People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon Chapter 712 - The Wind and Clouds Rise! (3)

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Chapter 712 - The Wind and Clouds Rise! (3)

The Wind and Clouds Rise! (3)


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“That’s right!”

“That’s why I made such an arrangement,” the Elder Zhang said with a smile ” Liu Hao is one of the Ten Great Young Masters. He once openly expressed his love for w.a.n.g Yan Ran in public. Zhang Si Qi even boldly ignored and sometimes even broke our family rule and went to your Liu Family Mansion to look for him many times…”

“If that’s the case, then should I send Sun Yi Fan from my Sun family together? He likes Zhang Si Qi…”

“Hehehe—The show going to be LEGENDERY!”

Elder Leader Li sucked in a breath of cold air.” Four-rivals in love. Why are you guys so good at plotting such evil show…” But I like it!”

“Hold on…BUT what does this have to do with Zhao Yu? If they fight among themselves for their desire lover. How could he get involved?!”” he asked in confusion

“Zhao Yu is our target of everything. At that time, when Elder w.a.n.g announced the news of matching him with w.a.n.g Yan Ran. No matter how, the conflicts will surge towards him. He could not even avoid it. By the way, who knows which type of woman he might be interested in…he might like w.a.n.g Yan Ran as all our young generation as well.”

“Tsk tsk, let’s do it this way right away. I like it! I cannot wait any longer!”

Elder Li was quite impatient.

Seeing this, the others naturally had no objections. They quickly decided on the candidates and then dispersed.

On the way back, the Sun Family and the Zhang Family whispered among themselves,” Is Elder Li really that reckless?!”

Elder Zhang shook his head.” The Li Family previous members had been fighting for the throne in the Nine Dragons. Everyone was a hero, but this unremarkable guy became the only leader in the end. Do you think he is as simple as he looks?!”

Elder Sun nodded thoughtfully.

On the other side, after Elder Li returned home, he held a high-level meeting again.    b

He recounted what he had seen and heard in the w.a.n.g family.

“Elders, what do you think?!”

“There is no problem with leaving behind an heir…”

“The problem now is that a large number of King Slayer Rank three has been taken by the w.a.n.g Family. With them on top of us, it will be very difficult for our family to develop…”

A relatively young middle-aged elder sitting at the last seat suggested “I’ve thought of a way…”

“To be able to borrow a knife to kill and eliminate the w.a.n.g family, and not cause trouble for our family…”

“What do you mean?”

“We all know that the entire town will be buried with Zhao Yu. Therefore it is a consensus that Zhao Yu cannot die…”

“However, it’s different for the Rank one to Rank three are all belongs to the Moon City…”

“The state city could easily destroy our town, but Moon City can’t do that…”

“in the history of Blackstone Town, there was also an example of a family that was punished wantonly after the death of rank three fighter, never to recover from the setback…”

“But the higher-ups have already given the order. Whoever kills the new King Slayer Fighter will be exterminated unless they are killed by demon beasts. But ow is that possible? With the protection of the w.a.n.g family, those people

won’t die so easily…” Someone questioned.

“If we attack, there will definitely be traces. It will be difficult for us to escape…” “Haha!”

“Who said that we should take action?” The middle-aged man chuckled.

“What if Zhao Yu kills Li Tian Ba?”

Elder Li’s stood up and asked the man to reveal his plan. “Zhao Yu is from the State City, and Li Tian Ba is from the Moon City. If Zhao Yu killed Li Tian Ba no one would dare to cause trouble for the State City, nor would they dare to ’ touch Zhao Yu and us. They can only vent their anger on the w.a.n.g Family…” “This way, the w.a.n.g Family will suffer a great loss!”

“But how do we get Zhao Yu to kill Li Tian Ba? Besides, can Zhao Yu really capable to kill Li Tian Ba? You do know that Li Tian Ba is already at the intermediate level of the second rank, while Zhao Yu has only just entered the second rank…even he has greater potential than Li Tian Ba. He might die beforehand.”

The middle-aged man said confidently, “I have a way…”

After listening, the group pondered for a moment and ultimately agreed with

the elder’s viewpoint, allowing him to proceed.

The next day.

At the w.a.n.g family estate.

Outside the training hall, several young members of the w.a.n.g family gathered chatting leisurely.

“What a waste, a second-tier divine medicine given to an outsider…”

“Yes, we of the w.a.n.g family don’t even have enough for ourselves, how can we give it to someone from the Li family?!”

“And it’s Li Ping An, that useless guy!”

“d.a.m.n, Li Ping An was just a peak first tier fighter, not even a King Slayer Rank 1 ighter. After using second-tier divine medicine he could only reach the beginning of the second tier, it would have been better given to me, allowing advancement to intermediate level of second-tier…”

Some were indignant, feeling that the scarce second-tier divine medicine was squeezed out for someone from the Li family.

“Ah, what can you do when he’s w.a.n.g Yan Ran’s brother…”

“I heard it was w.a.n.g Yan Ran who pleaded with the elders for the medicine…”

“Why would the elder agree?!”

“I remember, Li Ping An has been stuck for a long time, w.a.n.g Yan Ran couldn’t get it before, how did it suddenly change?!”

“They say, it’s related to that Zhao Yu…”

“Zhao Yu… the newly King Slayer of Rank Five?!”

“That’s right, haven’t you heard? All our Elders plans to have w.a.n.g Yan Ran matched with Zhao Yu…”

-d.a.m.n, what are the elders thinking, giving divine medicine to outsiders, even our own women are pushed out…”

Although some were surnamed w.a.n.g, they were not closely related to w.a.n.g

Yan Ran and thus harbored thoughts about her.


Just then, the door of the training room opened, and a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy excitedly walked out.

It was Li Ping An, the center of discussion, and also w.a.n.g Yan Ran’s brother.

“Cousin Ping An, congratulations on advancing to the second tier!”

Some, harboring their own thoughts, led the congratulations.

Li Ping An, proud and complacent, accepted gracefully.

His sister was w.a.n.g Yan Ran, naturally he received much favor on normal days; both the Li and w.a.n.g families treated him kindly, and he naturally carried an air of arrogance..

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People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon Chapter 712 - The Wind and Clouds Rise! (3) summary

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