Good Evening, Mr President! Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

May you two have an eternal relations.h.i.+p, you sl*t and mutt!

In school—

Hidden behind a stone sculpture in the red maple leaf forest were Chi Yi and Su Yunhua as they eavesdropped on the conversation between an adulterous couple.

“Chenyu, do you find me or Chi Yi, that b*tch, better?” asked the woman coyishly as she lay in Li Chenyu’s embrace.

“Of course you’re better!” He pinched the female’s lips. “You taste so much better than her! That idiotic Chi Yi wouldn’t even let me hold her hand, does she see herself as a holy maiden?! Bah! Who knows how many men have gotten it on with her? She’s only acting virtuously!!”

“Exactly! One can’t help wanting to punch her at the sight of her arrogant face!” She snorted.

The two besties behind the stone sculpture were now rubbing their hands together, eager for some action.

Su Yunhua whispered to her friend, “So, what do you intend to do now?”

“Punch them!”


“You tackle that b*tch while I punch the lights out of that sc.u.mbag! Let’s go!”


And so…

“Li Chenyu—” shouted Chi Yi the moment she stepped out from her hiding spot and charged right at him without giving him any time to react.

Smack, smack—

Two resounding slaps landed harshly on his face, shocking the woman beside him. The woman was about to swear at the intruder when her long hair was grabbed by Su Yunhua who popped out behind her. “B*tch, you wanted to punch Chi Yi, didn’t you? Hah, and you don’t even consider your status! Bah!!”

At this end, the valiant Yunhua obviously had the upper hand in this tussle between her and the sl*t.

On the other side, her friend was at a slight disadvantage in her fight with Li Chenyu since he was a guy, after all. Who was Chi Yi, though? There was no stopping her once she became hot-tempered.

The cheating pair eventually ended up covered in wounds and bruises, but Chi Yi was no better. The hair she had in ponytail earlier was now scattered disheveled over her shoulders and her beautiful oval-shaped face was now bruised and swollen, looking real pathetic. Even her lips were torn and continually seeping blood. Before she left, though, she did not forget to curse, “May you two have an eternal relations.h.i.+p, you sl*t and mutt!!”

“I’m warning you, don’t you be too arrogant, Chi Yi!! Just you wait—” bellowed the guy angrily at her retreating figure.

“Oh, I’ll be waiting! Come on, you sc.u.mbag—” She turned around and flashed him a middle finger.

She had never been afraid of anyone.

“Look at yourself, no wonder no one likes you!”

“The h.e.l.l I freaking care!!”

I must’ve had a brain fart to actually agree to date Li Chenyu back then. Before I even got the chance to dump him, this jerk actually dared to cheat on me! What the h.e.l.l?!


Back home after school.

Afraid that her uncle would see the battle wounds on her face, the la.s.s hastily let her ponytail down and hung her head low to cover her injured face with her long hair. She dared not look at her surroundings at all as she made her way to her bedroom on the second floor and told the housekeeper, “Aunty Lin, I’ve just taken my dinner outside with my cla.s.smates, so I’ll not be eating again. You don’t have to call me later.”

It was a fib.

Fortunately, Chi Zuxu had yet to reach home, otherwise, the cat would surely be let out of the bag if she were to dine at the same table as him later.

“Oh, okay,” responded the housekeeper from the first floor.

The man later returned home only to be seated alone at dinnertime. His niece was absent from the dining table.

“Where’s Chi Yi?” he asked Aunty Lin.

“Missy said that she already had her dinner with her cla.s.smate. She won’t be having her dinner with us.”

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Good Evening, Mr President! Chapter 13 summary

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