The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 607: Uncle Is Jealous Again…

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Chapter 607: Uncle Is Jealous Again…


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Dong Feifei was a person who was very good at hiding herself. Therefore, she returned to her white lotus image in an instant.

“h.e.l.lo, I’m Dong Feifei. Xinjie and I have been friends for many years. I’m really happy that Xinjie has another friend other than me.”

Dong Feifei was indeed an actress. Her acting skills came from life. If she was acting in life, how could her acting skills not be good?

Dong Feifei extended her fair hand to Jian Dan.

Although Jian Dan saw through her facade, she did not expose her. Instead, she smiled and extended her hand. “Yeah. We’re all friends from now on.” Jian Dan flashed an innocent smile.

Since she likes to play, Ill play along then. It’ll be boring if the game ends too early.

“That’s right. Although Xinjie has a temper, she’s still very kind-hearted.”

“Of course I know that. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have become friends with her.”

“I think Yuanyuan is a very cute girl, so I’m very happy to be friends with her.” “Yuanyuan?” Dong Feifei was trying her best to control herself as she repeated this but Jian Dan could still hear the unnaturalness in her tone.

I just made a small move and she’s losing her cool already?

Jian Dan shook her head silently in her heart…

“Yeah. Doesn’t Yuanyuan sound more intimate?” Since she cares so much over a form of address, I naturally have to take the opportunity to fan the fire.

“Hehe… Yeah, it’s very intimate.” There was a hint of awkwardness on her face as she replied Jian Dan. “Um, filming is about to begun. I’ll go touch up my makeup first.” Dong Feifei excused herself and left.

Jian Dan looked at Dong Feifei’s departing figure as she left, and the corners of her mouth curled into a playful smile.

Looks like things are going to get very interesting in future.

“Jian, I’m so happy. I’m really happy to see you and Feifei hit it off so well.” Yuan Xinjie said with a smile as she hugged Jian Dan’s arm and leaned her head against it.

“Yeah, we really hit it off.” Jian Dan deliberately emphasized on the words “hit it off”.

“Ahem! Isn’t filming about to begin?” Chu Liyuan said as he reached Jian Dan.

He really couldn’t stand it anymore. Why is she always hugging my la.s.s’s arm and not letting go? She’s got to know that Jian Jian is mine exclusively!

“Oh, right. I’ll go over first then…”

“By the way, Jian, let’s have lunch together.”

After that, Yuan Xinjie went back to work…

It had to be said that Yuan Xinjie was really different from usual when she worked—she would become exceptionally serious and hardworking when working.

Such a Xinjie made Jian Dan even more certain that this was a friend worth making.

Jian Dan, who had been looking at Xinjie, felt an intense gaze on her…

She turned around and met Chu Liyuan’s eyes…

“Why are you looking at someone else instead of the super handsome guy beside you?” This made Chu Liyuan very displeased.

Shouldn’t Jian Jian’s eyes be on me only?

“Uncle, why are you jealous of a girl? Yuanyuan is a friend I just made.”

“If you want to make friends, so be it. Do you have to hug each other?” At the thought of Yuan Xinjie hugging Jian Dan’s arm tightly just now, Chu Liyuan felt very upset.

Jian Dan facepalmed.

Uncle’s jealousy is a little ridiculous.

But why would Chu Liyuan care? In his heart, Jian Dan belonged to him alone..

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 607: Uncle Is Jealous Again… summary

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