MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist Chapter 863 Contemplations and Confrontations

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Chapter 863  Contemplations and Confrontations            

On the way home, Ren opted to take a leisurely stroll through the city streets, allowing the rhythm of his footsteps to clear his mind and provide s.p.a.ce for contemplation.

Walking proved therapeutic, offering Ren a chance to reflect on many aspects of his life. Fortunately, his enhanced body showed remarkable resilience to the scorching temperatures, enabling him to amble around as if it were just a typical spring day.

As he walked, Ren mulled over the idea of sharing Joker and Angelica's revelations with the others. Perhaps demonstrating his abilities would help to convince them, he thought.

After all, they trusted him implicitly, knowing that he was not one to joke about serious matters, even if the information bordered on the realm of incredulity.

Yet, there lingered the weighty possibility of how they would react upon learning about the impending end of the world and the necessity of evolution for survival.

The intense heat alone could prove fatal to many humans, let alone the prospect of the world's demise. Fortunately, Ren managed to gather his thoughts and called Angelica with questions once his head had cleared a bit. The looming uncertainty of how they would survive if the world ended and when precisely this catastrophic event would occur. These were vital questions that demanded answers, their importance impossible to ignore.

However, Angelica provided no clear answers, responding with ambiguous phrases such as, "You'll know how when the time comes," and, "No one knows when the world will end, but it's imminent. Be prepared, Ren."

Frustrated by the lack of concrete information, Ren found himself struggling to make decisions. How could they possibly survive the end of the world if they didn't have a clear plan in place?

The uncertainty gnawed at him, casting a shadow over his resolve to share the truth with the others. Fearful of their potential reactions to the grim reality they faced, Ren hesitated, grappling with the weight of responsibility resting upon his shoulders.

Or perhaps he could afford to bide his time for a while. Maybe the others would begin showing signs of evolution soon, and they would likely remain calm upon realizing that the world was coming to an end.

Ren nibbled on his thumb thoughtfully. Either way, he needed to test the waters first.

His musings were interrupted when something caught his eye in a storefront display. It was a jewelry shop, and the glimmering array of accessories drew his attention.

Surveying the display, Ren admired a mult.i.tude of stunning pieces, including a simple wedding ring that resonated with him. It lacked flashy stones, possessing a quiet elegance that reminded him of Evie.

If the world truly was on the brink of destruction, Ren couldn't shake the feeling that he wanted to solidify his commitment to Evie.

With a deep breath, Ren grappled with the unsettling notion of the world's potential demise. While he felt relatively unperturbed for himself, the thought of Evie and the others facing such an uncertain fate weighed heavily on his mind.

Surely, there had to be a way to protect them or, at the very least, expedite their evolution to better prepare them for what lay ahead.

Gazing up at the relentless sun beating down on the bustling streets, Ren couldn't help but wonder if the end of the world was really going to happen.

If so, then he had no time to waste. Ren made up his mind and stepped inside the store, ready to embark on the next phase of his journey.


Sumeri cast a sideways glance at Scar's amiable facade, unable to suppress the inward sneer that twisted her features.

Seated in a luxurious restaurant, she couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at Scar's insistence on this meeting. It wasn't that she harbored lingering feelings for him; rather, it was the allure of the luxurious gifts he offered in exchange for just fifteen minutes of her time. No woman could resist such temptation.

"What do you want?" Sumeri's tone was clipped, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Scar flashed his charming smile — a smile that once used to make her heart flutter with antic.i.p.ation. But now, Sumeri felt only a wave of revulsion wash over her.

She knew all too well that his smile was merely a façade, a tool to manipulate her into granting his wishes.

"I just want to catch up and see what you've been doing," Scar replied smoothly, his voice dripping with practiced charm.

Despite his seemingly innocent words, Sumeri remained wary, acutely aware of the ulterior motives lurking beneath Scar's suave demeanor.

"Is that so? Well, I'm doing just fine," Sumeri retorted, her tone tinged with a hint of sarcasm. "While I can't buy back my parents' company from the clutches of Invayne, I have enough wealth to sustain my current lifestyle and then some."

"Good for you then." Scar cheered with a gla.s.s of wine in his hand, but Sumeri wasn't perturbed and got to his feet. "If that's all you wanted, then I'll be on my way. Thanks for the gifts."

As she rose from her seat to leave, and take the branded bags on the table, Scar's voice halted her in her tracks. "Actually, I have something important to discuss with you. Please take a sit."

Sumeri hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly took her seat again. "Make it quick. You only have five minutes because you wasted so much time asking pointless questions."

Scar took a deep breath. "Sumeri, I know you're still angry with me, and I'm trying to make amends. We may never be able to return to the same relations.h.i.+p we once had, but could we at least be friends?"

Sumeri regarded Scar with an emotionless expression before a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. "You have four minutes left."

Scar's shoulders slumped slightly, but his face hardened. "Fine. What I wanted to tell you is that we're ready to settle with Ren. If you could just . . ."

Sumeri laughed, halting Scar's words. "Ah, so this is what it's all about. And settle? Did Ren even express any desire to settle in the first place?"

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MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist Chapter 863 Contemplations and Confrontations summary

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