevin remained silent for a couple of seconds.

…with the system helping him, Kevin had a general idea of the circ.u.mstances of this place.

What shocked him however was how Ren was able to know all of this information considering the fact that not even the people back on earth knew of this place's existence.

This made Ren's image in his mind become even more obscure. Still, Kevin didn't plan on asking him how he knew this information.

Everyone had their own secrets, Kevin included.

One of the reasons why Kevin liked Ren was because he never questioned his decision or things that seemed to be out of place. Even if he did something crazy in front of him, Ren would most probably not ask him how he did it.

He was someone that respected boundaries and Kevin liked that.

…and since Kevin knew this, he also decided to not probe too much. As he said before, everyone had their secrets, and unless they willingly told you their secret, it was better to not probe too much.

This was called respect.

As his thoughts paused there, Kevin opened up the map of Immorra through the system interface and had a good look at it.

A couple of minutes after opening the map, turning his head towards Ren, he asked

"But why are we going to the Gud Khodror first? Actually, that aside, you still haven't explained to me why we are here"

"…ah right, I still didn't tell you"

Hearing Kevin's question, I nodded my head. It was about time I explained to him my plans. Staring at him directly in the eyes I slowly said.

"…we are going to look for the cure for the mind breaker curse"


Opening his eyes wide, whilst still seated, Kevin looked at me in disbelief.

Ther mind breaker curse?

The one curse that is infamous for being incurable?

How could Kevin not be shocked when he heard that they were looking for a cure for something that was famous for not having a cure?

Noticing Kevin's reaction, I nodded my head.

"Yeah, you heard correctly, the mind breaker curse."

"H-how? I thought that it was incurable?"

Staring at Kevin, I shook my head.

"Just because there isn't a cure on earth doesn't mean that there isn't one somewhere else"

The world was just, there was no curse that there was no cure of, and there was no disease that couldn't be cured.

…it's just that the cure for it wasn't discovered yet.


Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Kevin tried to regain his composure.

…honestly, although shocking, Kevin knew that this trip wasn't going to be a simple vacation…and the fact that they had come here to find the cure for something that wasn't supposed to have a cure, made a lot more sense than just coming here to sightsee.

Although shocked, he was able to quickly calm himself down. Solemnly looking at me, Kevin asked

"If going to Gud Khodror is the first step of the plan, what comes after that?…and what are you hoping to achieve?"

Hearing Kevin's question, placing my hand on my chin, I thought for a moment.

"Ah…well, if we want to put it in simple terms…mhh"

Pausing for a second to find the right words to say, after a bit of thought I said

"…We're going to shake this place to its core"

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The Author's POV Chapter 165: Immorra [2] summary

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