The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 632: Just Because I Call Him Uncle Doesn't Necessarily Mean He's My Uncle!

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Chapter 632: Just Because I Call Him Uncle Doesn’t Necessarily Mean He’s My Uncle!


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After Chu Liyuan realized that Jian Dan was missing, he went to search for her. Liao Xingran followed after him.

“Don’t be anxious. She left with my sister.”

“Where are they?”

“I don’t know either.”

“Why would Jian Jian leave with your sister?”

“They might be trying to create an opportunity for us.” Liao Xingran whispered as she lowered her head.

Chu Liyuan thought that there was something wrong with his ears.

“What did you say?”

“Your niece has probably seen that we… we…” Liao Xingran said in embarra.s.sment.

Niece? Does Jian Jian look like my niece?

This made Chu Liyuan very displeased.

“Get your sister to send my Jian Jian back immediately!”

“They just want us to have some time alone. Don’t let them down.”

At this moment, Liao Xingran was no longer reserved.

Because they were going back today, she had to tell him her feelings today.

“Besides, she likes me very much. If I become her aunt, she should be very happy too.”

Chu Liyuan looked at the woman in front of him and his stomach churned…

At this moment, Chu Liyuan did not even want to say a word to this woman, let alone look at her. Hence, he turned on the GPS tracker on his cell phone and checked Jian Dan’s location, which was not far from him.

He ignored Liao Xingran and walked towards Jian Dan’s location on the tracker…

Seeing Chu Liyuan suddenly leave without saying a word, Liao Xingran was puzzled and hurriedly chased after him…

“Where are you going?”

Chu Liyuan was in a hurry to find Jian Dan, so he did not have the time to care about her.

Chu Liyuan soon saw Jian Dan. At the sight of her, Chu Liyuan quickened his pace…

“Jian Jian, why did you leave with other people so easily?”

“Uncle, you’re here. I knew you would come looking for me.” Jian Dan hugged Chu Liyuan’s arm.

“Say, you’re really insensible. It’s fine for a niece to be close to your uncle, but there has to be a limit.” Liao Meiran reminded Jian Dan when she saw her hugging Chu Liyuan too intimately.

“Limit? Do I need you to judge how I interact with Uncle? Who do you think you are?”

“Young lady, how can you talk like that? Although I’m not related to you yet, things will be different after my sister marries your uncle.”

“What makes you so sure that Uncle will marry your sister?”

“Of course… Why don’t you ask him yourself then?” Liao Meiran threw the question to Chu Liyuan.

“Uncle, you… like her?” Jian Dan tilted her head and looked at Chu Liyuan as she pointed at Liao Xingran.

Liao Xingran lowered her head and waited shyly for Chu Liyuan’s answer.

“You’ve always been the only one I like. You know that.” Chu Liyuan gazed intently at Jian Dan.

The moment Chu Liyuan said that, Liao Meiran and Liao Xingran turned to look at Jian Dan.

“You two…”

“Hear that?” Jian Dan asked arrogantly as she raised her chin.

“What’s your relations.h.i.+p?” Liao Meiran asked agitatedly.

“What kind of relations.h.i.+p do you think we have?” Jian Dan pulled open her collar, revealing the hickeys on her collarbone.

The hickeys were like needles, piercing Liao Xingran’s eyes deeply.

“But Chu Liyuan isn’t married at all. Besides, you keep calling him ‘Uncle’!”

“So what if I call him ‘Uncle’? Just because I call him ‘Uncle’ doesn’t necessarily mean he’s my uncle!”

It turned out that it was just their wishful thinking in the past two days. They foolishly thought that Jian Dan was only his niece. It turned out that they were actually husband and wife..

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 632: Just Because I Call Him Uncle Doesn't Necessarily Mean He's My Uncle! summary

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