Naruto System in One Piece Chapter 429

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Chapter 429

It turned out that in order not to expose his ident.i.ty, this Leming was the one that Leiyin used the Transformation Technique to transform.

‘In the future, for convenience, my transformation state will still be called Leming.’

“Interesting!” Jiraya couldn’t suppress the joy on his face. He only felt that his interest in this little brat was getting bigger and bigger. “Wild Lion’s Mane Technique!”

Jiraya’s hair quickly extended, like a dancing white dragon, he rushed towards Leming. Leming couldn’t dodge, and was tightly wrapped by this long and dense white hair.

“No, no!” Suddenly, Jiraya’s pupils tightened, and he flew away. Sure enough, the ground he was standing on exploded, creating a huge hole.

What he was holding was still a shadow clone of Leming.

“As expected of the Three Legendary Sanin, your perception is really sharp.”

When Jiraya found him again, he was already standing in front of him.

Jiraya’s eyes showed a rare dignified look, thinking that he probably met a difficult opponent this time, but it was also this that made him more interested.

Suddenly, he gently raised his right hand, and a chakra cyclone condensed and rotated in his hand, “Kid, what do you think of this?”


“Rasengan!” Just as the cyclone in Jiraya’s hand was about to hit him, Leming also gathered a cyclone in his hand and rushed towards him.

While Jiraya was still in shock, the two energies collided.

With the two people in the center, there was a “boom” sound and an energy swept out in all directions, blowing up sand, stone, and gra.s.s.

When the dust gradually dispersed, the two people were already dozens of meters away from the energy, but they were both unscathed.

“Why do you also know it?” At this time, Jiraya was full of questions about this youth.

Not only did this youth know Wood Release, but he also knew the Ninjutsu created by the 4th Hokage.

Leming suddenly smiled, “Only you can do it, but no one else can?”

“Who exactly are you?” Jiraya’s face was extremely serious.

“When you defeat me, I will tell you.”

“Then I will definitely ask.” As Jiraya spoke, his hands formed a seal again.

His hair grew longer and wrapped around his body. Like a ball of white thorns, he rolled towards Leming.

Leming looked straight ahead, and the chakra in his hand shot out, “Wind Release – Beast Tearing Gale Palm!”

A huge wind pressure burst out from his hand, and the rapidly rolling Jiraya kept spinning in front of the wind pressure. His body and the wind pressure violently rubbed against the air, creating a sharp and piercing sound.

With a “bang” sound, Jiraya was directly sent flying, and Beast Tearing Gale Palm’s wind pressure also gradually weakened.

“Interesting! Then I’ll let you see the real power!” After being hit by the hurricane, Jiraya was knocked back. Suddenly, he put his hands together. Dust was rolling on the ground, and an unknown aura was flowing.

When the smoke around Jiraya gradually dissipated, he saw that his eyes and eyes were bloodshot. There was a toad on his left shoulder and right shoulder.

The toad on the right was called f.u.kasaku, and the one on the left was called s.h.i.+ma.

Sage Mode!

f.u.kasaku said, “Jiraya, don’t always rely on us. It’s best if you learn to control Sage Mode yourself.”

“Just a little ghost and you still want to call us out? Jiraya, aren’t you making a fuss over nothing?”

“I thought the same at first, but after fighting with him, you understood.” Jiraya said.

“Oh? Is that so?”

“Alright! Then let’s get rid of him in one go!” He put his palms together and made a hand seal.

“Wife, don’t get too excited. Be careful, there are more wrinkles.”

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Shut your mouth!”

As s.h.i.+ma spoke, she stuck out her tongue. The front end of the tongue turned into a snake that bit towards Leming. Leming could not dodge in time and was instantly pierced through by s.h.i.+ma’s tongue.

With a “bang”, the target turned into a cloud of smoke. It was just a shadow clone.

“Looks like this kid really has some skills.”

“Wife, now we have to concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of us!”


“It’s almost time for me, Jiraya, to go on stage! Before the fierce battle, show me the cool version of Jiraya! Next up is not an ordinary ninjutsu, but a Sage Mode!”

Then, Jiraya spread out his palm and made his signature move. “Looking up at the light back sky, hero, come and greet!”

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Naruto System in One Piece Chapter 429 summary

You're reading Naruto System in One Piece. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Summer Night Spring Wind, 夏晚春风. Already has 183 views.

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