Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady Chapter 911: Being Duped

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Chapter 911: Being Duped


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio   Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Li Jin’s voice echoed in the altar, but no one paid any attention.

And in the next moment, the former clan leader walked up to a bodyguard, holding a large bowl. With a small knife, she cut open the bodyguard’s wrist, and fresh, crimson blood flowed into the bowl.

In this manner, more than twenty bodyguards had their wrists slit one after another, and the sound of blood dripping into the bowl resonated in the altar, startling Li Jin. Unable to contain herself any longer, she shouted at Lin Mi, “Lin Mi, release me quickly. 1 only agreed to be the clan leader; I didn’t agree to be involved in these strange rituals.”

Lin Mi looked at Li Jin seriously and said, “In Li Industries, each generation has two clan leaders—one male, the Yang Clan leader, and one female, the Yin Clan leader. Every Yin Clan leader must undergo a ritual. Just endure it. Once you pa.s.s through it, the family will prosper. When Li Industries returns to the

Li family, it will thrive just like the family.”

At this point, no matter how foolish Li Jin had been, she finally realized what was happening.

“Lin Mi, have you been deceiving me all along? Have you been helping these parasites from the side branch plot against me? Do you think that if I die, you can take possession of all my wealth? Let me tell you, it’s impossible. My parents, my uncle, and my auntie will never agree!” Li Jin angrily questioned.

Li Jin’s words instantly incited anger among the crowd.

“Side branch? Li Jin, your lineage is the sideline. We are the main branch of Li Industries!”

“Exactly, how can it be considered scheming? The a.s.sets of your side are nothing but the a.s.sets of our Li Industries. Returning to the Li family is a matter of course.’

“A mere woman like you wants to hold on to so much wealth; it goes against the family tradition! ”

Lin Mi looked at Li Jin and said with a smile, “Cousin, don’t worry. You won’t die. You’ll become the Yin Clan leader, just like my mother, carrying Li Industries and dedicating your life to the prosperity of the Li family!’

Li Jin’s gaze suddenly turned to the old woman, wrinkled and covered in age spots, whom she hadn’t realized was Lin Mi l s mother. She didn’t expect Lin Mi f s mother to be the clan leader, who looked so old and frail.

Logically, Lin Mi was younger than she was, so her mother shouldn’t appear so old, as if she had one foot in the grave—like someone in her eighties or nineties.

Walking slowly to Li Jin’s side, Lin Mi said with a placid expression, “Do you think she doesn’t look like my mother? Sometimes, even I feel that way. She’s not yet forty, but her body has deteriorated. Fortunately, with you, my mother can finally be liberated.”

Li Jin stared at Lin Mi, her shocked eyes gradually turning into furious crimson. “Lin Mi, is this your intention? You had me replace your mother to endure her suffering, didn’t you?”

Lin Mi smiled slightly at Li Jin, enjoying the spectacular scene of more than twenty big men bleeding in unison. She said to Li Jin, “So, you can be clever at times. The existence of the Yin Clan leader in Li Industries is a nightmare for every girl in the family. Many people do prenatal examinations, and as long as it’s a girl, they abort it. So, in the previous generation, only my mother and one auntie were girls.”

Lin Mi l s gaze turned to her mother, and she continued, “Originally, they chose that auntie, so even though my mother was sent away as a concubine, she escaped a calamity. But unexpectedly, that auntie ran away and couldn’t be found, so they brought my mother back.”

Li Jin angrily said, “This is illegal! You can report them. The police can rescue

your mother, can’t they? It’s a rule of law society now. You can definitely put them in prison. Besides, didn’t you say before that I should become the clan leader to break this tradition? Why are you going back on your word? If it weren’t for your betrayal, maybe we would have already rescued your mother!”

Lin Mi chuckled, seemingly amused by Li Jin’s naivety. “Li Jin, you’re too innocent! Even if the police could intervene, do you think a person who was brainwashed would resist their master? No, they wouldn’t!”

“Why not give it a try? What if there’s a chance?” Li Jin implored, pleading with Lin Mi for a chance to escape.

Lin Mi shook her head, “l won’t allow any accidents. So, when they said that if I tricked you into becoming the Yin Clan leader, they would release my mother, I agreed, even if it meant you’ll be sacrificed..”

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Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady Chapter 911: Being Duped summary

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